The Mode L. Stone Building, home to The Florida State University’s College of Education, and Elliot Marshall Innes, P.A., a Tallahassee-based architectural firm, have received a 2008 Chapter Design Merit Award from the Tallahassee Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) for a 26,000-square-foot addition that was completed in September 2008.
The biennial award aims to highlight and recognize design excellence and to illustrate how such design plays an integral role in the quality of work and play environments.
The Stone Building project was selected by a jury of accomplished architects from across the nation because it achieves “an appropriate and sensitive blending of existing and new program components in a quality expression” and “maintains the spirit of the original building but manipulates the design in a very contemporary manner,” according to the AIA Tallahassee chapter, which represents 14 counties in North Florida.
“This award brings recognition to our clients, owners and building users,” said Brad Innes, principal architect from Elliott Marshall Innes, who led the project. “It helps Florida State University to attract employees and instills pride in the employees who work in the building.”
Elliott Marshall Innes (www.emiarch.com) and Childers Construction Company (www.childers-construction.com) recently completed the addition to the Stone Building and are currently renovating the existing building, constructed in 1978. The addition and renovations incorporate the exterior Gothic style prevalent across Florida State’s campus and add state-of-the-art classrooms, labs, offices and common areas while showcasing sweeping staircases and a grand atrium.
Upon completion of the project, the Stone Building will receive LEED certification, the recognized standard for measuring building sustainability.
The College of Education will host a grand opening celebration in March.
For more information about Florida State’s College of Education and all of its departments and programs, visit www.coe.fsu.edu.