Florida State University College of Education Dean Marcy Driscoll has been appointed president of the Council of Academic Deans from Research Education Institutions (CADREI), an organization that comprises deans of education from research and land grant institutions throughout North America.
“I am honored by my peers to have been elected to lead this organization,” Driscoll said. “There are many challenges facing education colleges these days, and I am excited by the opportunity to work with my colleagues on finding innovative solutions to some of them.”
CADREI, a non-profit organization, aims to prepare individuals in all aspects of education via collaboration of member institutions in the discussion and formulation of programs, plans and policies. Members of CADREI focus on various topics related to education including governmental relations, cultures and communities, accountability, education industry and educational leadership. The organization currently has more than 150 members across North America.
Driscoll will serve a two-year appointment as CADREI’s president.