Krystal Thomas, MSI (University Libraries) was awarded the 2021 Society of Florida Archivists Award of Excellence, which recognizes outstanding contributions to the preservation of Florida’s documentary heritage.
Melissa Radey, Ph.D. and Shamra Boel-Studt, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) received a successfully funded Priority Research Award by the Florida Institute for Child Welfare for their project, “Maternity Group Homes for Young Mothers in Florida: A Mixed Methods Examination.”
Frances Berry, Ph.D. (Askew School of Public Administration and Policy) won the Public Management Research Association’s 2021 H. George Frederickson Award for Career Contributions to Public Management Research in honor of her exemplary contributions to intellectual development of the field.
Larry Polivka, Ph.D., (The Claude Pepper Center), who will retire as executive director on May 31, won the Elaine M. Brody Thought Leader Award from the Gerontological Society of America in acknowledgment of his outstanding career contributions in social research, policy and practice.
Hugh Catts, Ph.D. (College of Communication & Information) received a subcontract grant award through the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to develop and test a digital dyslexia screener for children as part of the Florida Center for Reading Research’s Reach Every Reader project.
Yiyuan She, Ph.D. (Department of Statistics) received a National Science Foundation grant to develop innovative and transformative statistical methods for analyzing and interpreting high-dimensional data with low-dimensional structures in the next three years. The project will create a new tool as an alternative to sparsity-based variable selection and covers potential applications in a wide range of areas such as machine learning, genomics and macro-econometrics.
Carrie Pettus, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) was awarded a National Institutes of Health grant from the Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network Coordination and Translation Center. Pettus will design and implement an interactive development series on fidelity monitoring and feedback loops in intervention and services research in criminal justice.
Lara Perez-Felkner, Ph.D. (College of Education) was chosen as a Student Experience Research Network (SERN) 2021-2022 midcareer fellow. The Student Experience Research Network, which began in 2015 as the Mindset Scholars Network, was started to provide resources, education, and more to ultimately enhance the student experience.
Shuyuan Ho, Ph.D. (College of Communication & Information) received the 2021 National Science Foundation Trusted CI Fellowship for her work with cybersecurity research.
Robert Schoen, Ph.D. and doctoral candidate Guillermo Farfan (College of Education/Learning Systems Institute) recently published “Elementary Students’ Understanding of the Equals Symbol: Do Florida Students Outperform Their Peers?” in the Florida mathematics education journal Dimensions in Mathematics.
Shawn Bayern, J.D. (College of Law) authored a post for Oxford Business Law Blog, “The Implications of Modern Unincorporated Entities Beyond Business Law.”
Tanya Renn, Ph.D. and Carrie Pettus, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) co-authored the article “Associations of Childhood and Adult Trauma on Substance Misuse and Mental Health Among Incarcerated Men,” which was accepted for publication in the journal Social Service Review.
Giray Ökten, Ph.D. (Mathematics) had his book “First Semester in Numerical Analysis with Julia” translated and published by China Machine Press.
Tian Tang, Ph.D., (Askew School of Public Administration and Policy), along with graduate students, Morgan Higman and Hunter Hill co-published an evaluation study of SolSmart, a national program led by the International City/County Management Association and The Solar Foundation. The research found that the program, which provides no-cost technical assistance, carries significant benefits for participating communities and has measurable positive impacts on the solar market. The study was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office.
Rachel Bailey, Ph.D. (College of Communication and Information) published “Camera Point-of-View Exacerbates Racial bias in Viewers of Police Use of Force Videos” in the Journal of Communication.
Sonia Cabell, Ph.D. (College of Education) and Yaacov Petscher, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) co-authored “Teaching Together: Pilot Study of a Tiered Language and Literacy Intervention with Head Start Teachers and Linguistically Diverse Families,” published in the journal Early Childhood Research Quarterly.
Tanya Renn, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) co-authored “The Geographic Context of Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders Among Adults on Probation or Parole Supervision,” which was accepted for publication in the journal Substance Abuse.
Mary Ziegler, J.D. (College of Law) authored an op-ed for CNN, “This Could Be the Case That Takes Down Roe v. Wade,” a piece for The Washington Post, “Abortion Is Legal Until a Fetus Is Viable. Will the Supreme Court Change That Standard?” a piece for The Washington Post, “The Supreme Court Just Took a Case That Could Kill Roe v. Wade — or Let It Die Slowly,” an op-ed for The Atlantic, ”The Abortion Fight Has Never Been About Just Roe v. Wade,” and a piece for The Boston Globe, “The Potential Silver Lining for Supporters of Abortion Rights.”
Laura McTighe, Ph.D. (Department of Religion) published the article “Our Relationships Carry the Movement” as part of a Radical History Review special issue on the global history of AIDS. This article draws on McTighe’s more than two decades of work in our country’s movements to end AIDS and abolish prisons, and outlines a praxis of harm reduction, mutual aid, and transformative justice as a model for how we must decarcerate our communities by reassembling them.
Ross Moret, Ph.D. (Honors Program) published the article “Religious Ethics and Empirical Ethics,” in the Journal of Religious Ethics. He also authored the chapter “Johnson on Holy War, Just War, and Jihad” in the book “Responsibility and Restraint: James Turner Johnson and the Just War Tradition.”
Geraldine Martorella, Ph.D. and Graham J. McDougall, Ph.D. (College of Nursing) co-authored “Senior WISE Intervention: Gender Differences in Bodily Pain and Trait Anxiety,” recently published in the Archives of Psychiatric Nursing.
Amy Ai, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) had her article “Depression in Patients with Heart Diseases: Gender Differences and Association of Comorbidities, Optimism, and Spiritual Struggle” published in the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine.
Zhe He, Ph.D. (College of Communication and Information) published “How the Clinical Research Community Responded to the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Analysis of the COVID-19 Clinical Studies in ClinicalTrials.gov” in the academic journal JAMIA Open.
Dawn Matthews, Ph.D., LaShae Roberts, CyNedra Nina Flanagan & Rose-May Frazier, Ph.D. (Advising First, Division of Undergraduate Studies) co-published the article “When Black Girl Magic Isn’t Enough: Supporting Black College Women Through Advising & Coaching,” in NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising.
Lucinda Graven, Ph.D. (College of Nursing), Rob Glueckauf, Ph.D. (College of Medicine) and Mia Lustria, Ph.D. (College of Communication and Information) co-authored “Telehealth Interventions for Family Caregivers of Persons with Chronic Health Conditions: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials,” published in the International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications.
Melissa Radey, Ph.D. and Dina Wilke, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) co-published “The Importance of Job Demands and Supports: Promoting Retention Among Child Welfare Workers” in the Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal.
Denise A. Wetzel, MLIS (University Libraries) presented “An Analysis of Oceanographic LibGuides as a Tool for Department and Student Outreach” at the 2021 SAIL/CYAMUS Joint Annual Conference.
Mark Winegardner, M.F.A. (Department of English) participated in a panel discussion on a new play, “Crooked River Burning,” which is based on Winegardner’s novel of the same name. The Cleveland Play House hosted the discussion, led by Cleveland Heights resident George Brant, who is directing the play.
Sana Tibi, Ph.D. (College of Communication and Information) presented work at the Experimental Arab Linguistics international conference. The presentation is a result of her work following an earlier publication, “IRT Analyses of Arabic Letter Knowledge in Kindergarten.”
Stephen McDowell, Ph.D. (College of Communication and Information) and Cynthia Green, Ph.D. (FSU Center for Global Engagement) spoke at the Innovations in Internationalism at Home Conference 2021, which focused on the variety of intercultural and international opportunities that are offered to students through FSU.
Ameya Kolarkar, Ph.D., Sophia Rahming, Ph.D., Julieth Díaz (Center for the Advancement of Teaching) and Shalinee Chikara, Ph.D. (National High Magnetic Field Lab) held an interactive workshop on “Decolonizing Your Classroom” for faculty at the Regional Conference on Teaching and Learning at the University of South Alabama. The workshop focused on contesting and appropriately de-emphasizing the privileged “colonial” (i.e., Eurocentric) knowledge and culture that constitute the “canons” of postsecondary education.
Amberly Prykhodko, LCSW (College of Social Work) presented a virtual training sponsored by the St. John’s County Sherriff’s Office on May 15 designed to support clinicians interested in working with frontline, line-of-duty, law enforcement staff and first responders (fire/rescue, EMS, corrections, dispatch). Prykhodko focused on how clinicians can cultivate cultural competency as an outsider when engaging with public service and safety personnel.
Stephen Tripodi, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) joined Leon County Sheriff Walt McNeil and other community reentry experts spoke at an event hosted by the Achieve Higher Ground Foundation in Tallahassee. Tripodi’s presentation highlighted how experiences of trauma intersect with both incarcerations and return to incarceration after release for service providers working with this population.
Dawn Matthews, Ph.D., LaShae Roberts, CyNedra Nina Flanagan and Rose-May Frazier, Ph.D. (Advising First, Division of Undergraduate Studies) hosted a webinar discussing their article, “When Black Girl Magic Isn’t Enough: Supporting Black College Women Through Advising & Coaching” for the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA).
Doug Tatum, M. Acc. (Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship) was a speaker for JMC Small Business Executive Program (SBEP) XIV, teaching Strategic Planning. The SBEP is ideal for CEOs, entrepreneurs, business owners and presidents of small businesses.
Andrew Epstein, Ph.D. (Department of English) presented a talk, “Sketch of a Man on a Platform,” which focused on the modern feminist portrait poem and on how women poets adopt and subvert the genre of portraiture. The Centre for Visual Arts and Culture at Durham University (England) sponsored the event.
Paul Marty, Ph.D. (School of Information) was the keynote speaker at the virtual International Congress of Museums and Digital Strategies hosted by the Polytechnic University of Valencia. His presentation, “Contributions of Museum Technology Professionals during Times of Crisis,” advocated for the important role that museum technology professionals play in keeping museums connected with their communities.
Carolyn Henne, M.F.A., (Department of Art) completed her art installation, “Sea Stars” in Beaufort, North Carolina. Once in place, natural processes over several years will transform the Oyster Catcher™ sculpture into a vibrant, living oyster reef, providing shelter and foraging habitat for fishes, crabs and shorebirds and a sustainable source of nutritious food for people.
Jenny Root, Ph.D. (College of Education) presented “Making Mathematics Meaningful for Students with Autism and Intellectual Disability” during a virtual conference hosted by The Regional Center for Autism Spectrum Disorder at Old Westbury.
Taylor Thompson, Ph.D., Laura Reid Marks, Ph.D. and Deborah Ebener, Ph.D. (Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems) were featured speakers at DIRECTO’s fourth Spring Conversation Series on Diversity & Inclusion in Research & Teaching. The series topic was Going Beyond the Diversity Statement: Actionable Guidelines for Fostering Multicultural Competence in Higher Education.
Jill Pable, Ph.D. (Department of Interior Architecture and Design) was invited as a speaker at the DesignMarch Design Festival that took place in Reykjavic, Iceland, where she presented, virtually, the talk, “Crisis and Chaos: Potential Fundamental Ingredients for Solace in our Surroundings.” The event’s goal was to promote discussion of design ideas of optimism, innovation and new ways of thinking.
Fred Abbott, J.D. (College of Law) presented “Using Competition Law to Promote Affordable Access to Health Technologies in Low- and Middle-Income Countries” at the World Health Organization 2021 Fair Pricing Forum. He also presented “Localization of Pharmaceutical Production and the Dissemination of Health Technologies” at the World Trade Organization’s 2021 Trade and Public Health Virtual Course Webinar on Dissemination of Health Technologies.
Erin O’Connor, J.D. (College of Law) moderated a panel for the Law & Economics Center at Antonin Scalia Law School Law & Economics Center at Antonin Scalia Law School, “The Challenge of Recognizing Good Science in the Courtroom.” The recording is now available as a podcast.
Antonio Culyer, Ph.D. (Department of Art Education) moderated the panel “The Politics of Art” at the OPERA America conference. He also presented his paper “Using Qualitative Methods to Explore the Careers of BIPOC Executive Opera Managers in the U. S.” at the International Congress on Qualitative Inquiry and co-facilitated the Chorus America ADEI Learning Lab specifically designed for White choral leaders seeking to address structural racism in their organizations and become better allies and accomplices to their BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) colleagues.
Nancy Gerber, Ph.D. (Department of Art Education) co-facilitated the Arts-Based Research Special Interest Group (ABR-SIG) at the International Conference of Qualitative Inquiry. The conference, held virtually this year, included a full-day ABR pre-conference symposium, which included workshops by distinguished national and international scholars on approaches to ABR.
S.E. Gontarski, Ph.D. (Department of English) participated in the 12th International Festival of Literature and Theatre Between.Pomiędzy, May 10-16, organized by the Between.Pomiędzy Foundation, University of Gdańsk, Poland. Gontarski led a discussion, “Beckett’s Dystopian Trilogy: The Irrelevance of Godot” and participated on a panel, “Ohio@40.” He also presented “An Evening with Beckett: Two Short Films by S.E. Gontarski,” featuring his works “…but the clouds…” (2017) and “Beckett on the Baltic” (2018). The Beckett at Reading Postgraduate Group and Beckett and Italy hosted the presentation.
Julie Decker (FSU Alumni Association) was named Conference Co-Chair for the Council for Advancement and Support of Education’s (CASE) Summer Institute in Alumni Relations (2021).
Miles Taylor, Ph.D. (College of Social Sciences & Public Policy) has been named director of the Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy, replacing Anne Barrett, Ph.D. (Sociology), who has stepped down from the position after six years of strong, visionary leadership. Barrett returns to her faculty position as professor of sociology and will remain as affiliated faculty of the Pepper Institute.
Kathy Clark, Ph.D. (College of Education) became the new director for the School of Teacher Education.
Nicole Patton Terry, Ph.D. (College of Education) was appointed to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine Committee on the Future of Education Research.