The Florida State University Faculty Luncheon Series for Fall 2017 features the following distinguished speakers who will reflect on their scholarly research and creative activities:
Tuesday, Sept. 12
Anne Barrett, professor of sociology and director of The Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy, will discuss “Doing Our Bit: Older Feminists’ Activism in London.”
Tuesday, Oct. 10
Martin Kavka, professor of religion, will discuss “What Does an Atheist Theologian Even Do???”
Tuesday, Nov. 14
Michelle Kazmer, professor of information, will discuss “Natural Genius Cultivated in a Suitable Soil: Agatha Christie, Information Scientist.”
Tuesday, Dec. 12
Gregory Erickson, professor of biological science, will discuss “Breathing Life into T. Rex.”
The series is open to the public and takes place at UKirk Tallahassee, formerly the Presbyterian University Center or Westminster House, located at 548 W. Park Ave.
Luncheons begin at 12:15 p.m. and the programs follow at 12:45 p.m., concluding at 1:30 p.m. Lunches are $10 per session and reservations are required.
All reservations must be made by noon of the Thursday before each luncheon. Please mail reservation requests to UKirk Tallahassee, 548 W. Park Ave., Tallahassee, FL 32301, with a check made payable to UKirk Tallahassee and clearly marked “Faculty Luncheon Series.”
In order to pay at the door, please call (850) 222-6320 for a reservation, or send an email to office@ukirktallahassee.com.
The Faculty Luncheon Series is co-sponsored by UKirk Tallahassee, the FSU Faculty and Friends Club and the Alpha of Florida Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa.
For more information, visit http://facultyluncheon.cci.fsu.edu/.