Experts: Education

Laura Steacy

Professor of Special Education and research faculty at the Florida Center for Reading Research

Steacy’s research interests include early reading development, early predictors of reading achievement and interventions for students who have or are at-risk for reading disabilities.

(850) 644-1771

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Motoko Akiba

Professor of Educational Leadership & Policy

Motoko Akiba is an expert on teacher policy and reform, including teacher professional development, teacher evaluation, and teacher compensation. She conducts policy and leadership research on the state and school district supports associated with improvement of the teaching profession in the U.S. as well as other countries.

(850) 644-5553

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Russell Almond

Associate Professor of Measurement & Statistics

Almond is an expert on educational psychology, with an emphasis on measurement and statistics, as well as teacher qualifications and school outcomes with particular focus on teacher knowledge and the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).

(850) 644-5203

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Tim Baghurst

Professor and Director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Athletic Coaching (FSU COACH)

Baghurst is a professor in the College of Education and director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Athletic Coaching (FSU COACH). He is an expert in coaching education, coach development, ethics in sport, and international athletes and international sports.

(850) 644-3486

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Cameron Beatty

Assistant professor in the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Department

Beatty is an assistant professor in the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Department in the College of Education. He teaches courses in the undergraduate leadership certificate and conducts research with the Leadership and Learning Research Center.

His research foci includes exploring the intersections of gender and race in leadership education, leadership development of students of color on historically white college campuses and global leadership education for undergraduate students. His recent publications center on topics that include: supporting undergraduate Black women through Sister Circles, gains in leadership capacity for high achieving Black men leaders and supporting undergraduate men in leadership education through liberatory pedagogy.

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Betsy Becker

Mode L. Stone Distinguished Professor of Educational Statistics

Becker is an expert on educational psychology, with an emphasis on measurement and statistics, as well as teacher qualifications and school outcomes with particular focus on teacher knowledge and the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).

(850) 645-2371

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Megan Buning

Teaching Faculty I, Interdisciplinary Center for Athletic Coaching (FSU COACH)

Buning is an expert on sport coaching, athlete experiences, and mental performance and sport psychology for coaches, athletes and game officials. She is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC), is listed on the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC) Sport Psychology Registry, is a trained Mindful Sport Performance Enhancement instructor, and is accredited to issue the DISC Profile and Test of Attentional and Interpersonal Styles (TAIS) assessments.

(850) 644-6646

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Kathleen Clark

Associate Professor of Mathematics Education

Clark is an expert in mathematical knowledge for teaching, use of history of mathematics in teaching, history of mathematics, professional development of teachers, and qualitative research methodology.

(850) 644-8497

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Vanessa Paz Dennen

Professor of Instructional Systems & Learning Technologies

Dennen researches online learning, online communities, knowledge networks and social media use in K-12 education. Within these areas, she focuses on issues such as learning activity design, identity, privacy, and ethical technology use.

(850) 644-8783

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Marcy Driscoll

Dean Emerita and Leslie J. Briggs Professor of Educational Research

Driscoll is Dean Emerita of the FSU College of Education and the Leslie J. Briggs Professor of Educational Research. Her research focuses on learning systems and instruction.

Topics: Education

(850) 644-3632

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Deborah Ebener

Professor and Director of Clinical Training

Ebener is Professor and Director of Clinical Training in the College of Education’s Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems. Ebener’s research focuses on psychological and social factors that influence an individual’s coping and adaptation to disability and chronic illness, as well as recovery from substance use disorders. Her current research examines positive psychology constructs of humor, spirituality and optimism as coping mechanisms in recovery and adaptation.

(850) 644-1789

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Barbara Foorman

Director Emeritus and Kraft Professor of Education

Foorman is an expert in reading, assessment and language development. She is director emeritus of the Florida Center for Reading Research and director of the Regional Educational Laboratory Southeast at Florida State University.

(850) 645-7456

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Colleen Ganley

Associate Professor of Developmental Psychology

Ganley is an expert in math anxiety and understanding the social, cognitive, and affective factors related to math learning and achievement, with a specific interest in individual differences related to gender and income level. She has investigated factors such as teacher biases, stereotype threat, anxiety, working memory, and spatial skills as potential malleable factors that may be related to gender and income-level differences in mathematics achievement.

(850) 645-5858

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Kathy Guthrie

Associate Professor of Higher Education

Guthrie is an expert on leadership in higher education, including the teaching and learning of leadership, culturally relevant leadership learning, and professional development for higher education administrators.

(850) 644-6777

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Mary F Hanline

Professor of Special Education

Hanline is an expert on working with special needs students, particularly young children.

(850) 644-8417

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Stacey Hardin

Teaching Faculty in Special Education

Hardin’s areas of interests include culturally responsive teaching, academic engagement for students with emotional and behavioral disabilities, and teacher preparation for students with disabilities.

(850) 644-1051

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Phil Hiver

Assistant Professor of Foreign and Second Language Education

Hiver is an expert on second and foreign language acquisition and language pedagogy. His research explores how classroom instruction links to learners’ investment, expenditure of effort, participation and engagement with languages.

(850) 644-2097

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Shouping Hu

Founding director of the Center for Postsecondary Success at Florida State University and Louis W. and Elizabeth N. Bender Endowed Professor of Higher Education

Hu is an expert on higher education finance, Florida’s Bright Futures program and college access.

(850) 644-6721

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Patrice Iatarola

Associate Professor of Education Policy & Evaluation

Iatarola is an expert on high school reform, urban schools, small high schools and funding.

(850) 644-8162

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Lama Jaber

Assistant Professor of Science Education

Jaber researches students’ engagement and emotions in learning science, both in face-to-face and in online settings. She also examines ways to support pre-service and in-service teachers in their efforts to promote students’ engagement through responsive teaching.

(850) 645-4717

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Elizabeth Jakubowski

Associate Professor in School of Teacher Education

Jakubowski is interested in both general teacher education and development and the infusion of technology into mathematics teaching and learning, and ways to ensure mathematics equity. She taught mathematics and computer science for four years at the middle grades level and has also taught in summer programs for high school students. Her research interests include teacher education learning and development, policy issues in teacher education, and equity.

(850) 644-8428

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Jeffrey James

Mode L. Stone Distinguished Professor of Sport Management

James is an expert on sport marketing, global sports, sponsorship, branding and sport fans.

(850) 644-4813

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Allan Jeong

Associate Professor of Instructional Systems, College of Education

Jeong is an associate professor in the College of Education’s Instructional Systems & Learning Technologies program in the Department of Educational Psychology & Learning Systems. He is an expert on online discourse, computer supported collaborative argumentation and learning analytics.

(850) 644-8784

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Fengfeng Ke

Professor of Educational Psychology & Learning Systems

Ke’s research focuses on digital game-based learning, inclusive design of computer supported collaborative learning, mixed-reality integrated immersive learning and adaptive e-learning.

(850) 644-8794

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Michael Kofler

Assistant Professor of Psychology and director of the Children's Learning Clinic

Dr. Kofler is the director and founder of the Children’s Learning Clinic. His research focuses on identifying strengths and building capabilities in children with ADHD. His primary research goals are to identify ways to improve ADHD behavioral treatment and also develop ADHD-centric, game-based neurocognitive training. This research is funded by the National Institute of Mental Health and the FSU Psychology Department.

Dr. Kofler is a licensed clinical psychologist in Florida and Virginia. He has published more than 50 scientific articles and book chapters on topics related to childhood ADHD, and he serves on the editorial boards of Child Neuropsychology and the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. He is a recipient of the Young Scientist Research Award from the national ADHD group CHADD.

(850) 645-0656

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S. Kathleen Krach

Assistant Professor of School Psychology

Krach’s research focuses on improving assessment and intervention practices in the field of social-emotional/behavioral skills with a through the use of emerging technologies. Krach is licensed as a psychologist in the states of Florida, Nevada and Alabama and holds the credential of Nationally Certified School Psychologist.

(850) 644-4593

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Ana H. Marty

Research Faculty, Early Childhood Education and Literacy Specialist

Marty’s work focuses on improving pre-primary and primary education in low and middle-income countries, with expertise in early childhood education and development, literacy instruction, and education research. She has managed large-scale longitudinal research projects and created assessments for English-minority-speaking preschool children. Her work in Africa, Southeast Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean aims to strengthen the instructional and research capacity of higher education institutions’ teacher training programs to build a cadre of teachers competent to implement evidence-based literacy instructional practices.

(850) 645-5858

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Insu Paek

Associate Professor of Measurement & Statistics

Paek’s research centers on item response modeling, test score equating, and psychometric issues in large scale assessment.

(850) 644-3064

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Lara Perez-Felkner

Professor of Higher Education & Sociology

Perez-Felkner’s research uses developmental and sociological perspectives to the mechanisms that shape entry into and persistence with respect to college and career pathways, from secondary school through the workforce. She especially focuses on post-secondary access and success in scientific and technological career fields.

(850) 645-8450

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Steven Pfeiffer

Professor Emeritus of Counseling Psychology & School Psychology

Pfeiffer’s areas of research focus on the identification and development of gifted and talented students, the unique social and emotional needs of high ability children and youth, and the effective parenting to raise well-adjusted and successful children and youth.

(850) 644-8796

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Flavia Ramos-Mattoussi

Senior Research Associate at Learning Systems Institute (LS) and Associate Director,

Ramos-Mattoussi’s areas of expertise are related to international education and development; gender, nonformal adult education; visual sociology qualitative research methods (gender, health, child labor, community-based initiatives, etc.); and literacy. She’s worked in over 25 countries in the last 30 years managing international development projects in the education sector and is fluent in English, Portuguese, and Spanish.c

(850) 644-4413

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Rabieh Razzouk

Director, Learning Systems Institute, and Director, Florida Center for Research in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (FCR-STEM)

Razzouk, the director of the Learning Systems Institute, is an expert in the design and development of technologies and innovations for teaching and learning. In addition, he is an expert in curriculum development, STEM education,  teacher professional development and large-scale project management. As the Florida Center for Research in STEM director, he collaborates with multi-disciplinary teams of content and technology experts, instructional designers, STEM teachers and researchers to improve and support high-quality education in Florida and worldwide.

(850) 694-1682

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Robert Reiser

Associate Dean for Research and Robert M. Morgan Professor of Instructional Systems

Reiser is an expert on instructional design and effective college teaching strategies.

(850) 644-6885

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Jenny Root

Assistant Professor of Special Education

Root is an expert in special education, with an emphasis on evidence-based practices for students with autism and intellectual disability and use of applied-behavior analysis in education settings.

(850) 645-2542

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Stacey Rutledge

Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy

Rutledge is an expert in school reform policy effects, educator response to school reform policies, principal and teacher work in context of school reform, teacher quality policy implications and parental influence on school reform.

(850) 644-8163

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Valerie Shute

Mack and Effie Campbell Tyner Endowed Professor of Education

Shute is an expert on games, learning, and assessment.

(850) 644-8785

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Sherry Southerland

Anne & John Daves Professor of Science Education

Southerland’s research focuses on barriers and pathways to change in educational practice, science teacher learning, effective practices to support teacher and student learning, and understanding the role culture and beliefs in science teaching and learning.

(850) 645-4667

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Bret Staudt Willet

Assistant Professor of Instructional Systems & Learning Technologies

Staudt Willet is an expert on networked learning in online communities. In particular, he studies how social media platforms both benefit and complicate professional transitions, such as new teachers’ induction from preparation programs into professional practice.

(850) 644-8785

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Marty Swanbrow Becker

Assistant Professor of Mental Health Counseling

Swanbrow Becker’s research focuses on suicide prevention, stress, coping, resilience, and help-seeking among college students.

(850) 645-1293

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Dina Vyortkina

Director of the Office of Information and Instructional Technologies

Vyortkina directs the College of Education’s Office of Information and Instructional Technologies (OIIT), where she encourages faculty and students to use e-learning strategies and technologies to enhance learning, teaching, assessment and research. As part of the International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) task force, she is involved in developing competencies for educators working in blended and online learning and teaching environments.

(850) 644-9623

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Annie Wofford

Assistant Professor

Wofford is an expert on graduate education and graduate student development, STEM higher education, and mentoring relationships in higher education. She conducts research that examines structures of inequity across students’ pathways to and through graduate-level degrees. Dr. Wofford is also a facilitator for the Equity in Graduate Education consortium (housed at the University of Southern California).

(850) 645-0821

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