Interim Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Sally McRorie has appointed Janet Kistner to serve as interim vice president for Faculty Development and Advancement.
Kistner is filling a vacancy created when McRorie, who had been vice president for Faculty Development and Advancement, was named interim provost following the departure of Garnett S. Stokes. Stokes has accepted a position at the University of Missouri, where she will serve as provost and executive vice chancellor for academic affairs.
Kistner has served as associate vice president for Academic Affairs since October 2012. Her major administrative duties in that role have included interdisciplinary hiring initiatives, development of academic programs and activities to enhance students’ career readiness, and preparation of the university’s annual accountability and work plan reports.
Kistner served as chairperson of the Department of Psychology from 2002 to 2012 and as director of clinical training from 1998 to 2002. She is a widely published scholar in the field of child clinical psychology. Her research focuses on children’s responses to stress and failure and childhood risk factors for development of psychopathology. She served as associate editor of the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology from 2007 to 2011.
Kistner has directed more than 20 doctoral dissertations and 30 master’s theses. A strong advocate for undergraduate research opportunities, she has been involved with more than 100 undergraduate students in supervised research projects since joining the faculty.