Rebecca Thieneman, a senior majoring in Dietetics and Food Merchandising, is out to get you…to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
She’s doing it through example and instruction in her spinning class at the Leach Center. She’s doing it through her health columns in the FSView.
And she’s doing it through her work as vice president of Students for Understanding Nutrition Now (SUNN), a volunteer group of specially trained students who present sound and practical information about nutrition, physical activity, and body acceptance to the campus community.
Rebecca even found occasions while studying Spanish in Oaxaca, Mexico, to teach aerobics, provide dietary consultation, and appear on a public access televised fitness program.
Through it all, Rebecca remains a realist, offering tips and strategies for integrating healthy practices into our busy and demanding lifestyles.
Her balanced and inspiring approach earned her an invitation to address the 2005 President’s Retreat on the campus health initiative.