Thousands of new freshmen students enjoyed a delicious barbecue outing Sunday afternoon at the campus residence of President Eric J. Barron and his wife, Molly.
It was an opportunity for the incoming freshmen not only to meet President Barron, but also many of the FSU academic deans and other university officials early on in their Florida State experience.
Most of the students walked across campus to the barbecue outing after participating in the earlier New Student Convocation at the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center at Florida State University.
Florida State’s class of 2017 consumed more than 5,000 barbeque servings during the 2-hour feast on the lawn of the President’s House. The event was organized by the FSU Student Alumni Association.
Lively entertainment was provided by FSU Greek organizations and the FSU pep band.
In addition to the usual revelry of the President’s Backyard Barbecue, the Florida State University Student Foundation made news at the event by presenting a $50,000 check to the Garnet and Gold Scholar Society.
“We were so excited to present Dr. Barron with our fifth check to the Garnet and Gold Scholars Society for $50,000, totaling $250,000 over the past four years,” said Adam Rosenthal, chairman of the Student Foundation. The FSU Student Foundation is dedicated to promoting student philanthropy and furthering the student experience at Florida State.
The society, which was established by Barron in 2010, encourages students to make the most of their college careers by participating in at least three out of five activities beyond the classroom: leadership, service, internship, international experience and research.