FSU College of Law earns high national rankings for student quality of life and best faculty

Florida State University College of Law has been selected as the nation’s third ranked law school for best quality of life and sixth ranked law school for best professors. The college also finished first in the country for greatest resources for women and sixth for greatest resources for minority students.

The rankings were published by the Princeton Review’s Best Law Schools for 2024 list. Data from the rankings includes surveys the publication conducted in 2024 from 168 law school administrators and surveys over the past three academic years from 18,400 students enrolled at the schools.

“We are thrilled to be ranked the nation’s third best law school in terms of student quality of life and sixth best in terms of our professors,” said Dean Erin O’Connor. “Students often tell us that our collegial atmosphere and the quality of our professors are their favorite things about FSU Law, so it is gratifying to be ranked among the nation’s top law schools in those areas. Providing our students with a positive, inclusive and academically rigorous experience is key to their success in law school and beyond.”

“Students often tell us that our collegial atmosphere and the quality of our professors are their favorite things about FSU Law, so it is gratifying to be ranked among the nation’s top law schools in those areas. Providing our students with a positive, inclusive and academically rigorous experience is key to their success in law school and beyond.”

– College of Law Dean Erin O’Connor

The quality of life ranking is based on student answers to survey questions about sense of community, whether differing opinions are tolerated in the classroom, school location, quality of social life and research resources.

The best faculty ranking is based on student answers to survey questions concerning the quality of professors as teachers and professor accessibility outside of the classroom.

For more information, visit law.fsu.edu.