Melissa Gross, Ph.D. and Don Latham, Ph.D. (College of Communication and Information) received the 2021 Best Conference Paper Award from the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) for their paper “Is There a Social Worker in your Library?”
Shuyuan Ho, Ph.D. (College of Communication and Information) received the 2021 National Science Foundation Trusted CI Fellowship for her work with cybersecurity research.
Melissa Radey, Ph.D. and Shamra Boel-Studt, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) were awarded a $50,000 grant by the Florida Institute of Child Welfare for their project “Maternity Group Homes for Young Mothers in Florida: A Mixed Methods Examination.”
David Whalley, Ph.D. (Department of Computer Science) has been awarded a $150,000 grant from the National Science Foundation for “Supporting FSU and MTU Student Research with NTNU Faculty on Automatic Improvement of Application Performance.” This grant will allow up to eight FSU computer science students to spend a summer working with research collaborators at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway.
Jeanine Turner, Ph.D. (College of Education) was awarded $1.5 million in grant funding from the Institute of Educational Sciences (IES) to continue the PURPOSE training program. With the money, PURPOSE will have funding for an additional five years.
Amy L. Ai, Ph.D. and Yaacov Petscher, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) co-published “Childhood Mistreatment, PTSD, and Substance Use in Latinx: The Role of Discrimination in an Omitted-Variable Bias” in the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine.
Avlana Eisenberg, J.D. (College of Law) authored a piece for The Atlantic titled “Hate-Crime Laws Don’t Work as Their Supporters Intended.”
Christopher Constantino, Ph.D., Melissa Gross, Ph.D., Don Latham, Ph.D. (College of Communication and Information) and Karen Randolph, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) had their research “The Subjective Experience of Information Communication Technology Use Among Child Welfare Workers” published in the Children and Youth Services Review, which explores communication technology use among rural child welfare workers.
Beth Coggeshall, Ph.D. (Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics) published a book chapter “‘Eternal Hate Created Me as Well’: In Search of Hate in Dante’s ‘Commedia’” in the collective volume “Dante’s Volume from Alpha to Omega”, eds. Carol Chiodo and Christiana Purdy Moudarres (Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2021).
Emily Plummer Catena, Ph.D. (College of Education) co-authored a new article that appeared in the journal Qualitative Research, “Reframing temporality in participatory visual research with timelapse video.”
Mary Ziegler, J.D. (College of Law) co-authored a piece for Politico “How the Anti-Abortion Movement Used the Progressive Playbook to Chip Away at Roe v. Wade.”
Michael Killian, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) co-published “Directly Observed Therapy to Promote Medication Adherence in Pediatric Heart Transplant Recipients” in the journal Cardiology in the Young.
Silvia Valisa, Ph.D. (Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics) published a co-edited volume with Morena Corradi (CUNY) on nineteenth-century Italian journalism “La Carta Veloce: Figure, Temi e Politiche del Giornalismo Italiano Dell’Ottocento” (Milan, FrancoAngeli, 2021).
Shamra Boel-Studt, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) co-authored “Enhancing behavioral health services for child welfare-involved parents: A qualitative study” in the Journal of Public Child Welfare.
Kelly Farquharson, Ph.D. (College of Communication and Information) and doctoral candidate Leesa Marante had their research, “Tackling Burnout in the School Setting: Practical Tips for School-Based Speech-Language Pathologists” published in the journal Perspectives, by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, which provides strategies to alleviate workload stress related to burnout.
Sonia Cabell, Ph.D. (College of Education) contributed to an article that appeared on EdWeek. The article, “Popular ‘Wonders’ Curriculum Shows Gaps in Alignment to Reading Research,” looks at the Wonders reading program and provides advice to schools that are evaluating different English and language arts curricula.
Tarik Dogru, Ph.D. (Dedman College of Hospitality) co-authored the article “Communicating quality while evoking loss – How consumers assess extra charges in the Airbnb marketplace” published in the journal Tourism Management.
Carrie Pettus, Ph.D., Tanya Renn, Ph.D., Stephanie Kennedy, Ph.D. (College of Social Work), and a colleague from the University of Iowa had the article “The Well-Being Development Model: A Theoretical Model to Improve Outcomes Among Criminal Justice-System Involved Individuals” accepted for publication in the journal Social Service Review.
Carrie Pettus, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) and colleagues from the University of Louisville had an article “Correlates of Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms Among Victimized Women on Probation and Parole” accepted for publication in the Probation Journal.
Vincent Joos, Ph.D. (Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics) published the invited briefing “Haiti Is Slowly Becoming an Autocracy” in World Politics Review.
Amal Ibourk, Ph.D. (College of Education) published a new research article “Storied Identities and Teacher Candidates’ Developing Practices” in the journal Cultural Studies of Science Education.
Geneva Scott-King, DNP, MSN, FNP-BC (College of Nursing) published “DJ Comes Home: Help Teach Children About Grief” in the journal Steuben Press.
Lucinda Graven, Ph.D., Laurie Abbott, Ph.D. and Glenna Schluck, Ph.D. (College of Nursing), co-authored a recently accepted publication “Stress, Social Support, and Resilience in Younger Rural Women: A Structural Equation Model” in the journal Healthcare.
Bruce A. Thyer, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) presented a master class on the topic of “Evaluating social work practice using single-system research designs” at the 5th International Conference on Practice Research, hosted virtually at the University of Melbourne, Australia.
Diana Dumlavwalla, D.M.A. (College of Music) will present the lecture-recital “A Kaleidoscope of Colours: The Globalization of Canadian Music as led by Female Composers” at the Canadian Federation of Music Teachers Association.
Shannon Thomas, D.M.A. (College of Music) will participate in the Luby Violin Symposium in Chapel Hill, NC; the Brancaleoni International Music Festival online; the Green Mountain Chamber Music Festival in Burlington, VT; and the Hilton Head Chamber Music Institute in Hilton Head, SC.
Sahoko Sato Timpone, D.M.A. (College of Music) presented “Understanding the Linguistic Challenges and Advantages Unique to Native Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, and Japanese Speakers” at the New York Singing Teachers’ Association Conference. Timpone also performed with the Dianthus Chamber Ensemble, a virtual Concert Celebrating Asian-American Heritage. In July and August, he will perform various concerts in Italy and Spain.
Wayne Wiegand, Ph.D. (College of Communication and Information) was the keynote speaker at the International Association of School Librarianship annual conference.
Doug Tatum, M. Acc. (Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship) was a speaker at The OrthoForum Annual Convention in New Orleans, LA., a national physician specialty organization whose membership includes many of the largest privately-owned orthopedic practices in the United States, on the topic “Update of Private Equity: Lessons from Real Life Experiences.”
Laura Steacy, Ph.D. (College of Education) and a team of education experts hosted an interactive workshop June 23 and 24 designed for practitioners who want to learn more about the science of reading and how to incorporate that information into classrooms.
Ann Rowson Love, Ph.D. and Jeff Broome, Ph.D. (Department of Art Education) recently delivered presentations at the International Conference on the Arts in Society. Rowson Love co-presented with Deborah Randolph and featured content related to arts-based research while Broome presented on the use of narrative inquiry methods in art education.
Tra Bouscaren, M.F.A. (Department of Art) was selected as a candidate for the Florida Prize in Contemporary Art organized by the Orlando Museum of Art (OMA) to bring new recognition to the state’s most progressive artists. The Florida Prize in Contemporary Art and accompanying catalog underscore OMA’s commitment to the art of our time and to supporting artists who live and work in the state of Florida.
Geneva Scott-King, DNP, MSN, FNP-BC (College of Nursing)presented “Returning to Health After the Pandemic” on June 8, 2021, at the North Florida African Methodist Episcopal Sunday School Convention.
Sally Karioth, Ph.D. (College of Nursing), presented as a featured speaker at the 2021 Summer International Training Institute on Autism: Advances in Evidence-Based Practice for Autism Spectrum Disorder on “Grief, Loss and Chronic Sorrow: Finding the Path to Joy and Growth and Distinguishing Between Grief and Trauma: Remembering There Are No Traumatic Events Only Traumatic Responses.”
Sophia Rahming, Ph.D. (Center for the Advancement of Teaching) served as a facilitator for the NSF ASPIRE Summer Institute this summer. ASPIRE ASI provides STEM faculty and faculty developers, working together as institutional teams, with the opportunity to retreat, reflect and act to better support campus diversity, equity and inclusion efforts through the development of key skills applicable across faculty roles.
Diana Dumlavwalla, D.M.A. (College of Music) is serving on the planning committee for the National Conference for Piano Pedagogy.
Beth Coggeshall, Ph.D. (Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics) was elected Vice President of the Dante Society of America.
Greg Sauer, M.M. (College of Music) will complete his stint as a cello faculty member at the Brancaleoni International Music Festival and participate in the Victoria Bach Festival and the Midsummer’s Music Festival.
John W. Parks, D.M.A. (College of Music) will be a faculty member at the Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute, an intensive 2-week festival providing professional training to Oklahoma high school students. This festival takes place July 10 – July 25. Parks will also be recording a CD for fellow faculty member, George Speed, (College of Music) and serving as a recording technology specialist at the Leigh Howard Stevens Summer Marimba Seminar.
Sahoko Sato Timpone, D.M.A. (College of Music) will participate in the Lunigiana International Music Festival in Tuscany, Italy, as an Artist Faculty member.
Geoffrey Deibel, D.M.A. (College of Music) will participate in the Great Plains Saxophone Workshop and the Cortona Sessions for New Music. In June, Deibel recorded Terry Riley’s “Chanting the Light of Foresight” with the h2 quartet.
Corinne Stillwell, M.M. (College of Music) was an artist faculty for the Brevard Music Festival this summer and participated in the Victoria Bach Festival in Victoria, Texas.
Deana Rohlinger, Ph.D. (Department of Sociology) was elected to chair the Collective Behavior and Social Movements Section of the American Sociological Association (ASA). She served as chair of the ASA’s section on Communication, Information Technologies & Media Sociology from 2018 to 2019.
Katrinell Davis, Ph.D. (Department of Sociology) was appointed associate director of the African American Studies program within the College of Social Sciences and Public Policy.
Keila Zayas-Ruiz, M.L.I.S. (University Libraries) is attending a three-day convening, “Reimagine Descriptive Workflows: Generating Lasting, Meaningful Change in Libraries and Archives.” This convening seeks to bring together a diverse group of practitioners to begin laying the groundwork for lasting, meaningful change in this foundational area of cultural memory, preservation, and discovery.
Wayne Logan, J.D., (College of Law) had his article “Database Infamia: Exit from the Sex Offender Registries” cited by the Supreme Court of South Carolina in their decision on the case of Dennis J. Powell, Jr., Respondent v. Mark Keel, Chief, State Law Enforcement Division, and The State of South Carolina.
Shamra Boel-Studt, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) and her team will contract with the Texas Health and Human Service Commission and the University of Texas Health – San Antonio to develop and implement a quality standards assessment in youth residential treatment centers.
Lakeisha Johnson, Ph.D. (Florida Center for Reading Research) developed a website, “Maya’s Book Nook,” to promote books by Black, Hispanic, and a variety of diverse authors.
Geneva Scott-King, DNP, MSN, FNP-BC(College of Nursing)and other faculty members have engaged in and oversaw students from the College of Nursing assisting the Leon County Florida Department of Health (DOH) and FSU Services in administering COVID-19 vaccines to FSU faculty, staff and students.
Please send items for Faculty and Staff Briefs to aprentiss@fsu.edu. We will publish monthly.