News Topics

16th Annual Mag Lab Open House

Published: | 12:00 pm

The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory opens its doors to the community for a fun day of entertainment and education. […]

Lara Musser

Published: | 12:00 pm

Ireland, Portugal, Italy — Lara Musser hasn’t exactly confined herself to the learning opportunities available on Florida State’s main campus […]

Juan Escalante

Published: | 12:00 pm

“Political society exists,” Aristotle said, “for the sake of noble actions,” and that perspective reflects senior Juan Escalante’s philosophy on […]

Stephen Fischer

Published: | 12:00 pm

“I’ve been a fan of Florida State since I was a little kid,” said senior Stephen Fischer, “so it was […]

Michael Fingado

Published: | 12:00 pm

Entrepreneur Michael Fingado knows a lot about hurdles. The son of two U.S. Marines, Michael was a junior at the […]