Andrée Aubrey, MSW (Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine), director of the FSU College of Medicine’s Area Health Education Program (AHEC) Program, received Social Worker of the Year from the National Association of Social Workers, Florida Big Bend Chapter for demonstrating exceptional professionalism, commitment to the NASW Code of Ethics, dedication to the profession and service to the community.
Gail Bellamy, Ph.D. (Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine) was presented with the 2017 Wendell Rollason Award by the Florida Rural Health Association. Bellamy, director of the Florida Blue Center for Rural Health Research and Policy, was recognized for her compassion, unselfishness and commitment in seeking solutions in the delivery of rural health care.
Willy Bolander, Ph.D. (Business) has been named Best Reviewer for 2017 by the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.
Ming Cui, Ph.D. (Family and Child Sciences) was selected by the J. William Fulbright Scholarship Board as the recipient of a Fulbright Scholar award to Finland. The Fulbright Program, which aims to increase mutual understanding between the people in the U.S. and the people of other countries, is a flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government.
Roxanne Hauber, Ph.D. (Nursing) received the Nurse of Excellence Award from Capital Regional Health Center.
Judith McFetridge-Durdle, Ph.D. (Nursing) was inducted into the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society on April 3.
Courtney Preston, Ph.D. (Education) has been selected as an Outstanding Reviewer for 2016 by the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and Educational Researcher. Preston will be honored on Friday, April 28, at the 2017 AERA Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas.
Stacy Sirmans, Ph.D. (Business) was awarded the American Real Estate Society’s David Ricardo Medal. This medal is the highest recognition by ARES for scholarly work in the real estate discipline. The medal was presented to Sirmans April 6 for his innovative and extensive publications on housing, housing markets, REITs and other diverse real estate topics, his thought leadership, his profound influence on new directions of research, teaching, public policy and practice. ARES is real estate’s largest global academic association.
Anuj Srivastava, Ph.D. (Statistics) has been selected as a member of the 2017 class of fellows of the American Statistical Association for his development of statistical techniques on nonlinear manifolds with applications to functional and shape data analysis, his dedicated academic leadership, student mentoring and for overall services to the profession.
Steven Van Sciver, Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering) received the Samuel C. Collins Award for his contributions to the field of cryogenics, the study of the production and behavior of materials at very low temperature. He will receive his award in July at the Cryogenic Engineering Conference in Madison, Wis.
Victoria (Vicky) Verano, MSW (Social Work), received the Social Work Educator of the Year Award from the National Association of Social Workers, Florida Big Bend Chapter for exemplifying exceptional dedication to students and education and advancing the social work profession through research.
Irina Bruck (Biomedical Sciences) has received a $437,000 grant from the National Institutes of Health for her project, “Function and mechanism of the essential, Pol12 subunit of the eukaryotic Pol alpha-primase.” The three-year grant focuses on how errors in DNA replication can lead to cancer.
Laurie Abbott, Ph.D. (Nursing) received a Florida State University College of Nursing Infrastructure Grant of $5,000 for “Mitigating cardiovascular risk among rural diabetics.”
Geraldine Martorella, Ph.D. (Nursing) received a Florida State University College of Nursing Infrastructure Grant of $5,000 for “Clinicians and patients’ perceptions of web-based tailored intervention for the self-management of pain along the cardiac surgical care continuum.”
Susan Shelton, Ph.D. (Nursing) received a Florida State University College of Nursing Infrastructure Grant of $5,000 for “Depressive symptoms and the circles of influence in a woman’s transition to motherhood.”
Alicia Craig-Rodriguez (Nursing) presented “Florida ARNPs in acute care and transition to opioid prescribing: A needs assessment” at the National Conference for Nurse Practitioners in Acute Care, Miami, Fla.
Colleen Harmeling, Ph.D. (Business) has been appointed to the Editorial Review Board of Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, a top journal in the marketing field.
Maura Scott, Ph.D. (Business) has been named co-chair the American Marketing Association’s Marketing and Public Policy Conference which takes place June 1-3 in Washington D.C. The conference brings together scholars, business leaders and policymakers from around the world to discuss how marketing insights can help to contribute to consumer well-being.