Florida Center for Reading Research Director Nicole Patton Terry has been named a 2024 American Educational Research Association Fellow in recognition of her extraordinary research, innovation and engagement activities related to young learners.
Patton Terry, who also serves as the Olive & Manuel Bordas Professor of Education and the director of the Regional Education Lab—Southeast, was one of 24 exemplary scholars selected for the fellowship and will be inducted at the AERA 2024 annual meeting in April.
“What an incredible honor,” Patton Terry said. “It is such a privilege to be recognized by your colleagues for the research you do in partnership with educators, families, communities, students, and fellow researchers to support our children. We have always done it together. That’s what I am most proud of.”
The AERA Fellows Program honors scholars for their exceptional contributions to, and excellence in, education research. Nominated by their peers, the 2024 fellows were selected by the fellows committee and approved by the AERA Council, the association’s elected governing body.
Patton Terry is the third FCRR researcher to be named an AERA fellow. Robert O. Lawton Professor of Psychology Richard Wagner was named a fellow in 2015 and FCRR Director Emeritus Don Compton received the honor in 2016.
“The 2024 AERA Fellows join an exceptional group of scholars, and we are thrilled to welcome this year’s cohort at the ceremony,” said AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine. “Their meaningful contributions to the education research field demonstrate the highest standards of academic excellence. They are most deserving of this honor.”
Patton Terry earned her doctoral degree in 2004 from Northwestern University’s School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, with a specialization in learning disabilities.
Her work focuses on children who are vulnerable to experiencing language and literacy difficulties in school. She joined FCRR in 2018, having served as an Associate Professor of Special Education at Georgia State University (GSU). She is the founding director of two university-based research entities — The Urban Child Study Center at GSU and The Village at FCRR — where researchers work with diverse school and community stakeholders to promote student success among vulnerable children and youth.
The Florida Center for Reading Research is an interdisciplinary research center at Florida State University. Drawing from multiple disciplines, FCRR investigates all aspects of reading and reading-related skills across the lifespan. Through rigorous and robust research, innovation, and engagement, FCRR advances the science of reading to improve learning and achievement from birth through adulthood.