Origins ’10, a series of public outreach events centered on the theme, “Celebrating the Birth and Life of Beginnings, continues through the month of April.

April 23: Science writer and social critic Steven Berlin Johnson will present “The Origin of Air.” Johnson is the bestselling author of six books on the intersection of science, technology and personal experience. His writings have influenced everything from the way political campaigns use the Internet to urban planning and the battle against terrorism.

April 28: The series concludes with a presentation by John D. Hofmeister, former president of Shell Oil and now a fiery advocate for overhauling the federal government’s energy policies. Hofmeister is the founder of the nonprofit Citizens for Affordable Energy; he warns of dire consequences if the federal government continues on its current path, which in his words represents “40 years of failure.”
Tickets are now on sale at the Fine Arts Ticket Office or online at