“I like to think that through my scholarship and teaching I have advanced an understanding of biology among my peers.”
John Allen received a Bess Ward Honors Thesis Award to support his Honors in the Major thesis. John examined phylogenetics and biogeography of two genera in the macadamia-nut family. He defended the thesis last spring and will graduate with Honors.
John applied his skills in the field last summer in the fire-ecology program at Tall Timbers Research Station. His responsibilities included taking a census of plants, with an emphasis on the long-leaf pine eco-system, at various points in the fire regime.
The honors student found being a teaching assistant for the Biology for Non-Majors a rewarding experience. Through research and teaching, John hopes to “advance an understanding of biology among (his) peers.”
John is a member of Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in biological science, he plans to attend graduate school to earn an advanced degree in molecular genetics.