Faculty and Staff Briefs August 2024

Florida State University’s faculty and staff are central to its mission and the key to its countless accomplishments.

Throughout the year, honors and recognitions are awarded to individual faculty and staff members across campus. Faculty and Staff Briefs are produced monthly to recognize accomplishments and provide a space where honors, awards, bylines, presentations, grants, service and any other notable items can be showcased.



Remy E. Jennings, Ph.D. (College of Business) received the 2023 Best Reviewer Award from the academic journal Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 

Qian (Jackie) Zhang, Ph.D. (College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences) received the Anastasi Distinguished Early Career Contributions Award from the American Psychological Association. 

Karen MacDonell, Ph.D. (College of Medicine) received a new three-year pilot award “Optimizing Mobile Interventions to Overcome Stigma and Promote HIV Prevention Among Thai Young Transgender Women” from the National Institutes of Mental Health. This is a collaboration with the UMass Chan Medical School and the Institute of HIV Research and Innovation in Bangkok, Thailand. Other FSU collaborators are Henna Budhwani, Ph.D. (College of Nursing) and Sylvie Naar, Ph.D. (College of Medicine). 

Lucinda J. Graven, Ph.D., APRN, FAHA, FAAN (College of Nursing) has been honored with the 2024 American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing Clinical Article of the Year Award. This prestigious award celebrates the significance of written work in advancing the goals of the AHA and CVSN, highlighting the importance of cardiovascular nursing science and recognizing the authors for their exceptional communication of the nursing perspective in cardiovascular research, practice and theory. 

Anne Barrett, Ph.D. (Department of Sociology) received the Outstanding Publication Award from the Section on Aging and the Life Course at the American Sociological Association’s conference in Montreal, Canada, in recognition of her theoretical work on age inequality. 

Christopher Solis, Ph.D. (College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences) was awarded the Caroline Palavicino-Maggio, Ph.D. Early Career Investigator Award at the Brazilian Scientific Journey on Mitochondrial Deregulation in Brazil. 

Qinchun Rao, Ph.D. (College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences) received the 2023-24 Outstanding Service Award from the Institute of Food Technologists. 

Eric Chicken, Ph.D. (Department of Statistics) was chosen as the 2023 recipient of the Distinguished Achievement Award from the American Statistical Association Section on Defense and National Security. 

Lindsey Eckert, Ph.D. (Department of English) had her monograph “The Limits of Familiarity: Authorship and Romantic Readers” shortlisted for Best First Book prize by the British Association for Romantic Studies. 


Veronica Fleury, Ph.D., and Beth Phillips, Ph.D. (College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences) were awarded a $1,999,993 grant from the Institute of Education Sciences’ National Center for Special Education Research for the project, “Developing an Emergent Literacy Adaptive Intervention for Preschoolers with Autism.” 

Henna Budhwani, Ph.D., MPH (College of Nursing) has been awarded $1.6 million by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for a five-year study titled Research Expansion to Advance the CF Therapeutic Pipeline for People without Modulators (REACH), in which she serves as a Co-Investigator. 

Stephen Tripodi, Ph.D. and Tanya Renn, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) received a $226,699 Florida Institute for Child Welfare grant for the project “Responding to Trauma: Provision of STAIR to Juveniles and Young Adults in County Jails.” 

Xiaonan Zhang, Ph.D. (Department of Computer Science) was awarded a grant of $199,999 from the National Science Foundation for her project “Collaborative Research: CISE MSI: RDP: CPS: Enhancing Efficiency and Sustainability in Electric Transportation and Power Systems through Interaction-Aware Management.” Zhang was also awarded a $199,998 grant from the National Science Foundation for her project, “Collaborative Research: CISE MSI: RDP: NeTS: Enabling Spectrum-Efficient Wireless Coexistence for Heterogeneous IoT over 2.4GHz: A Hardware Software Framework Co-Design.” 

Erin Bush, Ph.D. (School of Communication Science and Disorders) and Lindsay Dennis, Ph.D. (College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences) received a Strengthening Future Families grant award. Strengthening Future Families is a public charity dedicated to helping parents help their children by improving parenting knowledge and practices. 

Kaitlin Lansford, Ph.D. (School of Communication Science and Disorders) had her National Institute of Health proposal “Listener Training for Improved Intelligibility of People with Parkinson’s Disease” selected for funding. 


Amy L. Ai, Ph.D., John Moore, Ph.D. and Yaacov Petscher, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) coauthored “Pathways Between Childhood Mistreatment/Victimization, Posttraumatic Stress, and Lifetime Substance Use Disorders in Latinx Nationwide” published in the journal Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 

Karen Oehme, JD (Institute for Trauma and Resilience Studies) coauthored “‘Treat Them Like a Person’: An Exploration of Behavioral Health Emergencies and Stigma in the Emergency Medical Services” published in the journal Stigma and Health. 

Bruce Thyer, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) coauthored “Prohibiting Harmful Practices Against Some LGBTQIA+ Individuals and Students in Field Placement: Recommendations” published in the journal Social Work Education. 

Gashaye Tefera, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) coauthored, “Transition, Adjustment and Healthcare Avoidance: African American Women’s Experiences and Perceptions of Navigating Primary Healthcare in the USA” published in the journal Healthcare. 

Michael Killian, Ph.D., and Sonnie Mayewski, MSW (College of Social Work), coauthored “Changes in Medication Adherence Across the Posttransplant Period in Pediatric Organ Transplant Recipients” published in the journal Clinical Transplantation. 

Joseph Watso, Ph.D., (College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences) coauthored “Low-Dose Sufentanil Does Not Affect Tolerance to LBNP-Induced Central Hypovolemia or Blood Pressure Responses During the Cold Pressor Test” published in the American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. He also coauthored “Hypertension and Ventilatory Responses During Exercise in the Fitness Registry and the Importance of Exercise National Database (FRIEND)” published in the journal American Heart Association. 

Joseph Watso, Ph.D. (College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences) and graduate student Jonathan Hoch coauthored “Decoding Exercise Heart Rate Responses Among Patients with Heart Failure” published in the American Journal of Physiology – Heart and Circulatory Physiology. 

Cammy Crolic, Ph.D. (College of Business) published the paper “Social platform use and psychological well‐being” in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, which was a finalist for the 2023 Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Robert D. Buzzell Best Paper Award. 

Lara Perez-Felkner, Ph.D., Yang Li, Ph.D., Shouping Hu, Ph.D. (College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences), Kristen Erichsen and Ladanya Ramirez Surmeier, Ph.D. (Department of Sociology) and former doctoral student Chelsea Shore, Ph.D. coauthored “Computing Education Interventions to Increase Gender Equity from 2000 to 2020: A Systematic Literature Review” published in the journal Review of Educational Research. 

Lara Perez-Felkner, Ph.D. and Shouping Hu, Ph.D. (College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences) with former doctoral student Teng Zhao, Ph.D. coauthored “The Impact of Merit Aid on STEM Major Choices: A Propensity Score Approach” published in the journal Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. 

Christopher Solis, Ph.D. (College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences) coauthored “Analysis of NIH K99/R00 Awards and the Career Progression of Awardees” published in Computational and Systems Biology. 

Jenny Root, Ph.D. (College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences) coauthored “Research Should Focus on Improving Mathematics Proficiency for Students with Disabilities” published in the journal Special Education. Root also coauthored “’For Whom’ and ‘Under What Conditions’ is MSBI Effective? A Conceptual Replication with High School Students with Autism” published in the journal Exceptional Children. 

Yeo-eun Kim, Ph.D. (College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences) coauthored, “Brief Research Report: Motivational Regulation and Motivational Interference During Study and Leisure” published in the journal Experimental Education. Kim also co-authored “Stay Motivated and Carry on: A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Motivational Regulation Strategies and Academic Achievement, Motivation, and Self-Regulation Correlates” published in the journal Educational Psychology. 

Casey Guynes, Ph.D. and Kristen Guynes, Ph.D. (School of Communication Science and Disorders) coauthored “Insights from a Pre-Pandemic K-12 Virtual American Sign Language Program for a Post-Pandemic Online Era” published on the online delivery of ASL instruction in Education Sciences. 

Antje Muntendam, Ph.D. (Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics) coauthored “Code-Switching at the Interfaces” published in the journal Languages. She also co-authored “The D(emonstrative)-Construction: A Newly Identified Left-Dislocated Configuration in Spanish (Linguistics)” in the journal Isogloss. 

Martin Munro, Ph.D. (Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics) published the book “The Music of the Future: Sound and Vision in the Caribbean” with the Oxford University Press. He also co-edited “Caribbean Generations” for the journal SITES. 

Timothy L. Megraw, Ph.D., Yiming Zheng, Ph.D. (College of Medicine) lab researcher Chunfeng Zheng and alumna Marisa Tillery, Ph.D. published the cover story “Ninein Domains Required for Localization, Association with Partners Dynein and Eencsconsin, and Microtube Organization” in Molecular Biology of the Cell. 

Matthew Goff, Ph.D. (Department of Religion) coauthored “From the New Editors: Pseudepigrapha in the 2020s” published in the Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha. He also authored a review of “The Cairo Genizah and the Age of Discovery in Egypt: The History and Provenance of a Jewish Archive” by Rebecca J.W. Jefferson, published in Dead Sea Discoveries. 

Brittany Devies, Ph.D. (Fraternity and Sorority Life) coauthored the article “Intentional, Inclusive, and Interconnected: Looking Forward with the Leadership Learning Framework” in New Directions for Student Leadership. 

Freddy Juarez, M.Ed., Jarred Pernier, M.Ed. and Brittany Devies, Ph.D. (Fraternity and Sorority Life) coauthored “Foundational Leadership and Organizational Wellness (FLOW) Model: Designing leadership learning for individuals and organizations” in New Directions for Student Leadership. 

Brittany Devies, Ph.D. (Fraternity and Sorority Life) and Kathy Guthrie, Ph.D. (College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences) coauthored “Foundations of Leadership: Principles, Practice, and Progress.” They also published an article “Engaging, Observing, and Reflecting: Utilizing the Leadership Learning Framework as an Instructional Tool” in New Directions for Student Leadership. 

Amy Hecht, Ed.D. (Division of Student Affairs) co-edited “The Next Act: Realigning Your Mindset, Purpose, and Career.” 

Perry Wisinger, Ph.D. (College of Business) published “Denver LEED Certification Multifamily Rent Premiums” in Real Estate Finance. 

Artur Luz Nunes Queiroz, Ph.D. (College of Nursing) coauthored the article “The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health, Associated Factors, and Coping Strategies in People Living with HIV: A Scoping Review” published in the journal International AIDS Society. 

Yijiong Yang, Ph.D., MHA, Hye Jin Park, Ph.D., RN, Chengdong Li, Dan Song, RN, Ph.D. and Jing Wang, Ph.D., MPH, RN, FAAN (College of Nursing) coauthored “Comparing COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage, Adverse Reactions and Impact of Social Determinants of Health on Vaccine Hesitancy in ADRD/MCI and Non-ADRD/MCI Population: Protocol for a Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study” published in the BMJ Open. 

Ibrahim Yigit, Ph.D. and Henna Budhwani, Ph.D., MPH (College of Nursing) coauthored the articleHIV and Intersectional Stigma Among People Living with HIV and Healthcare Workers and Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence in the Dominican Republicpublished by the International Journal of STD & AIDS.  

Henna Budhwani, Ph.D., MPH (College of Nursing) coauthored “Structural Barriers to Maternity Care in Cameroon: A Qualitative Study” published in the Reproductive Health; “When HIPAA Hurts: Legal Barriers to Texting May Reinforce Healthcare Disparities and Disenfranchise Vulnerable Patients” published in the J Perinatol; “Living a Private Lie: Intersectional Stigma, Depression and Suicidal Thoughts for Selected Young Key Populations Living with HIV in Zambia” published by the BMC Public Health; and “Social Ecological Model of Alcohol Use among Youth Living with HIV” published by the Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies.  

Lisa Hightow-Weidman, MD, MPH and Kathryn Muessig, Ph.D. (College of Nursing) coauthored “Barriers, Facilitators and Opportunities for HIV Status Disclosure Among Young Men Who Have Sex with Men: Qualitative Findings from the Tough Talks Intervention” published by the AIDS and Behavior. 

Kathryn Muessig, Ph.D. (College of Nursing) coauthored the article “Associations Among Family Caregivers’ Perceptions of Loneliness, Choice, and Purpose: A Comparative Analysis Between Non-Hispanic Black Caregivers and Non-Hispanic White Caregivers in a Population-Based Sample” published by the The International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 

Lisa Hightow-Weidman, MD, MPH (College of Nursing) coauthoredSexual Agreement Discussions Among Adolescent Sexual Minority Men in the USA” published by the Archives of Sexual Behavior. 

Candace Ward, Ph.D. (Department of English) was featured in the book “The Edinburgh Companion to British Colonial Periodicals” by Edinburgh University Press for her essay “The Afro-Caribbean Press and the Politics of Place in Jamaica and Barbados: The Watchman and Jamaica Free Press and The Liberal.” 

Delia Poey, Ph.D. (Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics) published an article “Seriously Different: Divergent Representations of the Latina Detective in ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’” in Clues: A Journal of Detection.

L. Lamar Wilson, Ph.D. (Department of English) published excerpts from his poems “Missionary” and “Take Me Back, Burden Hill” in The Nation and The Academy of American Poets. He was also featured in the book “This Is the Honey: An Anthology of Contemporary Black Poets” by Kwame Alexander for his poem “Quare.”

Henna Budhwani, Ph.D., MPH and Lisa Hightow-Weidman, MD, MPH (College of Nursing) coauthoredPatient and Provider Perceptions of Barriers and Facilitators to Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Access and Adherence in Black and Latinx Young Men Who Have Sex with Menpublished in the AIDS Patient Care and STDs. 

Lisa Hightow-Weidman, MD, MPH and Kathryn Muessig, Ph.D. (College of Nursing) coauthored the article “Discordance Between HIV Risk Perception, Sexual Behavior, and Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Adherence Among Young Sexual and Gender Minorities in the United States” published by the Journal of Adolescent Health. 

Michael Killian, Ph.D., Sonnie Mayewski, MSW and Schyler Brumm, MSW, (College of Social Work) coauthored the article “Inter-dose variability of immunosuppressant medication among adolescent heart transplants during video directly observed therapy” published in the journal Pediatric Transplantation. 

Lara Perez-Felkner, Ph.D. (College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences), Ladanya Ramirez Surmeier, Ph.D. (Department of Public Health), and doctoral candidate Rose Rezaei coauthored “Gender and Educational Inequality” in Mark Berends, Barbara Schneider, & Stephen Lamb (Eds.), Sage Handbook on Sociology of Education. 

Lara Perez-Felkner, Ph.D. (College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences), Tarik J. Dickens, Ph.D. (Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering) and former doctoral students Ciera Fluker, Ph.D. and Chelsea Armbrister, Ph.D., coauthored “Manufacturing Inclusive Excellence: An Intersectional, Mixed Methods Study of Engineering Identity among Undergraduate Research Students at a Historically Black University” published in the American Society for Engineering Education, PEER Proceedings. 

Lara Perez-Felkner, Ph.D. (College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences) and former doctoral students Kristen Erichsen, Ph.D. and Emily Saras, Ph.D. coauthored “Toward Institutional Transformation: Warming the Chilly Climate for Women in STEM Through Macrostructural Change” published in Frontiers in Education. 

Lara Perez-Felkner, Ph.D., Shouping Hu, Ph.D., Yang Li, Ph.D., (Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies) Jinjushang Chen, Ph.D., (Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems) former postdoctoral fellow Chantra Nhien, Ph.D. and former doctoral student Kristen Erichsen, Ph.D. coauthored “Gender Differences in Motivational and Curricular Pathways Towards Postsecondary Computing Majors” published in Research in Higher Education. 

Lara Perez-Felkner, Ph.D. and former doctoral student Ciera Fluker, Ph.D. coauthored “Latin* Students in Engineering: An Intentional Focus on a Growing Population” published in Rutgers University Press. 


Lisa Schelbe, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) presented “After 18: The Challenges Faced by Trafficked Youth” at the Human Trafficking Academy at St. Thomas University College of Law in Miami, Fla. 

Gashaye Tefera, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) presented “Conflict, Trauma and Coping: The Experiences of Internally Displaced People in Northern Ethiopia” Authors: Gashaye Tefera and Ponsiano Ngondwe and Others” at the 2024 North American Refugee Health Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 

Lisa Magruder, Ph.D. and Kristina Finch, MS (Florida Institute for Child Welfare) co-led the Workforce Community Cafe at the 2024 Florida Coalition for Children Conference in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. The workshop was co-hosted with John Cooper from Kids Central, Inc. and focused on the rewarding but difficult work of child welfare. 

Li Yeoh, D.M.A., M.P.T. (College of Music) presented at the 67th Piano Technicians Guild National Convention & Institute in Reno, Nevada. His presentation, titled “3D Modeling Integration in Piano Technology,” explored the use of professional design software and machine learning. The session highlighted insights from grand piano rebuilding projects and research conducted through the Florida State University Piano Technology Master’s degree program, as well as the 3D printing facilities at the FSU Innovation Hub.

Eundeok Kim, Ph.D. (College of Entrepreneurship) presented a paper “Sustainable New Product Development for Ten Thousand Villages, a Fair-Trade Social Enterprise: Empowering Women and Economic Development through Problem-Based Service Learning” as an invited speaker at the North America Social Entrepreneurship Education Forum organized by Catalyst 2030. 

Lara Perez-Felkner, Ph.D. (College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences) presented her research at two National Science Foundation Principal Investigator meetings in summer, 2024, in addition to the Engineering Education meetings in Portland, OR (ASEE). 

Devin Coleman, (Florida Institute for Child Welfare) presented “Fatherhood and Kinship Care: Evolving Roles and Policies in Family Support” at the 2024 Florida Coalition for Children Conference in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. 

Remy E. Jennings, Ph.D. (College of Business) presented “The Costs and Benefits of Personal Help Seeking at Work” at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Chicago. 

Rachel Bailey, Ph.D. (School of Communication) and doctoral students Sun Young Park and Junho Park presented “What I Eat in a Day: The Influence of Visual Body Cues on Body Dissatisfaction” at The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Conference in Philadelphia, PA. 

Rachel Bailey, Ph.D. (School of Communication) and doctoral students Pooja Ichplani and Yu Liang presented “Utilizing Competing Biological Motivations: Can We Decrease People’s Disgust Response to Lab Grown Meat?” at the AEJMC Conference in Philadelphia, PA. 

Russell Clayton, Ph.D. (School of Communication) presented “Assessing the Role of Self-Efficacy in Reducing Psychological Reactance to Guilt Appeals Promoting Pro-Environmental Behaviors” at the AEJMC Conference in Philadelphia, PA. 

Russell Clayton, Ph.D. (School of Communication) and doctoral student Junho Park presented “Examining Audiences’ Psychological Reactance to Christian-Sourced Excessive Alcohol Consumption Messages in The United States” at the AEJMC Conference in Philadelphia, PA. 

Katherine Dale, Ph.D. (School of Communication) presented “Inspiring the Nones?: Exploring Self-transcendent Media Use and Outcomes Among the Religiously Unaffiliated” at the AEJMC Conference in Philadelphia, PA. 

Jaejin Lee, Ph.D. (School of Communication) and doctoral students Sun Young Park and Ashley Johns presented “Beyond Organic: A Content Analysis of Sustainable Food Marketing Practices on Sustainable Food Companies’ Instagram” at the AEJMC Conference in Philadelphia, PA.

L. Lamar Wilson, Ph.D. (Department of English) presented poetry and conducted research throughout Italy for six weeks this spring as a fellow of the Civitella Ranieri Foundation.

Jaejin Lee, Ph.D. (School of Communication) and doctoral student Sun Young Park presented “Gut Health Influencers on Dietary Supplements Promotions on TikTok: A Content Analysis of Advertising Approaches” at the AEJMC Conference in Philadelphia, PA.  

Patrick Merle, Ph.D. (School of Communication) presented “Wellness Brands: Effects of Faith, Knowledge, and Skepticism” at the AEJMC Conference in Philadelphia, PA. 

Kate Schell, M.A. (Learning Systems Institute) hosted a virtual two-part training series entitled Qualitative Data Visualization and Descriptive Analysis. 

Candace Ward, Ph.D. (Department of English) presented the paper “Finding Its Place: Busha’s Mistress, Fugitive Archives, and the Novel” at The Research Society for Victorian Periodicals annual conference in Chicago, Illinois. She also presented the paper “‘Insurrection on the Wild Coast’: Novelizing Rebellion in Dutch Guiana” at the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism annual conference in Washington, DC.  

Carolina González, Ph.D. (Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics) and graduate students Susan Cox and Gabrielle Isgar presented the session “Wonder in Language Invention” at the WONDER: Human Experience and the Arts Conference at the Ringling Center in Sarasota, Fla. 

Qi Feng, Ph.D. (Department of Mathematics) presented the paper, “Reflected Schrodinger Bridge for Constrained Generative Modeling,” at the 40th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence in Barcelona, Spain. He also presented the poster “Constrained Exploration via Reflected Replica Exchange Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics” at the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning in Vienna, Austria. 

Christy Mantzanas (Career Center) presented “Navigating Career Advancement: Evaluate and Strategize to Achieve” for members of the Big Bend Society of Human Resource Management. 

Adam Hanley, Ph.D. (College of Nursing) was invited to speak at the Sofia University Global Mental Health Conference 2024. This year’s conference theme was “Enlightened Minds, Compassionate Hearts, and Embodied Wisdom” where he presented “No Self, No Pain: The Therapeutic Value of Self-Transcendent Experiences During Mindfulness Training.” 

Thayumanasamy Somasundaram, Ph.D. (Institute of Molecular Biophysics) presented “Persistent Identifiers and Cores: What are the key issues and opportunities?” at the Facility Operator Panel at the FAIR Facilities and Instrument 2024 Workshop #2 held at The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (MagLab). 

Juan Carlos Galeano, Ph.D. (Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics) gave the poetry reading “El Río es una Vena Delgadita en la Cara de la Tierra” (The River is a Thin Vein on the Earth’s Face) at the Biblioteca Amazónica (Library of Amazonia) in Iquitos, Peru. Galeano also gave a talk and the poetry reading “En Amazonia Todos Son Sentimientos” (In Amazonia it is All About Feelings) at the Ccori Wasi Cultural Center in Miraflores, Peru.  

Matthew Goff, Ph.D. (Department of Religion) presented the papers “A Past That Makes You Proud: Tobit, Ahiqar, and the Cultural Politics of Kinship in the Hellenistic Age” and “J.T. Milik’s ‘Discovery’ of the Qumran Book of Giants” at the international meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.  

Yijiong Yang, Ph.D., MHA, Hongyu Miao, Ph.D. and Jing Wang, Ph.D., MPH, RN, FAAN (College of Nursing) co-presented “Comparing Total Medical Costs of Surgical Treatment Versus Nonoperative Care for Femoral Neck Fractures Among Alzheimer’s Disease Patients: A Retrospective Cohort Study” at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) 2024. 

Tracie Mahaffey, Ph.D. (Department of Philosophy) co-presented on the panel “The Real World: Philosophy” at the American Association of Philosophy Teachers’ (AAPT) 24th Biennial Workshop-Conference on Teaching Philosophy in Westerville, Ohio. 

Laura Reid Marks, Ph.D. (College of Medicine) presented a poster “Barriers to Practicing Mindfulness for Black College Students Who Practice Risky Drinking Behaviors” at the American Psychological Association Convention in Seattle.  

Julia Sheffler, Ph.D. (College of Medicine) presented a poster “Developing and Tailoring a Nutrition Intervention for Dementia Risk” at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference. 

Jonathan Morgan (College of Medicine) presented an abstract poster for the Young Adult Center HealthForce Training to Increase HIV testing among young sexual minority men in Florida (YACHT) project at the National LGBTQ+ Health Conference at Emory University in Atlanta.  


Carrie Ann Baade, MFA (Department of Art) currently has her artwork featured in the exhibition “Her Temple” at LeMoyne Arts in Tallahassee. 

Anne Stagg, MFA (Department of Art) has her paintings featured in Hidden Layers, Visible Boundaries, opening at Tallahassee’s Venvi Art Gallery on Sept. 6. 

Jawole Willa Jo Zollar, MFA (School of Dance) Robert O. Lawton Professor was featured on the cover of the latest issue of Dance Magazine in recognition of 40 years of Urban Bush Women. 


Blake Renfro, M.A. (College of Business) has been appointed to the Tallahassee-Leon County Planning Commission by Mayor John E. Dailey. 

Lara Perez-Felkner, Ph.D. (College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences) was a section co-chair on the program committee for Spring 2024’s Council for the Study of Community Colleges annual meeting. 

Jenny Root, Ph.D. (College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences) was invited to join the editorial board of Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities as associate editor. 

Megan Buning, Ph.D. (College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences) provided mental skills training to the Major League Baseball Elite Development teams in Vero Beach, Florida. 

Chongyu Wang, Ph.D. (College of Business) was elected to serve on the board of directors of the Asian Real Estate Society. 

Brittany Devies, Ph.D. (Fraternity and Sorority Life) was appointed Editor-in-Chief of the journal Campus Activities Practice and Scholarship. 

Mia Newlin-Bradner, Ph.D., MSN, RN (College of Nursing) has been accepted as a peer reviewer for the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. 

Allison McHugh, DNP, MHCDS, RN, NE-BC (College of Nursing) has been appointed as a peer reviewer and editor for the Nursing Management Journal. 

Qinchun Rao, Ph.D. (College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences) was appointed President of the Chinese American Food Society for the 2024-25 term. 

Alina Dana Weber, Ph.D. (Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics) was elected President of the International Society for Cultural History. 

Kathleen Powers Conti, Ph.D. (Department of History) was elected to the Board of Directors for the Vernacular Architecture Forum. 

Setor Kofi Sorkpor, Ph.D., MPH, MSN, RN (College of Nursing) in collaboration with Push Aid Africa (PAAF), Inc., a nonprofit organization, helped donate over 500 health care books and tablets to four nursing colleges in Ghana to enhance learning. The highlight was providing a state-of-the-art SimMom simulator to a nursing and midwifery college—the first of its kind at the institution. 

Lisa Hightow-Weidman, MD, MPH (College of Nursing) is serving on the organizing committee for the Artificial Intelligence in Infectious Disease Workshop 2024. This event offers a valuable opportunity to explore the integration of AI and human-machine teaming in managing infectious diseases, to enhance patient care and clinical outcomes. 


Alina Bachmann (Florida Institute for Child Welfare) completed 30 hours of ICF-accredited training and part 1 of the BBCC Brain-Based Coaching Certificate® with the NeuroLeadership Institute. 

Vilma Fuentes, Ph.D. and Jeffrey Milligan, Ph.D. (Learning Systems Institute) participated in the Community College Administrator Program Alumni Symposium hosted by the U.S. Department of State. 

Jennie Robinette, M.Ed. (Learning Systems Institute) conducted a qualitative data analysis and video coding training workshop with the Large Class Pedagogy Research Lab. 

Marion Fesmire, Ed.D. (Learning Systems Institute) led several activities in Kigali, Rwanda for the Tunoze Gusoma activity. These included a validation of materials and a four-day training for 32 tutors teaching pre-primary literacy courses at the 16 Teacher Training Colleges across Rwanda, as well as a feedback session with stakeholders from the Teacher Training Colleges and the Rwanda Basic Education Board to set a plan for revising course materials used at Teacher Training Colleges to train student teachers in lower primary literacy education. 

Adrienne Barnes-Story, Ph.D. (Learning Systems Institute) and team members on the Strengthening Teacher Education and Practice Activity in Malawi supported teacher educators in planning and implementing 50 Participatory Action Research projects, produced two videos on phonological awareness, the STEP Activity and supported the development of a refined continuous professional development implementation plan. 

Russell Clayton, Ph.D. (School of Communication) spoke on the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Elected Standing Committee on Publications Research Panel Session at the AEJMC Conference in Philadelphia, PA. 

Linda Sasser, Ph.D. (School of Communication Science and Disorders) directed the 10th annual Summer Listening Camp at FSU Lakefront Park this summer.  

Selena Snowden, Au.D., Catherine Johnson, and Chelsea Alexander (School of Communication Science and Disorders) took a group of FSU undergraduate and graduate students to support the Special Olympics. Collectively, the team provided 418 athletes with hearing screening and made 155 referrals for medical and hearing health care. 

Augustine Kamlongera, Ph.D. (Learning Systems Institute) led the Year 4 Work Planning activity in Lilongwe, Malawi for the Strengthening Teacher Education and Practice Activity. This planning meeting included Ministry of Education officers, representatives from USAID and other Development Partners, and members of the Learning System Institute’s Strengthening Teacher Education and Practice team, including Adrienne Barnes-Story, Ph.D., Ana Marty, Ph.D., Marion Fesmire, Ed.D. and Probak Karim. 

Nicole Bentze, D.O. (College of Medicine) completed the Florida Medical Association’s Karl M. Altenburger, M.D., Physician Leadership Academy as part of the Class of 2023-2024, an intensive 11-month program training emerging physician leaders in specific non-clinical skills they need to be effective advocates for their patients and the medical profession. 

Please send items for Faculty and Staff Briefs to aprentiss@fsu.edu. We publish monthly.