The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Florida State University is offering a full slate of classes, clubs and activities this fall tailored to lifelong learners.
Registration opens September 15. Class offerings are available at olli.fsu.edu.
With the success of Zoom classes through the past few semesters and the continuing threat of COVID-19, OLLI will continue mostly via remote learning. Some in-person activities will be available.
OLLI President Harriet Waas said the emergence of online learning has pushed the institute.
“COVID-19 changed our lives, requiring us to devise new and creative ways to keep OLLI moving forward,” she said. “The silver lining of the pandemic has brought us instructors via Zoom from around the country and around the world.”
OLLI will offer about 40 classes covering an intriguing array of topics. In addition, OLLI at FSU also features a Panama City partner — OLLI at FSU 30A. While some of those classes are in person, many are also available via Zoom.
Humanities, physical and social science, history, technology, language, current events, self-improvement and much more are all well-represented in OLLI’s curriculum.
The full Course Catalog is available online at olli.fsu.edu. A virtual Showcase of Classes featuring instructors describing and promoting their classes will also appear online September 14 at olli.fsu.edu.
Classes run from October until December. Clubs, special free lectures and activities are offered throughout the year.
Membership in OLLI at FSU is open to all adults 50 and older who love to learn in a stress-free environment where there are no tests, no homework and no required reading. There are no education prerequisites.
For more information about OLLI at FSU, see olli.fsu.edu. Contact Deb Herman at dherman@fsu.edu or Terry Aaronson at taaronson@fsu.edu.