Researcher awarded $1.2 million grant to study centrosomes and cilia
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If you don’t know how a human cell is supposed to work, it’s hard to offer a good explanation when […]
Doctoral student wins top award in evolutionary biology
Published: | 12:00 am
A doctoral student who studies DNA sequence data has won a prestigious award in evolutionary biology, marking the first time […]
Lecture to unveil new biography of "The Strangest Man," Florida State Professor Dirac
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He was one of the greatest scientists of the 20th century — a pioneer in the field of theoretical physics whose […]
Laboratory sets two new world records for magnet strength
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Engineers at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory are closer than ever to launching a new generation of high-field magnets […]
American Chemical Society names Marshall to first group of fellows
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The honors continue to stack up for one of The Florida State University’s best-known scientists. Alan G. Marshall, the Robert […]
Invasive species threaten critical habitats; oyster among victims
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A study of oyster reefs in a once-pristine California coastal estuary found them devastated by invasive Atlantic Coast crabs and […]
Florida State scientists unveil new seasonal hurricane forecasting model
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Scientists at The Florida State University’s Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS) have developed a new computer model that they […]
NSF awards $2.5M grant to Antarctic research facility at Florida State
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Times are tough, especially in the Sunshine State, but with a new, five-year, $2.5 million grant from the National Science […]
Florida State research group wins $1 million grant to study nuclear fuels
Published: | 12:00 am
A Florida State University researcher has received a $1 million, five-year grant from the U.S. Department of Energy for a […]
Troubled waters: Low Apalachicola River flow may hurt Gulf fisheries
Published: | 12:00 am
Reductions in the flow of the Apalachicola River have far-reaching effects that could prove detrimental to grouper and other reef […]
Florida State researchers putting science at teachers’ fingertips worldwide with ‘GEOSET’
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“What makes thunder?” “Why do frogs jump?” “What are we made of?” Those are the sorts of questions that curious […]
Florida State study reveals ‘sobering’ decline of Caribbean big fish
Published: | 12:00 am
Sharks, barracuda and other large predatory fishes disappear on Caribbean coral reefs as human populations rise, endangering the region’s marine […]