Michael T. Morley
Sheila M. McDevitt Professor
Morley teaches and writes in the areas of election law, constitutional law, remedies and the federal courts.
He was quoted widely in the lead up and immediate aftermath of the 2020 presidential election in outlets such as NPR, Politico and Reuters, among others.
(850) 644-2579 or (860) 778-3883
Mark B Seidenfeld
Patricia A. Dore Professor of Administrative Law and Associate Dean for Research
Seidenfeld is recognized as one of the country’s leading scholars on federal administrative law, federal constitutional law, the federal legislative process and statutory interpretation.
Nat Stern
John W. & Ashley E. Frost Professor
Stern is an expert on constitutional law issues with a particular focus on free speech areas, such as defamation and commercial speech.
Topics: Constitutional Law Politics
(850) 644-1801