Colleen Muscha, MFA (Costume Design) received a Distinguished Career Award for Outstanding Contribution to Florida’s College/University Programs at this year’s Florida Theatre Conference. Muscha has been the director of the MFA Costume Design program for more than 25 years.
Patricia Y. Warren, Ph.D. (Criminology) was honored by the Florida Education Fund and received the 2018 William R. Jones Outstanding Mentor Award for her exceptional contribution to the McKnight Doctoral Fellowship Program.
Kyle McLean, Ph.D. (Criminology) received the Southern Criminal Justice Association’s Outstanding Doctoral Student Award. McLean’s recent research has appeared in the journals Criminal Justice and Behavior, British Journal of Criminology and Crime & Delinquency.
Jim Klein, Ph.D. (Education) and Wei Kelly, Ph.D. (Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies) received the 2018 Outstanding Research Award from the Division of Organizational Training and Performance, Association for Educational Communications and Technology. The award is in recognition of their work “Competencies for Instructional Designers: A View from Employers published in Performance Improvement Quarterly.”
Robert Schwartz, Ph.D. (Education) won a Pillars of the Profession award from the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA). The award recognizes individuals who serve as leaders, teachers and scholars in student affairs and higher education.
Allen D. Blay, Ph.D. (Business) and M.G. (Bud) Fennema, Ph.D. (Business) were recognized by the American Accounting Association with the Issues in Accounting Education’s 2018 Best Paper Award for “Are Accountants Made or Born? An Analysis of Self-Selection into the Accounting Major and Performance in Accounting Courses and on the CPA Exam.”
Thomas Albrecht-Schmitt, Ph.D. (Chemistry) received the Glenn T. Seaborg Award for outstanding contributions to radiochemistry. He will be presented with the award at the American Chemical Society conference in March 2019.
Edmund Myers, Ph.D. (Physics) received an American Physical Society Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Lectureship award to visit the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg, Germany.
Shanna Daniels, Ph.D. (Business), Samantha Paustian-Underdahl, Ph.D. (Business) and Pamela Perrewé, Ph.D. (Business) along with external co-authors had their paper, “Examining the Effects of Perceived Pregnancy Discrimination on Mother and Baby Health,” selected as the “Best Overall Conference Paper” by the Southern Management Association 2018.
Richard Nowakowski, Ph.D. (Medicine), Cynthia Vied, Ph.D. (Medicine) and Joseph Bundy, Ph.D. (Medicine) had their manuscript, “Sex-biased Hippocampal Pathology in the 5XFAD Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease: a Multi-omic Analysis,” accepted for publication in the Journal of Comparative Neurology.
Lara Perez-Felkner, Ph.D. (Education) published the article “Affirmative Action Challenges Keep on Keeping on: Responding to Shifting Federal and State Policy” in the journal Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education.
Jenny Root, Ph.D. (Education) published the article “Effects of Explicit Instruction on Acquisition and Generalization of Mathematical Concepts for a Student with Autism Spectrum Disorder” in the journal of Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Colleen Harmeling, Ph.D. (Business) co-authored a paper titled “Creating Effective Online Customer Experiences,” which has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Marketing. The research examined which electronic design elements build the most effective customer experiences and how to customize this experience for a given product or brand.
Robin Goodman, Ph.D. (English) published “Promissory Notes: On the Literary Conditions of Debt,” with Lever Press. The book addresses how neoliberal finance has depended upon a historical linking of geopolitical inequality and financial representation that positions the so-called “Third World” as negative value, or debt.
Bruce Boehrer, Ph.D. (English) and Molly Hand, Ph.D. (English) have co-edited a new collection of essays published by Cambridge University Press. “Animals, Animality, and Literature” offers readers a survey of the field of literary animal studies in both theoretical and applied dimensions, with discussion covering a wide array of English literary works.
Jeremy Crute, M.S. (Urban Planning), Lindsay Stevens, MSP (Urban Planning) and Tim Chapin, Ph.D. (Urban Planning) co-authored the report “Planning for Autonomous Mobility,” published in the journal of the American Planning Association.
Lucinda Graven, Ph.D. (Nursing) co-authored “High Priority Problems Experienced by Informal Caregivers of Individuals with Heart Failure,” published online ahead of print in the journal Home Healthcare Management & Practice. She also co-authored “Problems Experienced by Individuals with Heart Failure the Second and Third Month after Discharge from a Heart Failure Related Hospitalization,” published in the Journal of Patient-Centered Research and Reviews.
Joedrecka Brown Speights, M.D. (Medicine) has been named permanent chair of the Department of Family Medicine and Rural Health at the College of Medicine. She’s served as interim chair since April.
Eugenia Millender, Ph.D. (Nursing) has been appointed to the American Nurses Association Minority Fellowship Program National Advisory Committee for a three-year period beginning January 2019.
Steven Pfeiffer, Ph.D. (Education) was named the keynote speaker at the International Gifted Congress. The event takes place Nov. 9 in Milan, Italy.
Michael Brady, Ph.D. (Business) was featured in an Oct. 24 article on Wallet Hub, “2018 World Series Facts – Red Sox vs Dodgers,” which appeared under the “Ask the Experts: Major League Bucks.”
Courtney Mickens, (Jim Moran Institute for Global Entrepreneurship) was named associate director of the Jim Moran Institute for Global Entrepreneurship, Palm Beach County Operations. Mickens will be responsible for the development and expansion of the Small Business Executive Program and Nonprofit Executive Program in Palm Beach County.
Nathan Stoltzfus, Ph.D. (History) co-sponsored a conference at Columbia University on the different forms of resistance to the “Final Solution” of Nazi Germany and Nazi-occupied Europe.
Anjali Austin, MFA (Dance) is set a new choreographic work for dance students at Western Oregon University in Monmouth, Oregon, from Oct. 20-27.
Gerald Ferris, Ph.D. (Business), Wayne Hochwarter, Ph.D. (Business), Pamela Perrewé, Ph.D. (Business) and Chad Van Iddekinge, Ph.D. (Business) were recognized in a study as part of the most influential authors in organizational behavior and human resource management and are among the most cited. The professors placed in the top 0.6 percent of 16,289 authors included in the study and referenced in textbooks.
Judy Rushin, MFA (Art) and Carolyn Henne, MFA (Art) launched “Fragments”, the second volume of “Commabox”, a multi-faceted art collective founded at FSU’s Facility for Arts Research. Commabox’s wide-ranging projects include limited edition art boxes and pop-up art exhibitions in locations beyond traditional galleries and museums.
Rachel Fendler, Ph.D. (Art Education) and Sara Scott Shields, Ph.D. (Art Education) published “Filming Frenchtown: Listening to and Learning from Storied Lives,” a project that explores how adolescents use storytelling to understand and express personal and collective experiences. Participating teens developed visual narratives of historic Frenchtown through walking, photographing, filming and engaging in conversation with those they came across.
Jonathan Jackson, MBA (Business) delivered the keynote address “Don’t Confuse Your Customer: Integrating ALL Moments in Your Customer’s Journey” at Web.com’s 2018 Consumer Insights Summit.
Geraldine Martorella, Ph.D. (Nursing) gave a poster presentation at the Orthopedic Trauma Association 34th Annual Meeting, Orthopedic Trauma Association, Orlando, FL. Martorella and her colleagues created a pilot randomized controlled trial of a hybrid web-based and in-person self-management intervention aimed at preventing acute to chronic pain transition after major lower extremity trauma (iPACT-E-Trauma).
Sally Karioth, Ph.D. (Nursing) gave the keynote address at the St. Johns County Behavioral Health Consortium 3rd annual Children’s Behavioral Health Summit in St. Augustine, Florida. Karioth was also the keynote speaker for a donor event at Tidwell Hospice, Sarasota, Florida.
John Lowe, Ph.D. (Nursing) presented “Intertribal Talking Circle, A Research Project Led by Native American Nurse Researchers” at the State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research: Precision Health, Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science in Washington, D.C.
Mark Messersmith, MFA (Art) and Carrie Ann Baade, MFA (Art) discussed their work in depth during talks titled “Art as Social Commentary” at the Gadsden Art Center & Museum.
Inken von Borzyskowski, Ph.D. (Political Science) co-authored and presented the report “What Works in Preventing Election Violence: Evidence from Liberia and Kenya” to the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) on Oct. 29 in Washington, D.C. The report is the result of extensive field research in the two countries in 2017, collecting and analyzing original survey data from more than 2,000 respondents to determine the best methods of preventing election violence.
Alicia Craig-Rodriguez, DNP (Nursing), Sarah Luce, DNP (Nursing) and Ellen Huenink, DNP (Nursing) participated in a Remote Area Medical Clinic in Sarasota. They provided free medical screenings in the General Medical Clinic, Women’s Health Clinic and Procedure Clinic. Along with their clinic volunteers, they saw a total of 392 patients and provided services valued at more than $89,000.
David Meckes, Ph.D. (Medicine) was awarded a $376,626 through a supplemental grant from the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health for the project “Modulation of Host Cell Exosome Content and Function by EBV LMP1,” which focuses on how cells are able to communicate with each other.
Sylvie Naar, Ph.D. (Medicine) received three subcontract awards totaling $140,991 from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Each of the three grants will help conduct research for the Adolescent Medicine Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.