Kathleen Blake Yancey, Ph.D. (English) received the James R. Squire Award, which is given to a National Council of Teachers of English member who has had a transforming influence and made a lasting intellectual contribution to the profession.
Sonia Cabell, Ph.D. (Education) won the 2020 Robert M. Gagné Research Award for her paper “Impact of the Core Knowledge Language Arts Read-Aloud Program on Kindergarteners’ Vocabulary, Listening Comprehension, and General Knowledge.”
Darby Kerrigan Scott, J.D. (Law) was recognized as a Community Honoree at the Tallahassee Community College Women’s History Month Ceremony on March 11.
Minjee Kim, Ph.D. (Urban and Regional Planning) has been selected as a 2020 recipient of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy’s Case Study Award. She will develop a case that explores the policy debates around the land use impacts of large-scale transportation projects, using Citrus County, Florida, as an example.
Yolanda A. Rankin, Ph.D. (Information) has been awarded a $342,566 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to fund her research examining the lived intersectional experiences of black women in computing.
Carrie Pettus-Davis, Ph.D. and Stephanie Kennedy, Ph.D. (Social Work) published the book chapter “Early Lessons from the Multistate Study of the 5-Key Model for Reentry” in Perspectives: The Journal of the American Probation and Parole Association.
David R. King, Ph.D. (Business), along with doctoral student Igor Pereira, recently published their co-authored article “Decentralized Governance of Digital Platforms” in the Journal of Management.
Michael Holmes, Ph.D. and Pamela Perrewé, Ph.D. (Business), along with doctoral candidate Joshua Palmer, published their article “The Cascading Effects of CEO Dark Triad Personality on Subordinate Behavior and Firm Performance: A Multi-Level Theoretical Model” in the journal Group & Organization Management.
Bruce A. Thyer, Ph.D. (Social Work) co-authored the paper “Combat Social Work: Applying the Lessons of War to the Realities of Human Services,” published by the Oxford University Press.
Gary Taylor, Ph.D. (English) had his 15,000-word essay, “Shakespeare, Arden of Faversham, and Four Forgotten Playwrights” published this month by The Review of English Studies.
Kathleen Blake Yancey, Ph.D. (English) authored the book chapter “Expanding the Inquiry: What Everyday Writing with Drawing Helps Us Understand about Writing and Writing-based Threshold Concepts,” included in the book “(Re)Considering What We Know: Learning Thresholds in Writing, Composition, Rhetoric, and Literacy” by Linda Adler-Kassner and Elizabeth Wardle. Yancey also is guest-editing a special issue of the South Atlantic Review focused on everyday writing that will be published in late spring 2020.
Vanessa Dennen, Ph.D. (Education) published an article in The Conversation discussing advice on how teachers can get ready to temporarily teach classes online due to COVID-19. The article, “What to Expect as Colleges and Universities Move Classes Online Amid Coronavirus Fears: Four Questions Answered,” was republished by more than 125 media outlets.
Chan Van Iddekinge, Ph.D. and Liwen Zhang, Ph.D. (Business), along with doctoral candidates John Arnold and Samantha Jordan, published their co-authored research “What’s on Job Seekers’ Social Media Sites? A Content Analysis and Effects of Structure on Recruiter Judgments and Predictive Validity” in the Journal of Applied Psychology.
Tim Baghurst, Ph.D. (Education) published an article for Physical & Health Education America. The article, titled “Can Anyone Coach? Why I’m a Coach Educator and Not a Dentist,” looks at what it takes to become a coach and argues that being a good coach requires training and study.
Samantha Paustian-Underdahl, Ph.D. (Business) published her co-authored article “Women on Boards of Directors: A Meta-Analytic Examination of the Roles of Organizational Leadership and National Context for Gender Equality” in the Journal of Business and Psychology.
Deb Osborn, Ph.D. (Education) co-authored a piece that appeared in the March issue of the National Career Development Association’s e-zine. The article is titled “On Getting Started in Research and Asking Good Questions: Thoughts from Members of the NCDA Research Committee.”
Bruce Lamont, Ph.D. (Business) published his co-authored article “Retrospective and Prospective Glances of the Past and Future of the Africa Journal of Management” in the Africa Journal of Management.
Erik Hines, Ph.D. (Education) and associate professor Sam Steen of George Mason University served as guest editors for the Journal for Specialist in Group Work. Hines and Steen have published one of three editions of the “Special Issue on Group Counseling for African American Children and Adolescents” and an editorial in the edition titled “Introduction to Group Work With African American Children and Adolescents.”
Shannon Hall-Mills, Ph.D. (Communication Science and Disorders) published her study “A Comparison of the Prevalence Rates of Language Impairment Before and After Response-to-Intervention Implementation” in the journal Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools.
Kathleen Blake Yancey, Ph.D. (English), along with colleague Matthew Davis and former doctoral students Liane Robertson, Ph.D., Kara Taczak, Ph.D. and Erin Workman, Ph.D., co-authored the article, “The Teaching for Transfer Curriculum: The Role of Concurrent Transfer and Inside-and Outside School Contexts in Supporting Students’ Writing Development,” published in the journal College Composition and Communication.
David R. King, Ph.D. (Business) published his co-authored article “Divestiture of Prior Acquisitions: Competing Explanations of Performance” in the Journal of Strategy and Management.
Carrie Pettus-Davis, Ph.D. and Stephanie Kennedy, Ph.D. (Social Work) released a new report, “Going Back to Jail Without Committing a Crime,” which explores the reasons that individuals return to incarceration when they have not engaged in new crime. This is the sixth quarterly report from the multisite, multistate randomized controlled trial being conducted in more than 100 prisons and 21 rural and urban counties in seven states across the nation.
Doug Tatum, M. Acc. (Entrepreneurship) presented his speech “The New Normal” at the Tugboat Institute Summit in Dallas, Texas, on Feb. 5.
Amberly Prykhodko, LCSW (Social Work) led a reentry training on March 9 for policymakers and leaders at Safe Streets and Second Chances. Her training provided critical context about the experience of individuals leaving incarceration and returning home so policy efforts could target common barriers and improve outcomes.
Chanta M. Haywood, Ph.D. (Communication) spoke at Yale University’s Black Solidarity Conference in January on Intergeneration Spirituality and Social Consciousness.
Carrie Pettus-Davis, Ph.D. (Social Work) presented research on addressing mental health and substance use disorders among incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Michelle Therrien, Ph.D. and Andrea Barton-Hulsey, Ph.D. (Communication Science and Disorders) presented at the Assistive Technology Industry Association Conference in Orlando.
Paul Marty, Ph.D. (Information) hosted Youngmoo Kim as a guest speaker. Kim is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of the Expressive and Creative Interaction Technologies (ExCITe) Center at Drexel University, and he delivered the lecture “Creativity is Connecting Things: Transdisciplinary Integration in Higher Education.”
Malia Bruker, M.F.A (Communication) screened her film, “V/IRL,” at the International Film Festival Rotterdam this past January in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Tanya Renn, Ph.D. (Social Work) delivered the talk “Emerging Trends for Women with Substance Use Disorder” for attendees of the Florida Higher Education Substance Use Disorder Consortium’s Spring Symposium on March 6.
Lauren Kendall, D.N.P., R.N. and Maria Whyte, D.H.Se., A.R.N.P. (Nursing) accompanied four undergraduate students to Grace Mission in Tallahassee. Alongside the Leon County Health Department and the College of Medicine PA program, they provided health screenings to 50 community members and administered Hepatitis A and Influenza vaccinations.
Frankie Wong, Ph.D. (Nursing) received a courtesy appointment to the Department of Population Health Science in the John D. Bower School of Population Health at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. He also was appointed as an executive committee member of the United Faculty of Florida/FSU Chapter.
Elçin Haskollar, Ph.D. (Center for Global Engagement) is piloting a COIL virtual exchange with a Brazilian University in her Global Perspectives course. This pilot program is being conducted in Haskollar’s class in Spring 2020 where every student is partnered with a Brazilian student studying at FATEC Americana, The Technology College of Americana in Brazil.
Michael Morley, J.D. (Law) was quoted in the Los Angeles Times piece, “The 2020 race could become the coronavirus election. Is America ready?” as well as in The Washington Post’s article, “Power up: States plan for worst-case scenario as coronavirus raises concerns about voter turnout,” and the U.S. News & World Report article, “The vote or the virus?”
Mary Ziegler, J.D. (Law) authored an opinion piece for Newsweek titled, “Does abortion hurt women? A subtle new attack on Roe is arriving at the Supreme Court.” She also wrote an op-ed for the The New York Times titled, “The heartbeat bills were never the real threat to abortion rights.” Ziegler also was a guest on the PBS News Hour episode, “What’s at stake in Supreme Court’s Louisiana abortion law case,” and quoted in pieces for the Daily Mail, Huffpost, International Business Times, Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, Vox and The Wall Street Journal.
Marie Cowart, Ph.D. (Pepper Institute on Aging), former FSU Dean of the College of Social Sciences and Director of the Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy, was selected as 2019 Volunteer of the Year at Westminster Oaks.
Carrie Pettus-Davis, Ph.D. (Social Work) was interviewed with four other community leaders on the WFSU show “Perspectives” about how the Tallahassee community can help individuals as they leave incarceration and return home.
The Institute for Justice Research and Development co-hosted the Law Meets Social Work event with FSU College of Law’s Public Interest Law Center on March 3. Faculty, staff and students from FSU College of Social Work, FSU College of Law and FAMU’s Department of Social Work discussed voter disenfranchisement among incarcerated individuals and potential implications for the fields of both law and social work.
Mackenzie Alston, Ph.D. (Economics) was featured in a podcast episode of Women in Economics by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
Jason Pappas, Ph.D. (Education) was featured in a segment on WCTV discussing the cancellation of NCAA winter and spring championships. In the segment, he discussed the various factors that led the NCAA to make that decision.
Mollie Romano, Ph.D. (Communication Science and Disorders) received a subcontract from the Florida Department of Health’s Early Steps program for the project “Florida Embedded Intervention and Practice with Caregivers: Early Steps Professional Development Project.”
Elissa Gentry, Ph.D. (Law) was quoted in the Florida Record piece, “Bill would crack down on ‘bad drug ads’ aired in Florida markets.”
Steve R. Johnson, J.D. (Law) was quoted in the Tax News for Today piece “Judicial Interpretation of Tax Statutes Important in Case Prep.”
Wayne Logan, J.D. (Law) was quoted in the Fox News piece, “Fate of Florida death row inmates uncertain after court ruling.”