Russell Almond
Associate Professor of Measurement & Statistics
Almond is an expert on educational psychology, with an emphasis on measurement and statistics, as well as teacher qualifications and school outcomes with particular focus on teacher knowledge and the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
(850) 644-5203
Betsy Becker
Mode L. Stone Distinguished Professor of Educational Statistics
Becker is an expert on educational psychology, with an emphasis on measurement and statistics, as well as teacher qualifications and school outcomes with particular focus on teacher knowledge and the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
(850) 645-2371
Colleen Ganley
Associate Professor of Developmental Psychology
Ganley is an expert in math anxiety and understanding the social, cognitive, and affective factors related to math learning and achievement, with a specific interest in individual differences related to gender and income level. She has investigated factors such as teacher biases, stereotype threat, anxiety, working memory, and spatial skills as potential malleable factors that may be related to gender and income-level differences in mathematics achievement.
(850) 645-5858
Insu Paek
Associate Professor of Measurement & Statistics
Paek’s research centers on item response modeling, test score equating, and psychometric issues in large scale assessment.
(850) 644-3064
Alysia Roehrig
Professor / Department Chair, EPLS / Program Coordinator, Learning & Cognition
Roehrig is a professor of educational psychology in the College of Education. She is an expert on educational psychology, with an emphasis on learning and cognition, as well as teacher effectiveness, professional development, student engagement, and literacy learning and instruction.
Topics: Educational Psychology Literacy
(850) 644-8781