Florida State University scientist discovers one of the earth’s earliest animals in Australian outback
Published: | 9:47 am
In the shadow of South Australia’s largest mountain range beneath the outback soil lies a fossil record that reveals a […]
FSU Discovery Days panel on aging and technology engages community, discusses challenges and opportunities
Published: | 3:28 pm
Florida State University researchers and a guest speaker from the University of Pennsylvania considered the challenges and opportunities that technology […]
FSU physics lab awarded NSF grant to enhance particle and nuclear physics research, power student experience
Published: | 8:23 am
The Florida State University low-energy nuclear physics lab has received new funding from the National Science Foundation to improve the […]
FSU Discovery Days: Panelists express bold vision for TOC-FSU partnership
Published: | 1:38 pm
Two far-reaching and highly impactful North Florida entities joined forces Tuesday in a panel discussion that explored how their partnership […]
Cyber Bowl kicks off: FSU battles rivals for cybersecurity supremacy
Published: | 11:25 am
Florida State University’s Information Technology Services department is kicking off its annual challenge to bring awareness and education to cybersecurity […]
FSU researchers discover new materials, techniques with promising potential for microelectronics and quantum technologies
Published: | 1:48 pm
As phones and computers shrink in size, our need for data storage and transfer is growing. Electronic devices have been […]
FSU Libraries media studio celebrates 10 years of research assistance and creative media services
Published: | 9:10 am
Nestled within Florida State University’s Dirac Library is a resource that has been a game-changer for FSU’s brightest minds over […]
Tracking microplastics: FAMU-FSU College of Engineering researcher helps discover how microplastics move for better storm water management
Published: | 2:17 pm
Microplastic pollution is a significant environmental problem that harms animals and people and affects ecosystems worldwide. These tiny pieces of […]
FSU faculty member elected fellow of American Meteorological Society
Published: | 11:59 am
A Florida State University meteorological faculty member has been elected as a fellow of the most prestigious weather organization in […]
FSU researchers work to protect local springs
Published: | 12:33 pm
New state budget supports water quality research
FSU ITS celebrates 100 intern milestone
Published: | 3:26 pm
Florida State University’s Information Technology Services (ITS) recently celebrated a significant milestone: mentoring more than 100 interns in a semester. […]