A new student group at Florida State University has been honored with multiple awards from a century-old international organization.
The Society for Advancement of Management (SAM) — a nonprofit that shares management expertise in a variety of fields — recently recognized Florida State’s chapter of SAM. The group was organized by the Jim Moran School of Entrepreneurship in 2016.
FSU student Stefan Williams was a recipient of the National Student Award. Myles Blatt and Jack Shelgren both earned the Regional Student Award, which recognizes students for their contributions to the club and their involvement in community service.
Florida State’s SAM Club, which includes more than 20 students, earned the second-place award for chapters in the medium-sized classification, based on the chapter’s operations and community service. Members of FSU’s SAM Club helped feed people with disabilities at Gibb Mabry Village, worked at the FSU 7 Under 30 Speaker Series, sponsored two individuals from Boys Town for Christmas and assisted with the Harley Davidson Toys for Tots Drive.

“I am very proud of our club and the individual members who won awards,” said Bob Garner, who received the Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award. “Stefan, Myles and Jack led the club in numerous community service projects and to finish second for the outstanding chapter award is quite an accomplishment for a first-year club. Our case competition teams also made a strong showing and represented FSU well.”
The Society for Advancement of Management was founded in 1912 to promote members’ management skills and expertise. It has chapters nationwide.