Mark Kearley, Ph.D., (Chemistry) has been named the director of the Florida State University Honors program.
Kearley looks forward to working with the talented staff to enhance the educational and extracurricular opportunities for the FSU Honors students.
“I plan to grow the FSU Honors community by building connections with alumni and engaging faculty to develop new and unique opportunities for our students and enhance funding for creative endeavors,” Kearley said.
Kearley joined the FSU Department of Chemistry faculty in 2005. Throughout his career, he has received numerous teaching awards, been awarded two research grants from the National Institutes of Health, published seven research papers/articles and has worked with 35 undergraduate research students.
Victor Nunez (Motion Picture Arts) has been invited to join the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in the category of Directing. The Academy extends invitations to artists and executives who have distinguished themselves by their contributions to theatrical motion pictures. Nunez is best known for writing and directing “Ulee’s Gold.”
Tyra Dark, Ph.D. (College of Medicine Department of Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine), received $50,000 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to study “Examining equitable care among racial/ethnic groups of Medicaid recipients with cardiometabolic syndrome and comorbid anxiety disorder.”
Reza Arghandeh, Ph.D. (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Jinghui Hou, Ph.D. (Communication), and Eren E. Ozguven, Ph.D. (Civil and Environmental Engineering), have received an Early-concept Grant for Exploratory Research (EAGER) of $233,123 from the National Science Foundation to conduct research on urban mobility, “UHDNetCity: User-Centered Heterogeneous Data Fusion for Multi-Networked City Mobility.” Researchers will aim to develop a data-driven approach to characterize urban mobility, which integrates collected data from the transportation network, electricity network, weather, air quality and social media within the City of Tallahassee.
Lei Zhu, Ph.D., and Kenneth Knappenberger, Ph.D. (Chemistry and Biochemistry), have received a $435,000 grant from the Chemical Structure, Dynamics & Mechanisms B Program of the Chemistry Division at the National Science Foundation. The researchers are developing new organic fluorescent molecules that are individually capable of emitting light of different colors. The goal is to understand the fundamental molecular structural requirements that give rise to the unique property of multiple emissions.
Ming Ye, Ph.D., (Scientific Computing), has received a $271,601 grant from the NSF Division of Earth Sciences for the project, “Collaborative Research: Multimodel Bayesian Data-Worth Analysis for Groundwater Remediation Design.” The proposed multimodel data-worth analysis for remediation design will provide a transformative platform for scientists, engineers and decision-makers to systematically investigate all components involved in groundwater remediation.
Susan Losh, Ph.D. (Educational Psychology), has received $179,999 from the NSF’s National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics to examine “What’s Happened with American Adult Understanding of Science Knowledge and Process: 1979-2016.” The project examines how gender, ethnicity and dimensions of education relate to civic science and technology literacy over time and by generation.
Kim Landry and Michael Smith (Medicine) were appointed to the Telehealth Advisory Council by Florida Surgeon General Celeste Philip. Landry, a Pensacola clerkship faculty member in the College of Medicine, serves as the EMS medical director and chief medical officer for Leon County EMS and Lifeguard Ambulance Service, Inc. Smith serves as the Telemedicine Program Development Director for the college. The council is managed by the Agency for Health Care Administration and will help regulate the use of webcams and other technology to treat patients from a distance.
Jonathan Appelbaum, M.D., (Medicine) was elected vice chair of the American Academy of HIV Medicine Board of Directors. Appelbaum will serve a two-year term. He previously served as secretary and treasurer.
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