News Topics

Steven J. Godbey, Jr.

Published: | 12:00 pm

Only one school would do for Steven J. Godbey Jr. A Tallahassee native who graduated from Leon High School, “Jeff,” […]

Brooke Teal

Published: | 12:00 pm

Brooke Teal, a Florida State University cheerleader and Honors Legal Scholar, is a senior Political Science and Social Science major […]

Marvis Barnes

Published: | 12:00 pm

“Rarely do you find schools with a true representation of diversity coupled with excellent academic programs and extracurricular activities.” Marvis […]

Elizabeth Ann Pagan

Published: | 12:00 pm

Elizabeth Ann Pagan can remember the moment she fell in love with The Florida State University. “As soon as we […]

Florida State SIFE

Published: | 12:00 am

Florida State University’s Students are getting In on some Free Enterprise.

Florida State and Zebrafish

Published: | 3:54 pm

What you do – or don’t – have in common with the Zebrafish is something Florida State University scholars are […]