The Big Story: September 7, 2021

FSU's 2021-2022 McKnight Junior Faculty Fellows. Top row, left to right: Justin Benavidez, Arienne Ferchaud, Mackenzie Alston. Bottom row, left to right: Tisha Joseph Holmes, Laura Reid Marks, Jennifer Steiner.
FSU's 2021-2022 McKnight Junior Faculty Fellows. Top row, left to right: Justin Benavidez, Arienne Ferchaud, Mackenzie Alston. Bottom row, left to right: Tisha Joseph Holmes, Laura Reid Marks, Jennifer Steiner.

Six Florida State University assistant professors from a variety of disciplines have received the Florida Education Fund’s (FEF) McKnight Junior Faculty Fellowship, a program that promotes excellence in teaching and research by underrepresented minorities and women. Read more …

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