UPDATE 3:45 P.M. JAN. 12: The Institute of Politics at Florida State University’s virtual forum featuring U.S. Sens. Mitt Romney (R-UT) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) planned for 6:30 tonight has been postponed due to scheduling conflicts. Details about a possible makeup date will be announced as soon as they become available.
U.S. Sens. Mitt Romney (R-UT) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) will appear together Jan. 12 during the keynote kickoff event of the new Institute of Politics at Florida State University (IOP@FSU).
The virtual forum, which was planned and scheduled prior to the events of Jan. 6, is more relevant than ever following the violence at the U.S. Capitol. The IOP@FSU’s mission is to engage FSU students, Floridians and all citizens in the political process by promoting civil debate, civic engagement and research.
The conversation with Romney and Manchin will launch the IOP@FSU’s “Celebrating Civility” speaker series — a month of events for people of all political persuasions to come together during this pivotal time in American politics. The four-part series will feature political dignitaries, world-class scholars, and leaders in policy, legislating and the media.
“Now is the time to return to civility in our politics,” said FSU President John Thrasher. “The university environment should always nourish the free – and respectful – sharing of ideas. That’s exactly what this high-powered speaker series aims to do.”
During the Jan. 12 event, Romney and Manchin will share their thoughts on the future of American politics in a discussion with political maven Al Cardenas.
“We are honored to have two sitting U.S. senators from different parties share the screen to talk about issues at the heart of the IOP’s mission,” said Tim Chapin, dean of FSU’s College of Social Sciences and Public Policy. “The IOP is all about civility, civic engagement and creating more informed students and citizens. This event and series will advance those goals.”
The four-part “Celebrating Civility” speaker series will be virtual and free to the public. All events will begin at 6:30 p.m. EST. Register at http://www.iopfsu.com/.
Tuesday, Jan. 12
IOP Kickoff and Keynote
Thursday, Jan. 14
Presidential Transitions and the Biden Administration
Tuesday, Jan. 26
Congress and Policy Making in the 117th Congress
Thursday, Jan. 28
Rising to the Challenge of Covering Politics in the Current Political Environment
For more information on the Institute of Politics at Florida State University, visit http://www.iopfsu.com/.