News Topics

Ashley Stahl

Published: | 12:00 pm

The outstanding reputation of Florida State University’s College of Music is what initially compelled Ashley Stahl to attend. She recalls […]

Dominique St-Fleur Jr.

Published: | 12:00 pm

For Dominique St-Fleur Jr., a finance and accounting student, on the rich balance sheet of experiences afforded him by The […]

Chantal Garcia de Gonzalo

Published: | 12:00 pm

Chantal Garcia de Gonzalo grew up listening to stories of science, research and higher education from her father, who holds […]

Zachary Rosenkoetter

Published: | 12:00 pm

“Getting involved has been so important to me in order to establish roots and to understand what the Florida State […]

Aaron Chapnick

Published: | 12:00 pm

For Ft. Lauderdale-born Aaron Chapnick, a classical archeology student, going on a dig in Italy qualifies as his best experience […]

Renée McAlpin

Published: | 12:00 pm

“My goal, since I can remember, has been to travel abroad and gain as much as possible from other cultures. […]

Florida State and Four Billion

Published: | 12:00 am

Two Florida State University scholars are helping you recap the first four billion years of one of science’s hottest topics.

Florida State Hosts 500

Published: | 12:00 am

An environmental history conference is bringing hundreds of scholars to Florida State University.