News Topics

Molly Brown

Published: | 12:00 pm

Molly Brown seems as revved up about a project she’s working on for Amnesty International as she is excited about […]

Shaina Hyder

Published: | 12:00 pm

Shaina Hyder spent the summer of 2008 in Dhaka, Bangladesh, interviewing garment workers and teaching English in a school for […]

Cristina Russo

Published: | 12:00 pm

“I had never heard of Tallahassee when I met Dr. Marcia Fenley,” said Cristina Russo, who later this month will […]

Shannon Brockman

Published: | 12:00 pm

“I joined Alpha Delta Pi my first semester at Florida State. … Much of my success and the leadership opportunities […]

Shelby Henry

Published: | 12:00 pm

Shelby Henry remembers the excitement — and trepidation — she felt when she came to Florida State. “I had lived […]