Gregory J. Harris, Ph.D. (College of Human Sciences) and Earl Levison (Student Affairs) were recently selected as recipients of the 2021 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Distinguished Service Award presented by the FSU Division of Student Affairs and the Center for Leadership and Social Change. The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Distinguished Service Award was established in 1986 to honor a faculty member, administrator or staff member for their outstanding service in keeping with the principles and ideals of Dr. King. The honor also comes with a $1,000 stipend.
Kathy Guthrie, Ph.D. (College of Education) received the 2021 Robert H. Shaffer Award for Academic Excellence as a graduate faculty member from the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA), the Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education. The award is the most prestigious and highest award given by NASPA to a graduate faculty member.
Lauren Scholz, J.D. (College of Law) received the 11th Annual Privacy Papers for Policymakers Award from the Future of Privacy Forum for her paper, “Fiduciary Boilerplate.”
Lama Jaber, Ph.D. (College of Education) received the 2021 Early Career Research Award from the National Association for Research in Science Teaching. The early career award recognizes an individual’s contribution to the field of science education and science teaching.
Phil Hiver, Ph.D. (College of Education) received the 2020 IRIS Replication Award for his article “Re-Examining the Role of Vision in Second Language Motivation: A Preregistered Conceptual Replication of You, Dörnyei, and Csizér (2016).” The award recognizes open and meta-science research in language education.
Lucinda Graven, Ph.D. (College of Nursing) and co-investigators Rob Glueckauf, Ph.D. (College of Medicine), Laurie Abbott, Ph.D. (College of Nursing) and Tom Ledermann, Ph.D. (College of Human Sciences) received a $20,000 Florida Blue Rural Research Development Award for their study, “Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills in Underserved Rural Heart Failure Dyads.”
Kellen Hoxworth, Ph.D. (School of Theatre) published the essay, “The Jim Crow Global South” in the Theatre Journal, a flagship academic journal in the field of theatre and performance studies.
Milinda Jay Stephenson, Ph.D. (Department of English) had her novel, “Annie Laura’s Gift” published and reviewed by Mercer University Press.
Pablo Maurette, Ph.D. (Department of English) published “Seeing the Tartars,” in Lapham’s Quarterly, which was chosen as one of the best essays of 2020.
Amy Ai, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) will be featured in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine for her revised manuscript “Childhood Mistreatment, PTSD, and Substance Use in Latinx: The Role of Discrimination in an Omitted-Variable Bias.”
Lindsey Wharton, MLIS and Michael Pritchard, M.A. (University Libraries) published the article “A Successful Long-term Relationship: Three Years of LTI Integrations in Canvas” in the Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship.
John Mathias, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) co-authored the article “Environmental Social Work in the Disciplinary Literature” in the journal International Social Work and received a 2020 Best Article award.
Stan Gontarski, Ph.D. (Department of English) had his essay, “T-shirt Modernism and The Performance of Masculinity: The Theatrical Refashionings of Tennessee Williams and William Inge” published in the current issue of Arizona Quarterly.
Robin Truth Goodman, Ph.D. and Aaron Jaffe, Ph.D. (Department of English) co-published the introductory essays in the recent issue of symploke, “Control, Again: Further Thoughts from the Pandemic” and “Gestures of Control.” The special focus issue (Control) also includes an essay by Stan Gontarski, Ph.D. (Department of English), “The ‘Limits of Control’: Burroughs through Deleuze.”
David Kirby, Ph.D. (Department of English) had his essay, “Why You Should Think Like a Poet,” published in the Deseret News (Salt Lake City).
Jessica Bahorski, Ph.D. (College of Nursing) co-published “Describing Maternal Knowledge of Infant Feeding Practices” in the Journal of Pediatric Health Care.
Bob Shacochis, Ph.D. (Department of English) had his essay/obituary on American naturalist and writer Barry Lopez published in Outside magazine.
Amy Ai, Ph.D. (College of Social Work), Frank Fincham, Ph.D. (College of Human Sciences) and Henry Carretta, M.P.H. (College of Medicine) co-published the article “ADL and IADL Following Open-Heart Surgery: The Role of a Character Strength Factor and Preoperative Medical Comorbidities” in the Journal of Religion and Health.
Ann Perko, J.D., Karen Oehme, J.D., Jim Clark, Ph.D. (College of Social Work), Elizabeth Ray, Ph.D. and Laura Arpan, Ph.D. (College of Communication and Information) co-published the article “Examining the Implementation of a Universal Approach to Student Resilience” in the Journal of Higher Education Management.
William Butler, Ph.D., Tisha Holmes, Ph.D. (Department of Urban and Regional Planning) and recent FSU graduate Zechariah Lange, Ph.D. co-authored the article “Mandated Planning for Climate Change: Responding to the Peril of Flood Act for Sea Level Rise Adaptation in Florida,” which was accepted for publication in the Journal of the American Planning Association.
Miles Taylor, Ph.D. (Department of Sociology) and Dawn Carr, Ph.D. (Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy) published the study “Psychological Resilience and Health Among Older Adults: A Comparison of Personal Resources” in the Journals of Gerontology. The results suggest that psychological resilience is powerfully associated with health in later life, with substantially greater predictive efficacy than other commonly used resource measures.
Minjee Kim, Ph.D. (Department of Urban and Regional Planning) and Tingyu Zhou, Ph.D. (College of Business) had their paper “Does Restricting the Entry of Formula Businesses Help Mom-and-pop Stores? The Case of Small American Towns with Unique Community Character” accepted for publication by the journal Economic Development Quarterly.
Jayur Mehta, Ph.D. (Department of Anthropology) published “Reflections on Teaching the History of Colonization, Slavery, and the African Diaspora Using Primary Sources and Historical Fiction” for the Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and Heritage, which is about teaching the archaeology of slavery.
Elizabeth Coggeshall, Ph.D. (Department of Modern Languages) published the article “Jousting with Verse: The Poetics of Friendship in Duecento Comuni” in the journal Italian Culture.
Lisa Wakamiya, Ph.D. (Department of Modern Languages) published a chapter “Tarkovsky and Zvyagintsev: Influence, Depersonalization, Autonomy” in the book “ReFocus: The Films of Andrei Tarkovsky.”
Aimée Boutin, Ph.D. (Department of Modern Languages) published “The Sound Crack in Émile Zola’s La Bête Humaine” in “Nineteenth-Century French Studies volume 49 numbers 1 & 2 / Fall–Winter 2020–2021.”
Tanya Renn, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) published “The Role of Preparatory Programming in Increasing the Effectiveness of a Sex Offender Treatment Intervention” in the journal Victims & Offenders. The paper details the association between specialized programming and an individual’s return to incarceration after release.
Carrie Pettus-Davis, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) co-authored the report “Associations Between Well-Being and Reincarceration,” which presents preliminary findings from the 5-Key Model for Reentry trial being tested in seven states across the nation.
Jennifer Schellinger, Ph.D., Sherry Southerland, Ph.D., Miray Tekkumru-Kia, Ph.D., Todd Hinton Bevis, Ph.D. and Ellen M. Granger, Ph.D. (College of Education) contributed to the article “Enhancing Teacher Learning of Ambitious Instruction Through Collaborative Design,” which appeared on the website Scientia. The article looks at the recent efforts of science education reform and how teachers can support students’ development through instructional practices that encourage discussion and in evaluating new ideas.
Lara Perez-Felkner, Ph.D. (College of Education) published the article “Affirmative Action Challenges Keep on Keeping On: Responding to Shifting Federal and State Policy” in the journal Perspective: Policy and Practice in Higher Education.
Michael Giardina, Ph.D. (College of Education) co-edited the new book “Collaborative Futures in Qualitative Inquiry: Research in a Pandemic,” published by Routledge.
Jenny Root, Ph.D. (College of Education) co-edited the book “Mathematics Education and Students with Autism, Intellectual Disability, and Other Developmental Disabilities.”
Megan M. Buning, Ph.D. (College of Education) served as the research methodologist on the publication “Comparing Experiences of Counseling Mentor Award Winners with Professional Guidelines,” which appeared in Research on Education and Psychology. The article compares the practices of award-winning mentors with mentorship guidelines.
Timothy Baghurst, Ph.D. (College of Education) published the article “Practical Ways for Coaches to Reduce their Stress and Avoid Burnout” in Auc Kinanthropologica. The article offers effective ways to help reduce stress through meditation, physical activity, mentorship and more.
James Du, Ph.D. (College of Education) published the paper “To Be or Not to Be: Negotiating Leisure Constraints with Technology and Data Analytics Amid the COVID-19 pandemic” in Leisure Studies. The research features three studies on how the general public can use technology and big data analytics to effectively navigate interpersonal, structural and intrapersonal constraints to active leisure while improving the efficiency with which we combat the spread of COVID-19.
Christine Mokher, Ph.D., Toby Park-Gaghan, Ph.D. and Shouping Hu, Ph.D. (College of Education) published the article “Shining the Spotlight on Those Outside Florida’s Reform Limelight: The Impact of Developmental Education Reform for Nonexempt Students” in The Journal of Higher Education.
Kimberly Harris, Ed.D. (Dedman College of Hospitality) co-authored the paper “The Impact of Social Norms and Risk Assessment on Diners’ Reaction to Food Safety Concerns in Restaurants,” published in the Journal of Foodservice Business Research. The study investigates behavioral reactions of diners when witnessing a food safety violation in a restaurant.
Sean McGinley, Ph.D. and Nathan Line, Ph.D. (Dedman College of Hospitality) co-authored the paper “Studying the Effects of Future-Oriented Factors and Turnover When Threatened,” which was published in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
Nathan Line, Ph.D. and Tarik Dogru, Ph.D. (Dedman College of Hospitality) co-authored the paper “Control, Use and Ownership of Big Data: A Reciprocal View of Customer Big Data Value in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry,” which was published in Tourism Management. The research explores the nature of data-based value co-creation under varying conditions of consumer control and benefits.
Christopher Constantino, Ph.D., Melissa Gross, Ph.D. and Don Latham, Ph.D. (College of Communication and Information) collaborated with Karen Randolph, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) to publish the paper “The Subjective Experience of Information Communication Technology Use Among Child Welfare Workers” in the journal Children and Youth Services Review.
Jennifer Proffitt, Ph.D. (College of Communication and Information) published the paper, “Elite Company: Sourcing Trends in 2014-2017 Prestige Press Climate Change Editorials” with communication doctoral candidate Christopher Garcia.
David E. Landau, J.D. (College of Law) co-authored “Transnational Constitutionalism and a Limited Doctrine of Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendment,” which was cited by the Constitutional Tribunal of Chile. The case struck down a temporary amendment to the constitution that changed the rules for pension plans during the pandemic.
Melissa Gross, Ph.D. (College of Communication and Information) worked with alumna Julia C. Skinner (’15, Ph.D.) to edit and publish the book, “Underserved Patrons in University Libraries Assisting Trauma Abuse and Discrimination.” The research-based book details how libraries can better meet the needs of underserved patrons in college libraries and teaches strategies for outreach.
Shi-Ling Hsu, J.D. (College of Law) authored an op-ed for Slate, “Republication Propping Up the Fossil Fuel Industry Is Borderline Socialist.”
David E. Landau, J.D. (College of Law) co-authored an op-ed for The New York Times, “The 25th Amendment Can Remove Trump, but We Shouldn’t Stop There.”
Zhe He, Ph.D. (College of Communication and Information) edited the paper “Selected Articles from the Fourth International Workshop on Semantics-Powered Data Mining and Analytics (SEPDA 2019)” for the journal BMC Informatics and Decision Making. His paper “A Deep Learning Approach for Identifying Cancer Survivors Living with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder on Twitter” was one of seven chosen to be expanded into a full journal paper.
Jesse Klein, Ph.D. (University Libraries) published the article, “Activists and Non-Activists: Differential Activist Identification in the Tea Party and Occupy Movements,” in The Qualitative Report.
Eric Rieger, Ph.D. (College of Music) was invited to give an international virtual interview and masterclass on “Singing in German” for the Fundación Cultural Armonía Arte Lirico in Ecuador in Fall 2020. The class was presented in Spanish and English, and he worked with young singers from Ecuador and Argentina.
Jeff Broome, Ph.D. (Department of Art Education) presented “Autoethnography of Becoming an Art Teacher – Noticing Affective Intensities” for the International Symposium on Autoethnography and Narrative. His presentation was included as part of the session on “The Art of/in Autoethnography.”
Maxine Montgomery, Ph.D. (Department of English) participated in the Social Change Symposium, heading the workshop “Afro-Futurist Feminism — From Octavia Butler to Beyonce.”
Tanya Peres, Ph.D. (Department of Anthropology) presented her paper “Old World Animals, Subsistence, and Food Production Economies in Spanish Florida” at Zooarchaeology of the Modern Era Working Group, International Council of Archaeolozoologists, Virtual. She also gave a talk as part of the Florida Public Archaeology Network’s Zoom into Archaeology Series on “Cocoa Picantes: Tasting the Ancient Origins of My Favorite Cookie,” which highlighted the ancient origins of traditional baking ingredients.
Dean Falk, Ph.D. (Department of Anthropology) gave a Zoom talk “Evolution of the Human Brain” on brain evolution to the Division of Child Neurology rounds at Columbia University Irving Medical Center.
Lisa Wakamiya, Ph.D. (Department of Modern Languages) presented her paper “Somatic Metaphors and Retranslation” at the annual meeting of the Modern Languages Association.
Michael Killian, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) presented his co-authored paper “Comorbid Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Depression Among Hispanics in an Integrated Healthcare Intervention” at the 2021 Society for Social Work Research Conference.
Shamra Boel-Studt, Ph.D., Taylor Dowdy, M.S.W. and Lauren H.K. Stanley, M.S.W. (College of Social Work) presented their paper “The Relations Among Youth Therapeutic Residential Treatment Factors and Treatment Outcomes: A Quantile Regression Analysis” at the 2021 Society for Social Work Research Conference.
John Mathias, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) served as the presenting author at the 2021 Society for Social Work Research Conference for the paper “Tornado Shelter in a Red Bow: Giving and Receiving Disaster Aid in Rural Alabama.” Mathias co-authored the paper with Tyler McCreary, Ph.D., Tisha Holmes, Ph.D. and James Elsner, Ph.D. (College of Social Work).
Carrie Pettus-Davis, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) and colleagues from Texas State University and the University of Denver presented the paper, “Financial Management Skills, Co-Parenting, and Father Involvement Among Non-Resident Jailed Fathers” at the national meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research.
Dina Wilke, Ph.D., Lisa Langenderfer-Magruder, Ph.D. and Melissa Radey, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) led the roundtable “Publicly-Available Workforce Datasets: The Florida Study of Professionals for Safe Families and the National Child Welfare Workforce Institute” at the 2021 Society for Social Work Research Conference. They also presented their paper “How Does Client Violence Affect Worker Health? Understanding the Attributes and Consequences of Client Violence Among Child Welfare Workers.”
Karen Randolph, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) presented her co-authored paper “Beyond Social Media Benefits and Harms for Adolescents: Assessing Contributors to Resilience to Inform Interventions” at the 2021 Society for Social Work Research Conference.
Lisa Magruder, Ph.D., Jessica Bagneris, M.S.W. and Michael Killian, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) presented their paper “Validation of the Intimate Partner Violence Responder Collaboration Scale with Child Welfare Workers” at the 2021 Society for Social Work Research Conference.
Michael Carrasco, Ph.D. (Department of Art History) recently participated in several presentations and guest lectures including “Poetics, Writing, and Ritual in Formative Period Mesoamerica for the Origins of Writing Conference: Power and Technology,” and “Center for the Study of Origins at the University of Colorado Boulder.” He was also a guest lecturer for a course on decolonial museum practices and Mesoamerica, Princeton University.
Lisa Schelbe, Ph.D. and Bart Klika, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) led the roundtable “Leveraging Research-Policy-Practice Partnerships for Meaningful Social Change for Children” at the 2021 Society for Social Work Research Conference.
Jessica Bagneris, M.S.W. (College of Social Work) served as the presenting author for “Meta-Analysis of the Impact of the Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management on Child Behavioral Problems” at the 2021 Society for Social Work Research Conference.
Michael Killian, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) presented his co-authored paper “Measurement of Health-Related Quality of Life in Pediatric Organ Transplantation Recipients: A Systematic Review of the PedsQL Transplant Module” at the 2021 Society for Social Work Research Conference.
Savarra Tadeo, M.S.W (College of Social Work) served as the presenting author for the paper symposium “Examining the Health and Mental Health Disparities between Sexual Minority Youth and Heterosexual Youth in the United States” at the 2021 Society for Social Work Research Conference.
S. Kathleen Krach, Ph.D. (College of Education) presented at five different conferences on how testing psychologists can conduct valid diagnostic assessments during the COVID-19 pandemic. From these recommendations, two journal articles were later published by Krach in collaboration with graduate students and faculty at FSU and other institutions. The articles,”Meeting the COVID-19 Deadlines: Choosing Assessments to Determine Eligibility” and “Testing Our Children When the World Shuts Down: Analyzing Recommendations for Adapted Tele-Assessment during COVID-19,” were both published in the Journal of Psychoeducational Assessments. Additionally, she will present the findings from these articles at the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) annual convention in February 2021.
Keila Zayas Ruiz, MLIS (University Libraries) was elected as Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect to the Digital Public Library of America Network Council.
Ann Rowson Love, Ph.D. (Department of Art Education) is serving on the Scholarship Subcommittee of the Curators Committee for the American Alliance of Museums. As part of this service, she co-moderated a discussion, “Publish Your Work,” on writing proposals, the peer-review processes, research approaches and the future of museum publishing.
Latara Osborne Lampkin, Ph.D. (Florida Center for Reading Research) joined the Editorial/Advisory Board of The Journal of Negro Education.
Anne Coldiron, Ph.D. (Department of English) was named to the editorial board of the journal Scholarly Editing.
John Mathias, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) served as the organizer for the symposium “Disasters and Environmental Justice: Research for Social Change” at the 2021 Society for Social Work Research Conference.
Carrie Pettus-Davis, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) hosted the symposium “Support4Families: A Proposed Intervention Model to Support Families of Individuals Returning Home from Incarceration” at the national meeting of the Society for Social Work and Research.
Jeffrey Lacasse, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) served as a moderator for the oral presentation, “Surviving Health and Mental Health Challenges (Cluster: Race and Ethnicity)” at the 2021 Society for Social Work Research Conference.
Lauren Scholz, J.D. (College of Law) was a panelist for “Redressing Privacy Violations,” a conversation with experts hosted by the University of Washington’s Tech Policy Lab in partnership with Microsoft.
Michael T. Morley, J.D. (Law) was elected chair of the Section on Election Law of the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) for 2021 at the AALS Annual Meeting, held virtually January 5–9, 2021.
Hillary Powell, J.D. (College of Law) was offered a position on the editorial board of The Second Draft, a twice-yearly online publication of the Legal Writing Institute that is geared toward practical advice and ideas for legal writing professors.
Lt. Greg Washington (FSU Police Department) was nominated for the State Law Enforcement Chiefs Association Distinguished Leadership Award.
Ofc. Tony Gioannetti (FSU Police Department) was nominated for the State Law Enforcement Chiefs Association Distinguished Trainer of the Year Award.
Timothy Hoekman, Ph.D. (College of Music) created a musical composition that was accepted for performance during the College Music Society Southern Conference in February. The online performance will feature Hoekman at the piano along with FSU College of Music faculty vocalists Marcy Stonikas, soprano, and Evan Jones, baritone.
Carol Campbell Edwards, M.S.W. (College of Social Work) started her new role as B.S.W Program Director for the FSU College of Social Work this month.
Amberly Prykhodko, LCSW and Jennifer Joseph, LMSW (College of Social Work) conducted trainings on the 5-Key Model principles with the community partners who supported the Institute for Justice Research and Development in testing the model with individuals leaving incarceration and returning home in Florida, Kentucky, Pennsylvania and Texas.
Carrie Pettus-Davis, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) hosted a joint press conference on Dec. 17, 2020 with the Florida Sheriffs Association to announce the launch of an innovative training, “Resiliency Behind the Badge,” designed to help law enforcement officers understand and manage the impact of exposure to violence and suffering while on duty.
David Eccles, Ph.D. (College of Education) has had his 2017 article — “The Think Aloud Method: What is It and How do I Use It?” — become one of the most cited in the history of the journal Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health.
Michael Killian, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) was the symposium organizer for the “Systematic Psychometric Systematic Review Lending to Convergence to Measurement Issues in Social Work Research with Children” at the 2021 Society for Social Work Research Conference.
Mark Zeigler, ABD (College of Communication and Information) was the closing keynote speaker at the Annual Meeting of Synergy Settlement Services in Orlando, Florida.
Charles R. McClure, Ph.D. (College of Communication and Information) Krafft Professor of Information Studies and founder and Director of the Information Institute at FSU’s School of Information, retired after 21 years of service.
Marcia A. Mardis, Ed.D. (College of Communication and Information) was appointed Director of the Information Institute at FSU’s School of Information.
Yanshuo Sun, Ph.D. (FAMU-FSU College of Engineering) an assistant industrial engineering professor and faculty affiliate of the Institute for Successful Longevity, developed an innovative app to help seniors use Dial-A-Ride.