Summer 2020: Register now for online or remote classes

This message to all students has been approved by Dr. Sally McRorie, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Registering for Summer classes at FSU is a great way to get ahead on your degree and learn from our outstanding faculty members and instructors. Options to study away from campus will be more flexible than ever in Summer 2020.

In Summer 2020, FSU will be offering all courses online or remote during these sessions:

  • Summer A (12 weeks, May 11-July 31)
  • Summer B (first 6 weeks, May 11-June 19)
  • Summer F (first 8 weeks, May 11-July 2)
  • Law (8 week, May 11-July 2)

No decision has been made yet about Summer C classes.

Searching for classes

Classes will be offered “online” (a course specially designed for online learning) or “remote” (traditional classes offered through online platforms). You can now search for “remote” offerings in myFSU’s Class Search using the “Physical Location” field.

Classes will either be synchronous or asynchronous. Here’s how to tell the difference.

  • Classes with specific days/time listed: These are synchronous classes. The class will meet virtually at those times via Zoom or other technologies. The registration system will not allow you to enroll in remote, synchronous classes with overlapping times.
  • Classes with days/time listed as TBA: These are asynchronous classes. The class will not meet virtually at a specific time and will use other teaching methods like recorded videos so coursework can be done at your convenience.

Additional Liberal Studies & Spanish seats for Summer

In the next couple of days, new seats in several online Liberal Studies courses will be available. These additional seats will allow more of you to continue your academic progress during these unusual circumstances. A list of these courses along with their Liberal Studies areas is included below. Keep checking the Class Search to build your perfect summer semester.

CourseCourse TitleLiberal Studies Area
PHI 2010Intro to PhilosophyEthics (statewide core)
STA 2023Fundamental Business StatisticsQuantitative & Logical Thinking (statewide core)
MUL 2010Music Literature, Listening, & UnderstandingHumanities & Cultural Practice (statewide core)
COM 2080Online Communication & PresenceOral Communication Competency
ARH 2000Art, Architecture, & Artistic VisionHumanities & Cultural Practice (statewide core)
IDS 2293Dangerous Liaisons Ethics, Humanities, & Cultural Practice, E-Series, “W” State-Mandated Writing
CIS 3250Ethics & Computer ScienceEthics
CJE3762/3762LForensic Science in Investigation/LabNatural Sciences/Natural Science Lab

Additional remote seats in some Spanish language courses will also be available.

Students should contact their academic advisors with questions about building their Summer schedules.