Hans Hassell, Ph.D. (Department of Political Science) won the 2020 Best Paper Award from the American Political Science Association’s Elections, Public Opinion, and Voting Behavior (EPOVB) Section for “Mobilize for Our Lives? School Shootings and Retrospective Voting in U.S. Elections.”
Hannah Schwadron, Ph.D. (School of Dance) received the 2019 de la Torre Bueno® First Book Award by the Dance Studies Association for her book “The Case of the Sexy Jewess: Dance, Gender and Jewish Joke-work in US Pop Culture,” published by Oxford University Press.
Robert Reardon, Ph.D., Janet Lenz, Ph.D., Gary Peterson, Ph.D., and Jim Sampson, Ph.D. (Career Center) received favorable reviews for the recently published edition of their book titled “Career Development and Planning: A Comprehensive Approach” (6th ed.) from both NACADA and the Journal of College Student Development.
Nancy Benavides, J.D. (College of Law) was selected as one of three recipients of the E. Smythe Gambrell Professionalism Award for her Raising the Bar Professionalism+ Program. This is an awards program of the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Professionalism supported by the E. Smythe Gambrell Fund for Professionalism.
Marshall B. Kapp, J.D., M.P.H. (Colleges of Law & Medicine), was recently appointed to serve on the national Coronavirus Commission for Safety and Quality in Nursing Homes. As a part of the national Opening Up America Again effort, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) established this independent commission to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the nursing home response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The commission will provide independent recommendations to CMS to help inform immediate and future responses to COVID-19 in nursing homes.
The Office of Research Development publishes a monthly Research Awards Report which provides a listing of all grants awarded to FSU faculty each month. Click here to view this report.
Jack Nicholson Ph.D., Cassandra Cole Ph.D., Charles Nyce Ph.D. and Patty Born Ph.D., (College of Business) and the Florida Catastrophic Storm Risk Management Center received a grant from Citizens Property Insurance Corporation for $265,696. They plan to study ways to reduce Citizens exposure and expand the private residential property insurance market in Florida with their project, “Citizens Property Insurance Corporation Exposure Reduction and Depopulation Opportunity Analysis.”
Paul M. Renfro Ph.D. (Department of History) published a new book titled “Stranger Danger: Family Values, Childhood, and the American Carceral State,” and was featured on the podcast “This is Hell” discussing it. Renfro also recently published articles in Boston Review and CounterPunch titled “Arresting Justice: Victimizing the Victimizers Won’t End the Policing Crisis.”
Fanchon “Fancy” Funk Ph.D. (College of Education) co-authored “Swans of the World Habitats: Setting the Standard for Swan Conservation.” Published by The Regal Swan® Foundation, Inc., the book was named a finalist by the 2020 Next Generation Indie Book Awards in the Animals and Pets category. The book examines the history of swans, swan medical care, and habitat conservation and is designed to help veterinarians, swan keepers and swan owners better understand these animals.
Veronica Fleury, Ph.D. (College of Education) published a new study in Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders titled “Brief Report: Caregiver Perceptions of Autism Practices.” Fleury found that caregivers of children with ASD “are more familiar with unsubstantiated practices than evidence-based practices” and that “the credibility of the source providing information about ASD practices does not consistently influence caregivers’ evaluation of the practice.”
Frederick M. Abbott, J.D. (College of Law) authored a piece for Health Policy Watch titled, “World Trade Organization Faces Leadership Battle in Shadow of Crisis Over Organization’s Future.”
Mary Ziegler, J.D. (College of Law) authored a piece for The Atlantic titled, “What Norma McCorvey Believed Matters.”
Eren Erman Ozguven, Ph.D. (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Mark Horner, Ph.D. (Department of Geography) and doctoral students Kyusik Kim (Department of Geography) and Mahyar Ghorbanzadeh (FAMU-FSU College of Engineering) co-authored a study published in Transportation Research Part D, analyzing how long it takes people across Florida to travel to a mental health facility by car in free-flowing traffic.
Stephanie Kennedy, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) published two articles focused on the experiences of incarcerated women with colleagues from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and Columbia University. The first article, “Childhood Polyvictimization and Mental Health Issues among Incarcerated Women,” was published in the Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma. The second, “‘I took care of my kids’: mothering while incarcerated,” was published in Health & Justice.
Tanu Kohli Bagwe, Ph.D. and Elçin Haskollar, Ph.D., (Center for Global Engagement) co-authored “Variables Impacting Intercultural Competence: A Systematic Literature Review,” published in the Journal of Intercultural Communication Research. The findings of this research inform scholars, educators, and practitioners of the most effective ways to design intercultural experiences and help participants maximize their learning at home and abroad.
Nancy Gerber Ph.D. and Dave Gussak Ph.D., (Art Therapy Program) co-authored the article “Doctoral Education in Art Therapy: Current Trends and Future Directions,” published by the Journal of the American Art Therapy Association.
James E. Wright II, Ph.D., (Askew School of Public Administration and Policy) co-authored “Social Equity and COVID‐19: The Case of African Americans” in the Public Administration Review, which explains the disproportionate effect of the virus on Black communities. He also co-authored “Police Use of Force Interactions: Is Race Relevant or Gender Germane?” in The American Review of Public Administration, which utilized individual-level data from two police departments to explore differences in the amount of force used by officers in ethnic, racial, and gender matches in police-civilian encounters.
Pam Perrewé, Ph.D. (College of Business) co-authored and published a new book, “Political Skill at Work,” on how to influence, motivate and win support. In today’s organizations, career success depends more on political skill – the ability to influence, motivate, and win support from others – than on almost any other characteristic.
Samuel Staley, Ph.D. (DeVoe L. Moore Center) published an op-ed in the Tallahassee Democrat titled “Making Long-term Progress on Police Brutality Means Changing Incentives.”
Michael D. Trammell, Ph.D. (College of Business) published his latest book “Rad Sick Record, A Novel,” which explores the uneasy coexistence between the everyday and the surreal.
Tyler McCrearey, Ph.D. (Department of Geography) co-authored “Performing Black Life: the FAMU Marching 100 and the Black Aesthetic Politics of Disruption, Presence and Affirmation,” published in the journal Cultural Geographies.
Amy L. Ai, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) authored “Depression in Patients with Heart Diseases: Gender Differences and Association of Comorbidities, Optimism, and Spiritual Struggle,” which has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. Ai also co-authored “Optimism Versus Pessimism as Predictors of Physical Health: A Comprehensive Reanalysis of Dispositional Optimism Research,” published in the journal American Psychologist.
Lucinda Graven, Ph.D. (College of Nursing) co-authored the article, “Psychometric Examination of the Dutch Objective Burden Inventory in Heart Failure Caregivers,” recently accepted for publication in the Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing.
Horacio E. Rousseau, Ph.D. (College of Business) co-authored “CEO Power and Nonconforming Reference Group Selection,” which has been accepted for publication by the journal Organization Science.
Bruce Lamont, Ph.D., Michael Holmes Ph.D. (College of Business) along with Georgia Southern University’s Katia De Melo Galdino, co-authored “Safety Risk and International Investment Decisions,” accepted for publication by the Journal of World Business
Michael Holmes, Ph.D. (College of Business) co-authored “Corporate Entrepreneurship, Country Institutions, and Firm Financial Performance,” which has been accepted for publication by the Journal of World Business.
Samantha Paustian-Underdahl, Ph.D. (College of Business) will present “Going Above and Beyond…Me? How Supervisors Perceive Subordinate Work-to-home Integration Behavior,” at the Southern Management Association Annual Meeting in October.
David R. King, Ph.D. (College of Business) will present “The Impact of Distance on Cross-border Acquisition Outcomes: Revisiting the CAGE Framework,” at the Southern Management Association Annual Meeting in October.
Bruce Lamont, Ph.D. (College of Business) will present “I’m Out of Here: How CEO Personality Impacts Team Turnover,” at the Southern Management Association Annual Meeting in October.
David Merrick (Emergency Management and Homeland Security program) spoke at a Zoom webinar with the CLEO Institute about the science behind hurricanes, what we can expect to see this year and how the State of Florida is preparing in the face of the COVID–19 crisis.
Pam Perrewé Ph.D. (College of Business) will be a discussant for a symposium on “Rebels Without a Cause? A Symposium about Quantitative and Qualitative Counterproductive Work Behavior Research” at the Southern Management Association Annual Meeting in October.
Christopher Uejio, Ph.D. (Department of Geography), Tisha Holmes, Ph.D. (Department of Urban & Regional Planning) and doctoral student Bertram Melix (Department of Geography), along with co-authors from various health departments in Florida and other states, published research on social determinants of health expectancy in the journal BMC Public Health. Unlike previous studies, this research analyzes the relationship between social determinants of health and unequal life expectancy at the neighborhood level as opposed to the county level.
Michael David Franklin, Ph.D. (Honors Program) presented at the Council on Undergraduate Research’s Biennial Conference. The title of his presentation was “Honors Thesis Metrics, Data-Driven Assessment, and the Socialization of Undergraduate Researchers.”
Christina Owens, Ph.D. (Honors Program) presented “English for Sex?: White Hetero-Masculinity in Contemporary Japan,” for Columbia College Chicago’s “Making and Unmaking Whiteness” (transitioned-to-virtual) lecture series.
Annie Grier, MSW (Diversity & Inclusion) presented at the Network for Social Work Management Policy Fellows 2020 Virtual Poster Presentations June 5. The title of her presentation was “And Other Related Fields: Developing Competence in Macro Social Work”.
Holly Hanessian (Department of Art) presented on “Craft for Care and Well-Being” in the first of the series “American Craft Forum,” sponsored by the American Craft Council and moderated by Hrag Vartanian, editor–in–chief and co-founder of Hyperallergic.
Dave Gussak, Ph.D. (Art Therapy Program) presented the lecture “Creativity in an Uncreative Space,” sponsored by the Gadsden Arts Center on June 4, on the therapeutic benefits of art–making for artists like Eddie Mumma and The Candy Man, and the human drive to create, that can flourish in unlikely circumstances and elevate the reality of the creator despite limitation imposed by the environment.
Douglas Tatum (Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship) served as a panelist in a webinar for INC. – War Council Webinar Board of Advisors, and for Insperity’s Business Resiliency Series Session 6.
Jawole Zollar (School of Dance) moderated two panel discussions titled “Speaking from the Heart: Conversations on Art, Inequity, and Hope for Transformation” at the 2020 Dance/USA Conference on June 18.
Bruce Lamont, Ph.D., Pam Perrewé, Ph.D. and Wayne Hochwarter, Ph.D. (College of Business) will be part of a panel on “A 20/20 Vision on the Future of Academics” at the Southern Management Association Annual Meeting.
Carrie Pettus-Davis, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) will join other criminal justice scholars, policymakers and experts for a Congressional Briefing on Black Lives Matter, Social Work, and the Future of Policing on June 30.
Lucinda Graven, Ph.D. (College of Nursing) was recently appointed to serve as chair of the Complex Patient and Family Care Committee affiliated with the Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing, one of 16 scientific councils within the American Heart Association.
Lisa Schelbe, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) is the new editor for The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) Advisor and the APSAC Alert. She will be working with Penn State’s College of Education and a faculty member for the Child Maltreatment Solutions Network, on both publications.
Tisha Holmes, Ph.D. (Department of Urban & Regional Planning) has been selected to serve a two-year appointment on the American Public Health Associations’ Center of Climate, Health and Equity Advisory Board. The board will support the center’s efforts to inspire action on climate and health, advance policy and galvanize the field to address climate change.
Michael Buchler, Ph.D. (College of Music) has been elected President-Elect of the Society for Music Theory for the 2020-2021 academic year.
April Knill, Ph.D. (College of Business) is on the Editorial Review Board for the Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS). JIBS is multidisciplinary in scope and interdisciplinary in content and methodology, publishing content from across six sub-domains of international business studies.
Michael Holmes Ph.D. (College of Business) was invited to join the review board for Journal of Management.
David King, Ph.D. (College of Business) was invited as special reviewer of papers nominated to receive the SMS Research Methods Paper Prize.
Tingting Zhao, Ph.D. (Department of Geography), Tian Tang, Ph.D. (Askew School of Public Administration) and Minna Jia, Ph.D. (FSU Survey Foundry) are collaborating with principal investigator Yanshuo Sun, Ph.D. (FAMU–FSU College of Engineering) on a project funded by the university to understand people’s hurricane decision-making during the COVID-19 pandemic. They will collect survey questionnaires on the public’s responses on whether, where and how to evacuate and will conduct interviews with government officials from the aspect of hurricane evacuation planning.
Joshua Newman, Ph.D. (College of Education) appeared on an episode of the podcast Global Sport Matters. The episode, “The Huddle: NASCAR & The Confederate Flag, Student Journalists’ Roundtable,” discusses recent events in NASCAR dealing with the Confederate Flag and driver Bubba Wallace.