Want to stay sharp? Continuing to learn throughout our lives stimulates our brains and helps us stay mentally agile, according to researchers who study aging.
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Florida State University offers learners over 50 a wealth of opportunities to explore the world through classes and activities tailored to their needs. Classes are stress-free with no grades, no tests and no required reading. Exploring new topics or learning more about favorite subjects is not only beneficial but also fun.
Want to know more about how humans might settle the solar system? The art of Laurel and Hardy? Myths about language? German or Japanese history? Winston Churchill? Mid-20th Century folksingers and repression by the FBI? Digital photography?
How about lessons on eating and living longer and healthier? Or experience The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party? Take a dive into foreign policy issues or a meet a guide to Florida’s hurricane system? Learn about the art of Ancient Egypt or medieval science?
Sound interesting? Learn more about these topics and dozens more in the OLLI spring semester course catalog. There are no educational prerequisites for membership or class registration.
Registration is open now for 1-, 2-, 3- and 6-week classes in-person on the FSU campus and Westminster Oaks retirement community, as well as other locations or via Zoom, which allows students to attend classes remotely.
Classes run from Monday, Feb. 17, through Monday, April 3. In addition to classes, OLLI at FSU offers one-time lectures and a range of activities, socials, clubs, field trips and travel throughout the year.
Full descriptions of all offerings, as well as instructions on how to join OLLI and register for classes, are available at olli.fsu.edu.
Instructors typically serve as faculty of institutions of higher education, along with subject experts.
For more information about OLLI at FSU and how to become a member and register for classes, see olli.fsu.edu. Need help? Contact Deb Herman at dherman@fsu.edu or Terry Aaronson at taaronson@fsu.edu.