Florida State University President T.K. Wetherell has scheduled a "town hall" webcast and meeting with members of the university community to discuss Florida State’s budget crisis in light of anticipated funding cuts from the state Legislature. The meeting will be held:
Tuesday, April 21, 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(Doors open at 2:30 p.m.)
Askew Student Life Center Auditorium
942 Learning Way
The goal of the town hall meeting is to make sure that all members of the Florida State community have the same information regarding the university’s budget challenges and plans for the future.
Questions will be accepted by e-mail and on site. They can be sent by e-mail to budgetcrisisteam@admin.fsu.edu. Questions that arrive by e-mail will be accepted until noon on Tuesday.
Everyone is welcome to attend, but since space is limited, the meeting will also be webcast. In addition to its availability on individual computers, the webcast will be offered on large screens throughout the Student Life Center and at Strozier Library. The webcast will run from 3:30 to 5 p.m., but, if necessary, the meeting will continue beyond that time for further questions and comments.
The webcast can be accessed through a link at www.fsu.edu or www.fsu.com. The direct URL is campus.fsu.edu/townhall.
Information on the town hall meeting and the budget crisis has been posted on the university’s Budget Crisis Committee Web site, campus.fsu.edu/budget. (A username and password are required to access this page.)