News Topics

Florida State welcomes the world

Published: | 12:00 am

Dennis Schnittker takes a tour of Florida State University’s new Center for Global and Multicultural Engagement, the first stop for […]

Ruby Diamond Auditorium reopens!

Published: | 12:00 pm

Blues legend B.B. King gives the inaugural concert in the newly renovated Ruby Diamond Auditorium in Florida State University’s Westcott […]

Carrie Roller

Published: | 12:00 pm

A hurricane sent Carrie Roller and her family packing the first time she visited Florida in 1995. “We were moving […]

Nina Hyvarinen

Published: | 12:00 pm

Nina Hyvarinen, her parents and two sisters emigrated from Helsinki, Finland, in 1996. “We arrived, each of us with two […]

Lauren Rizzo

Published: | 12:00 pm

When in Rome, Lauren Rizzo sang in St. Peter’s Basilica. In Venice, the venue was St. Mark’s and in Florence […]

Alexander Segers

Published: | 12:00 pm

In the hands of thriller writer Dan Brown, Alex Segers’ Honors in the Major thesis could become a blockbuster along […]

Christopher Matechik

Published: | 12:00 pm

This can’t have happened many times in the history of the university. Senior biology student Chris Matechik and his younger […]

Amanda Schram

Published: | 12:00 pm

Amanda Schram came to Florida State knowing she wanted to study engineering. She also had a strong desire to study […]