Six distinguished Florida State University alumni will be honored during the annual Homecoming Awards Breakfast on Saturday, Oct. 20.
The awards presented at the event include the FSU Alumni Association’s Bernard F. Sliger Award, FSU Alumni Association and Omicron Delta Kappa’s Grads Made Good, University Libraries and Friends of the Libraries Alumni Award for Distinguished Writing, plus Garnet and Gold Key’s Ross Oglesby Award.
This year’s Grads Made Good honorees are Sandra Barker (M.S. ’76, Ph.D. ’78), JoAnne Graf (B.S. ’75, Ph.D. ’92), Nancy McKay (B.A. ’78) and Gene Stearns (B.A. ’66, J.D. ’72). Mart Hill (B.S. ’42) will be honored with the Sliger Award, and Diane Roberts (B.A. ’79, M.A. ’80) will receive the Alumni Award for Distinguished Writing.
The Ross Oglesby Award will be announced at the Homecoming Awards Breakfast. The award is presented annually to a faculty or staff member who has given distinguished service to students and to the university.
Guests can enjoy breakfast and networking before the award presentations. Tickets are $18 for FSU Alumni Association members and $23 for non-members. Advance registration is required by Monday, Oct. 15. Guests may register online at alumni.fsu.edu/homecoming-awards or by calling (850) 644-2761.
The Homecoming Awards Breakfast will take place the FSU Alumni Center Grand Ballroom. Doors will open at 8:30 a.m., and award presentations start at 9 a.m.