“He now serves as the Chair of a coalition determined to pass a half cent sales tax increase to fund a comprehensive healthcare plan for the working poor in Leon County.”
Joseph O’Shea lives his life in aid and service to the poverty stricken and homeless. Having worked to develop a free dental clinic for the indigent in Tallahassee, Joseph is a strong advocate for the underrepresented. He now serves as the Chair of a coalition determined to pass a half cent sales tax increase to fund a comprehensive healthcare plan for the working poor in Leon County. Joseph’s heart is in the right place, and so is his head.
In addition to maintaining a 4.0 cumulative grade point average in his major of Philosophy, he is a member of Florida State’s Honors Program, Phi Eta Sigma National Freshman Honors Society, and the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. His service has extended to all sectors of Florida State.
Joseph is extremely active in politics, and plans to go on to law school after graduating. His list of political activities and accomplishments will be impressive on any application. He is the Policy and Procedure Chairman for Student Government, the Student Government Ambassador for the College Democrats, a member of the Emerging Leaders Program, and a member of the Executive Board of the Progressive Student Assembly.
Joseph is also an active community volunteer. He is a member of People for The American Way Fellowship, and an after school mentor for the America Reads Program. He isn’t all work and no play. He takes the time to enjoy our beautiful campus and the warm friendly people here at Florida State. He enjoys attending football games and relaxing on Landis Green. After obtaining his degrees the goal is clear. Says Joseph, “I want to dedicate my life to public service.”