Director of the Resilience Infrastructure and Disaster Response Center
Eren Ozguven is an associate professor in the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering and director of the Resilient Infrastructure and Disaster Response Center. His research focus is on the relationships among different infrastructure networks in Florida and how that contributes to an area’s ability to be prepared for disasters, such as hurricanes. In collaboration with researchers from a variety of different disciplines, he has examined evacuation routes, special-need and pet friendly shelters and the role libraries play in communities following a hurricane. In 2019, he authored a piece for The Conversation on how rural areas like the Florida Panhandle could become more hurricane-ready. He’s also been quoted in the Miami Herald, Tallahassee Democrat and other publications.
Contact Information
Phone: (850) 410-6146
Email: eozguven@eng.famu.fsu.edu
Topics: Hurricanes