Amy Ai, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) was recognized by the American Psychological Association for outstanding contributions in science for trauma psychology. She was honored by APA’s Trauma Psychology Division (Division 56) in an online ceremony Aug. 19.
Kelly Farquharson, Ph.D. (College of Communication and Information) received meritorious poster submission recognition by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association for her project “Speech-Language Pathologist Perceptions of Interprofessional Collaborative Practices.”
Phil Hiver, Ph.D. (College of Education) received the 2020 Early Career Scholar Award from the International Association for the Psychology of Language Learning, “an interdisciplinary association of scholars with an interest in exploring the psychological dimensions of language learning and teaching,” that promotes research, publications, cooperation between scholars in the fields, and promotes the psychology of language learning throughout the world.
Tamara Bertrand Jones, Ph.D. (College of Education) was awarded the 2020 Presidential Medal from the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE), an award given to only one person annually that honors a mentor, researcher, colleague, collaborator or someone in higher education whom the president of ASHE deems deserving of recognition.
Nathan Line, Ph.D. (Dedman School of Hospitality) was one of two researchers selected for the “2020 Outstanding Reviewer” by the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, one of the industry’s top-tier journals, published by the International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education.
Guanyi Lu, Ph.D. (College of Business) was awarded the “2020 Best Reviewer Award” from the Journal of Operations Management, one of the best journals in the field of Supply Chain and Operations Management.
Horacio Rousseau, Ph.D. (College of Business) was recognized by the Academy of Management Discoveries for the “best paper” published in 2020 for his article “Localizing Sustainable Development Goals: Nonprofit Density and City Sustainability.”
Mark Spieker, Ph.D. (Department of Physics) was chosen as a scholarship recipient for the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams Visiting Scholar Program for Experimental Science 2020. Spieker, who focuses on nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics, traveled to the Michigan State University facility in August 2020 to conduct his experiment.
Eric Hsiao, Ph.D. (Department of Physics) was recently awarded the Florida Space Research Grant from NASA valued at $47,000 for the project “Understanding the Origins of Cosmological Distance Indicators Type Ia Supernovae.”
Elizabeth Ray, Ph.D. and Patrick Merle, Ph.D. (College of Communication and Information) published their paper, “Disgusting Face, Disease-ridden Place?: Emoji Influence on the Interpretation of Restaurant Inspection Reports,” in Health Communication.
Anne Barrett, Ph.D. (Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy), Irene Padavic, Ph.D. (College of Social Sciences & Public Policy) and graduate student, Cherish Michael co-authored the study “Calculated Ageism: Generational Sacrifice as a Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic” in the Journals of Gerontology, Series B. The researchers analyzed tweets responding to a Texas politician’s statement suggesting the sacrifice of older generations will mitigate the economic damage of the pandemic and found overwhelming rejection of this sentiment.
Barbara Parker-Bell, Psy.D. (Art Therapy) penned the article “A Path Toward Resilience: Recognizing Resources and Strengths,” published in the Russian journal, The Healing Art: International Journal of Art Therapy.
Amber Ward, Ph.D. (Department of Art Education) authored the article “Braiding as a Feminist Methodology: Tensions and Possibilities of Weaving Together,” published in the September 2020 issue of the journal Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies.
Gary VanLandingham, Ph.D. (Askew School) authored an extensive expert commentary on diversity and inclusion in a WalletHub feature on “2020’s Most and Least Diverse States in America.”
Hans Hassell, Ph.D. (College of Social Sciences and Public Policy) authored “What Makes News Newsworthy: An Experimental Test of Where a News Story Is Published (or Not) and Its Perceived Newsworthiness,” published in the International Journal of Press/Politics. The study found that the origin of a story in a local outlet causes journalists to perceive that story to be less newsworthy.
Amanda Driscoll, Ph.D. (Political Science) published an article on the London School of Economics Covid-19 blog, describing findings of a study she and colleagues did as part of a National Science Foundation grant awarded in March 2020 to examine rule of law in times of crisis. Driscoll and her co-investigators also developed teaching modules that provide an engaging way for undergraduate students to investigate questions relating to the public compliance with and response to state actions meant to quell the viral spread, while honing their skills using the tools of social science.
Diane Roberts, Ph.D. (Department of English), authored an essay for The Washington Post titled “The South Won’t Give Up on College Football. Even If It Kills Us.”
Elwood Carlson, Ph.D. (Center for Demography and Population Health) co-edited the book “Comparative Demography of the Syrian Diaspora: European and Middle Eastern Destinations,” and co-authored two chapters in it: “Demographic Comparisons of Syrian Populations” and “Conceptualizing the Syrian Refugee Crisis and Migration during Armed Conflict.”
Jessica Ingram, MFA (Department of Art) published the essay “Road Through Midnight” in the journal Southern Cultures. The essay was adapted from Ingram’s book “Road Through Midnight: A Civil Rights Memorial.”
James Gwartney, Ph.D. (Economics, Stavros Center), along with economics doctoral graduates Joseph Connors and Hugo Montesinos, published a paper in the Southern Economic Journal titled “The Rise and Fall of Worldwide Income Inequality, 1820-2035.”
Mary Ziegler, J.D. (College of Law), authored an op-ed for CNN titled, “How Ginsburg Made the Law Fairer for Every Woman.” She also authored an op-ed in The Atlantic titled, “A Dangerous Moment for the Court,” and another The Washington Post titled “With a Conservative Court, Abortion Foes Could End Roe—and Go Even Further.”
Shamra Boel-Studt, Ph.D. and Lisa Schelbe, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) co-authored “Elementary School-Aged Children in Therapeutic Residential Care: Examining Latent Classes, Service Provision, and Outcomes,” published in the journal Child Abuse & Neglect.
Bruce Thyer, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) published “The Effects of Family Structure and Race on Decision-making in Child Welfare” in the Journal of Public Child Welfare. Thyer also co-edited and contributed chapters in the text “Combat Social Work: Applying the Lessons of War to the Realities of Human Services.” He also wrote chapters in three recent books, “The Routledge Handbook of Social Work Practice Research,” “Theory and Practice in Clinical Social Work” and “Mental Health and Social Work.”
Miray Tekkumru-Kisa, Ph.D. (College of Education), Courtney Preston, Ph.D. (College of Education), Zahid Kisa, Ph.D (Learning Systems Institute) and doctoral students, Elif Oz and Jennifer Morgan, co-authored “Assessing Instructional Quality in Science in the Era of Ambitious Reforms: A Pilot Study,” published in the Journal of Research in Science Technology. The article looks at the instructional reforms that have changed the focus from “discrete facts” to “a focus on a small number of disciplinary core ideas that can be explored in depth.”
Ann Perko, J.D., Karen Oehme, J.D. and James J. Clark, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) and co-authors Elizabeth Ray, Ph.D. and Laura Arpan, Ph.D. (College of Communication and Information) recently completed a manuscript titled, “The Vulnerability Gap: Group Differences in Childhood Trauma and Resilience on a Florida College Campus,” which was accepted for publication by the Florida Journal of Education Research.
April Jackson, Ph.D. and Tisha Holmes, Ph.D. (Department of Urban & Regional Planning) and Tyler McCreary, Ph.D. (Department of Geography) co-authored a paper exploring university-community partnerships in Tallahassee titled, “Gown Goes to Town: Negotiating Mutually Beneficial Relationships between College Students, City Planners, and a Historically Marginalized African American Neighborhood,” published in the journal, Societies.
Marcos Colón, Ph.D. (Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics) was recently published in the Journal of Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana y Caribeña (HALAC).
Jenny Root, Ph.D. (College of Education) co-authored the article “Contextualizing Mathematical Problem-Solving Instruction for Secondary Students with Extensive Support Needs: A Systematic Replication,” published in the journal Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities.
Anne Barrett, Ph.D. (Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy) co-authored the article “Grandparent-Adult Grandchild Relationships: Development of a Typology Using Latent Class Analysis,” published in the journal The Gerontologist. The study seeks to aid efforts to strengthen weaker relationship bonds with grandparents who are older, frailer and poorer.
Azat Gündoğan, Ph.D. and Ross Moret, Ph.D. (Division of Undergraduate Studies, Honors Program) co-presented at the DIRECTO’s 3rd Annual Symposium on Diversity & Inclusion in Research & Teaching in September on “Reflections of Crisis on Curriculum and Pedagogies.”
Eugenia Millender, Ph.D. (College of Nursing) took part in the roundtable discussion on Black Latinx and Anti-Blackness in Latinx Communities.
Jessica Bahorski, Ph.D. (College of Nursing) took part in a poster presentation titled “Maternal BMI Influences Deviation from Infant Feeding Plans.” She also was included as part of a virtual conference titled the “2020 State of the Science (SOS) Congress on Nursing Research, Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science.”
Doug Tatum, M. Acc. (Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship) was a speaker at a new graduate colloquium course created for the Masters in Entrepreneurship in Product Development program. He also spoke during the inaugural RISE: The Economics of the Idea, a program for veterans and military families who are running a small business but are looking to pivot, especially because of the pandemic.
Audrey Heffron Casserleigh, Ph.D. and Janet Dilling, Ph.D. (Emergency Management and Homeland Security) were presenting panelists on the U.S. State Department webinar “Building Online Programs in Higher Education: Strategies, Partnerships, and Models.”
Carrie Ann Baade, MFA (Department of Art) had her painting, “Hellmouth” acquired by Delaware’ Biggs Museum of American Art, following its inclusion in the museum’s exhibit commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Fellowship Winners of the Delaware Division of the Arts Reunion.
Holly Hanessian, MFA (Department of Art) and collaborator Michael Austin Diaz have an art installation, “New Histories: The Gadsden Farm Project,” on display at the Gadsden Art Center & Museum through Oct. 24.
Ebrahim Randeree, Ph.D. (College of Communication and Information) was selected to serve on the Board of Directors for TalTech Alliance.
Tarez Graban, Ph.D. (Department of English) was one of three scholars nationwide to lead a training session in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion for WGN America ahead of its Sept. 1 launch of “News Nation,” a new daily primetime segment. She covered “Reporting on Difference,” drawing on public discourse, communication theory and neutrality in the public sphere and will consult on the program’s rehearsals and scripts.
Lydia Hanks, Ph.D. (Dedman School of Hospitality) was appointed to the editorial board of the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
Nathan Line, Ph.D., Tarik Dogru, Ph.D. and Lydia Hanks, Ph.D. (Dedman School of Hospitality) were invited to join the editorial board of the International Journal of Hospitality Management as coordinating editors, one of the most reputable academic journals in its field.
Tarik Dogru, Ph.D. and Woody Kim, Ph.D. (Dedman School of Hospitality) were invited to join the editorial board of Tourism Management, a leading international journal in the tourism industry.
Hedi Mattoussi, Ph.D. (Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry) was elected a 2020 Materials Research Society Fellow. Mattoussi was recognized for his work to combine inorganic nanomaterials with biological systems, which has affected developments in nanoscience and biotechnology.
Jen Atkins, Ph.D., MFA (School of Dance) co-chairs the Working Group on Popular, Social and Vernacular Dance for the Dance Studies Association, which raises scholarly dialogue and creates initiatives for the study of popular, social and vernacular dance.
Clifford K. Madsen, Ph.D. (College of Music) was recently featured in the book “Clifford K. Madsen’s Contributions to Music Education and Music Therapy: Love of Learning,” co-written by alumni Jessica Nápoles, Ph.D. and Rebecca B. MacLeod, Ph.D. and published by Routledge/Taylor Francis.
Ravi Howard, M.F.A. (Department of English), was profiled in a Tallahassee Democrat story titled, “Author and teacher Ravi Howard chimes in with Poets for Change.”
Dean Falk, Ph.D. (Department of Anthropology) was interviewed via Zoom for part of a series on the origins of humans by a group of children that started a news outlet called The Penguin Post.
Alisha Gaines, Ph.D. (Department of English) was quoted in a Today.com story titled “How ‘Blackfishing’ Brings Us Farther from Celebrating Diversity.” She also contributed quotes for The New York Times in an article titled, “The Trouble with Empathy.”
Mary Stewart, Ph.D. (Professor Emerita, Department of Art) coordinated and served as guest editor for the inaugural edition of Creativity Matters, an 80-page journal that publicizes the ideas and accomplishments of members of the Atlantic Centre for Creativity. The role stems from her work in Canada through the Fulbright Senior Specialist Program.
Lakeisha Johnson, Ph.D. (School of Communication Science and Disorders) led an effort to donate over 600 backpacks to Leon County elementary school children that include literacy activities through her work with the Florida Center for Reading Research.
David Eccles, Ph.D. (College of Education) appeared on a two-part episode of a podcast series called “The Path Distilled,” which discussed his research on expert performance in individuals and teams and explored his latest research on psychological rest and its impact on performance.
Doug Tatum, M. Acc. (Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship) participated in a radio interview for The Small Business Advocate on how the global business process is being altered permanently by the pandemic, especially how it is changing supply chain practices, and the damage done to the China brand.
Mary Ziegler, J.D. (College of Law), was interviewed on NPR’s “Considered This” podcast piece, “What the SCOTUS Vacancy Means for Abortion—And the 2020 Election.”
Marcos Colón, Ph.D. (Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics) had an interview published in Spanish with the Mexican Philosopher and Environmentalist Enrique Leff (75) and a video interview published with the Mexican Magazine Nexos.
Paul Renfro, Ph.D. (Department of History) appeared on the Jacobin podcast, “The Dig” to discuss his new book “Stranger Danger: Family Values, Childhood, and the American Carceral State.”