Florida State University is ranked among the world’s top universities for creating patented technology, according to a new report from the National Academy of Inventors and the Intellectual Property Owners Association.
FSU was ranked 96th worldwide among universities for producing U.S. utility patents in 2022 for 33 patents.
“Florida State is developing a culture of entrepreneurship among our faculty, staff and students,” said Vice President for Research Stacey Patterson. “This ranking is a great recognition of the work of our research community in producing new, patented innovations that can ultimately be turned into commercial opportunities. We look forward to working with even more individuals in the coming years who are looking to become engaged in this process.”
The report uses data obtained from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and highlights the vital role patents play in university research and innovation.
The NAI and IPO have published the report annually since 2013. The report ranks the top 100 universities named as the first assignee on utility patents granted by USPTO.