“The University has become her home because of her extensive involvement with academic programs and community service.”
As a child of a military family, Allison Liby never stayed in one place very long. Continually moving, she didn’t have the opportunity to become attached to a particular community. But she sensed it would be different here. “I knew Florida State and the Tallahassee community would become the home I always wanted.” The University has become her home because of her extensive involvement with academic programs and community service.
She participates in the Honors Program. Through a directed individual study, she will be working on a research project for the Florida Museum of History, “focusing on a future educational experience for children with the Seminole Tribe of Florida as the subject.”
Allison is the vice president-elect of the senior class. With her qualifications, it’s easy to see why students elected her. She has served as an RA (resident assistant) in two dorms. As an orientation leader, she introduced incoming freshmen to the University. Currently, she serves on the University Admissions Appeals Committee and the New Student Convocation Planning Committee. She is vice president of public relations for the Garnet and Gold Key Leadership Honorary Society, which has recognized her with the Torch Award. In 2003, she was given the Panhellenic New Member of the Year Award. Today, she is the vice president of standards for the Kappa Delta Sorority.
Not yet into her senior year, Allison is planning a future as a teacher in inner-city schools through Teach for America. “There is a significant education gap in our country. All children deserve to have a high-quality education that will provide for their future success.”