From bankruptcy to suicide, PTSD can wreck the lives of first responders. A Woodstock firefighter wants to change that.Source: Chicago Tribune | Published: January 3, 2020 | 9:53 am
The must-have for US universities overseas? A Florentine palaceSource: Times Higher Education | Published: December 26, 2019 | 9:58 am
Palm Beach County 2030: Facing climate change, a decade away and beyondSource: Palm Beach Post | Published: December 18, 2019 | 1:32 pm
Remembering the lost on the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the BulgeSource: Tampa Bay Times | Published: December 16, 2019 | 1:34 pm
Millions of burnt trees and rusted cars: Post-disaster cleanup is expensive, time-consuming and wastefulSource: The Conversation | Published: December 10, 2019 | 1:35 pm
Physics World announces its Breakthrough of the Year finalists for 2019Source: Physics World | Published: December 4, 2019 | 1:37 pm
For teens and college-age kids to thrive, parents need to stop doing thisSource: Deseret News | Published: November 29, 2019 | 10:29 am
Kids with 'helicopter parents' more likely to burn out, have a harder time transitioning to 'real world'Source: CNBC | Published: November 22, 2019 | 10:13 am
How Nanotech Will Help the U.S. Reach Mach 5Source: Popular Mechanics | Published: November 19, 2019 | 10:15 am
Maura's Voice funding FSU College of Social Work to help prevent violence against womenSource: TCPalm | Published: November 6, 2019 | 9:44 am
Can hurricanes cause earthquakes? FSU study says absolutelySource: Palm Beach Post | Published: October 28, 2019 | 11:28 am