This message to all faculty and instructional staff has been approved by Dr. Sally McRorie, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Due to the unique circumstances of COVID-19, the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement has determined that all course evaluations for the Summer 2020 semester will be conducted online.
If you’re new to online evaluations, ODL’s Course Evaluation page and Frequently Asked Questions article provide an introduction to FSU course evaluation policy and process.
As always, we encourage instructors to remind their students that their anonymous feedback matters and plays an important role in course effectiveness. You will be able to monitor response rates during the open survey window and, if needed, let your students know how important it is to you that they take a moment to complete the course surveys.
For more information, call 850-645-2730, visit ODL Scanning & Evaluations or email odl-at@campus.fsu.edu.
Please know that the Office of Distance Learning continues to provide support to the FSU community during this time. You can contact us at 850-644-4635, submit a ticket for technical support, visit our Remote Teaching page, or register for training.
COVID-19 LINKS: Remote Teaching Guide | Working Remotely | Coronavirus Updates | FSU Alerts