FSU researcher finds hate crimes committed by groups hurt the most
Published: | 12:58 pm
Hate crimes committed by groups are especially likely to result in injuries such as broken bones and missing teeth, according […]
FSU College of Education professor named ‘Pillar of the Profession’
Published: | 10:53 am
A Florida State University faculty member has been recognized for his outstanding work in the student affairs profession by the […]
FSU researcher finds adolescent views of law enforcement can improve over time
Published: | 12:21 pm
What do cheese, jeans and wine all have in common? They get better with time. New research from Florida State […]
Older immigrants living in U.S. more satisfied with life than native-born counterparts
Published: | 3:02 pm
Most people who immigrated to the United States for a chance to live the “American Dream” are more satisfied with […]
Breaking down bullying: FSU researchers find girls more likely to notice, interpret and intervene
Published: | 2:54 pm
Forget what you’ve heard about mean girls; new research from Florida State University finds girls are far more likely than […]
Women in a galaxy far, far away: Star Wars characters’ costumes reflect shift from power to romance
Published: | 3:33 pm
Changes in costume in the female leads, Padmé and Leia, in Star Wars Episodes I through VI parallel shifts in […]
FSU researcher finds data-driven evidence on warrior vs. guardian policing
Published: | 1:44 pm
The pros and cons of policing methods have been heavily debated for decades in the United States. Now, a Florida […]
Florida State University continues partnership to develop Nigerian reading center
Published: | 12:47 pm
Florida State University hosted a delegation of senior administrators and faculty from Nigeria’s Bayero University-Kano last month to continue their […]
FSU researchers find divorce has little impact on criminal behavior by adolescents, adults
Published: | 11:40 am
Divorce may contribute to a temporary bump in criminal behavior and delinquency among children, but it lessens over time, according […]
Sport management students get hands-on experience at College Football Playoff
Published: | 9:32 am
Education is a journey, and some journeys are epic. For Jason Pappas, teaching faculty and director of undergraduate practicum in the […]
FSU College of Education launches new programs focused on autism
Published: | 3:46 pm
The demand for autism spectrum disorder teachers and other professionals has increased dramatically over the years, and Florida State University […]
FSU College of Education dean named fellow of national kinesiology association
Published: | 3:41 pm
Florida State University College of Education Dean Damon Andrew has been named a fellow by the National Association for Kinesiology […]