This message to all students has been approved by Michael Williams, Associate Vice President for Finance and Administration.
The FSU Bookstore and Bill’s Bookstore are offering free prepaid shipping labels to return your rental textbooks. As a reminder, the rental return due date is Monday, May 4, 2020.
To assist you during this time and account for the increase in mail service, we are extending the non-returned date up to 15 days, or Tuesday, May 19, 2020, without penalty. For step-by-step instructions on how to access your prepaid shipping label, visit the Textbook Rental Return FAQs page.
Want to sell your textbooks? We are accepting buybacks online through the “Sell Your Textbooks” portal. You will be able to enter your textbook information, access a free shipping label, and receive payment.
If you are still living in a residence hall, you may take advantage of the online services noted above or visit our store locations in person.
For more information, including a list of Frequently Asked Questions, visit the top of our home page at shopfsu.com or billsbookstore.com (Click the COVID-19 message).
Bill’s Bookstore
(850) 224-3178
Wednesday – Friday, 10AM-4PM
Saturday – Sunday, 12PM-4PM