Faculty and Staff Briefs February 2025

Florida State University’s faculty and staff are central to its mission and the key to its countless accomplishments.

Throughout the year, honors and recognitions are awarded to individual faculty and staff members across campus. Faculty and Staff Briefs are produced monthly to recognize accomplishments and provide a space where honors, awards, bylines, presentations, grants, service and any other notable items can be showcased.



Colleen Harmeling, Ph.D. (College of Business) was named an MSI Scholar by the Marketing Science Institute, an Advertising Research Foundation division whose academic community engages with member companies and addresses real-world marketing problems.

Judith Pascoe, Ph.D. (Department of English) has earned the 2025 Distinguished Scholar Award from the Keats-Shelly Association of America, one of the leading scholarly associations for the study of British Romanticism.

Henna Budhwani, Ph.D. (College of Nursing) has been named a Fellow of the Society of Adolescent Health and Medicine.

The Learning Systems Institute was honored with the Multilingual Education Leadership Award from the University of Maiduguri Language Centre in collaboration with UNICEF. Ana H. Marty, Ph.D. led the project that garnered the award with support from LSI’s Stephanie Simmons Zuilkowski, Ed.D., Adrienne Barnes-Story, Ph.D. and Marion Fesmire, Ed.D.

Damon Andrew, Ph.D. (Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences) has received the 2025 Earle F. Zeigler Lecture Award, the most prestigious award given by the North American Society for Sport Management.

Eugenia Flores Millender, Ph.D., RN, MS, PMHNP-BC, FAAN (College of Nursing) has been named one of TIME’s 2025 The Closers—a prestigious list recognizing 25 leaders for their dedication to outreach and impactful work.

Katelyn Bittinger (University Housing) received the Evelyn A. Wallington Advisor of the Year Award through the South Atlantic Affiliate of College & University Residence Halls in recognition of outstanding service.

Kathleen Powers Conti, Ph.D. (Department of History) won the Ambassador’s Award from the Vernacular Architecture Forum (VAF). The award provides funding for a student group and faculty sponsor to attend VAF’s annual conference to increase vernacular architecture work and VAF visibility on campuses.

Bridgid Shannon (Center for Leadership and Service) was selected into the 2025 Cohort of the International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement Practitioner-Scholar Community. She also joined the Bonner Foundation’s Teaching Social Action Initiative that is rooted in fostering students’ experiential leadership for institutional policy change for public purpose.

Joi Phillips, Ph.D., Erin Sylvester Philpot, Ed.D., Bridgid Shannon, Gen Ramirez and Rebecca Sardina (Center for Leadership and Service) received the FSU Service Scholars Program Bronze level recognition for the National NASPA Excellence Award for Service Learning Program of Distinction.

Ian Ploufe (School of Dance) is co-director of the film “Trash Panda,” which has won multiple film festival awards, including Best Documentary Film at the Oregon Documentary Film Festival and Best Southeastern Film at the Lookout Wild Film Festival.

Zhe He, Ph.D. (School of Information) placed third for his paper, Assessing the Seasonality of Lab Tests Among Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias in OneFlorida Data Trust,” in the American Medical Informatics Association’s (AMIA) Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Innovation Award category at the AMIA 2024 Annual Symposium.

Renisha Gibbs, MS (Office of Human Resources) and FSU alumni John Dailey, MPA, MA, Vincent Long, MPA and Kathy Mears MPA were celebrated at Florida State University’s College of Social Sciences and Public Policy Distinguished Alumni Gala. The annual awards honor accomplished alumni for their professional achievements, contributions to society and support of the college and university.

Lara Perez-Felkner, Ph.D. (Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences) co-authored the book “Latin* Students in Engineering: An Intentional Focus on a Growing Population,” which received a 2025 American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education, Inc. Book of the Year Award within the edited volume category.

Joseph Watso, Ph.D. (Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences) received the 2025 Environmental and Exercise Physiology Section Early-career Research Award from the American Physiological Society.

Kristy Anderson, Ph.D. and Melissa Radey, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) had their article “The Economic Impacts of COVID-19 on Autistic Children and Their Families,” published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, cited as a significant research contribution in the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee’s Summary of Advances.

Paul Renfro, Ph.D. (Department of History) earned an honorable mention from the Florida Book Awards for his work “The Life and Death of Ryan White: AIDS and Inequality in America,” in the general nonfiction category.


Cynthia Wilson, Ph.D. and April Yun, Ph.D. (The Florida Center for Prevention Research) were recently awarded a $6 million, 5-year contract from the Florida Department of Children and Families for their project “The Florida Linked Opioid Response and Epidemiological Network for Comprehensive Evaluation (FLORENCE).”

Karina Donald, Ph.D. (Department of Art Education) partnered with the Tampa non-profit organization, Dr. Traci’s House, is receiving an NEA Research Grant in the Arts for $20,000. The grant will support a quasi-experimental research study investigating the impact of online and in-person group art therapy sessions on physical and mental health outcomes for adults with hypertension.

Carolina Sofia Velasquez, Ph.D. (College of Social Sciences and Public Policy) has been awarded an Early Career Faculty Innovator grant by the National Center for Atmospheric Research.


Tenley Bick, Ph.D. (Department of Art History) published her book “Michelangelo Pistoletto: Figuration and Cultural Politics” with the Yale University Press.

Lynn Jones, Ph.D. (Department of Art History) published “Deconstructing an Iconography: Depictions of Constantine and Helena in Middle Byzantine Cappadocia” in the inaugural edition of “Valonia,” published by Koç and Penn Universities.

Yelena McLane, Ph.D. (Department of Interior Architecture and Design) co-authored the 4th edition of “Foundations of Interior Design.”

Jae Hwa Lee, Ph.D. (Department of Interior Architecture and Design) co-authored “Nurturing an Empathic Mindset in Human-Computer Interaction Education: An Integrative Review of Empathy Enhancement Strategies” published in the Journal of Further and Higher Education.

Lindsey Eckert, Ph.D. (Department of English) published her article “Bookbinding and the Look of the Romantic-era Novel” in the journal Studies in the Novel. Her essay argues that novels were marketed as ready-bound objects much earlier than society currently interprets.

Olga Lenczewska, Ph.D. (Department of Philosophy) published her book “Kant on the History and Development of Practical Reason” as a part of the series “Elements in the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant” with Cambridge University Press. The book focuses on philosopher Immanuel Kant and his perspective regarding rational and human reason.

Henna Budhwani, Ph.D., MPH (College of Nursing) co-authored “The Association of HIV Criminalization Law and Disparities in Transplant Education among People with HIV” published in the AIDS and Behavior peer-reviewed medical journal.

Lucinda J. Graven, Ph.D., APRN, FAHA, FAAN (College of Nursing) co-authored “Examining Heart Failure Informal Care Partners Using Person and System Levels and Domains: A Meta-Synthesis” published in the Western Journal of Nursing Research.

Lisa Hightow-Weidman, MD, MPH (College of Nursing) co-authored “HIV Outcomes and Intervention Experiences of Enlaces Por La Salud: A Personal Health Navigation Intervention Informed by the Transnational Framework” published in the AIDS and Behavior medical journal.

Kathleen Wilson, Ph.D., APRN, CPNP, FNP-BC, BC-ADM, FAANP, FNAP, DipACLM (College of Nursing) authored “The Nurse’s Role in Lifestyle Medicine – A Clinical Lens” published in the Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation program.

Lisa Hightow-Weidman, MD, MPH and Crissi Rainer, MS (College of Nursing) co-authored “Studying the Digital Intervention Engagement-Mediated Relationship Between Intrapersonal Measures and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Adherence in Sexual and Gender Minority Youth: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial” published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research.

Sladjana Lukic, Ph.D. (School of Communication Science and Disorders) published “A Semantic Strength and Neural Correlates in Developmental Dyslexia” in Frontiers of Psychology and “Verbal Short-Term Memory in Developmental Dyslexia: The Role of the Temporoparietal Area” in the Brain and Language journal.

Carla Wood, Ph.D., Sana Tibi, Ph.D., (School of Communication Science and Disorders) Chris Schatschneider, Ph.D., (Department of Psychology) Fengfeng Ke, Ph.D. (Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems) and graduate student Michelle Torres-Chavarro published “Computer-Delivered Morphology-Focused Vocabulary Instruction: A Pilot Study” in the American Journal of Speech Language Pathology.

Sonia Cabell, Ph.D. (Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences), Yaacov Petscher, Ph.D. (College of Social Work), Rhonda Raines, Ph.D. (Florida Center for Reading Research) and graduate student Ashley Edwards published, “Impact of a Content-Rich Literacy Curriculum on Kindergarteners’ Vocabulary, Listening Comprehension, and Content Knowledge” in APA. This publication received the APA Editor’s Choice Award.

Gashaye Tefera, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) co-authored “Barriers and Facilitators of Access to Healthcare Among Immigrants with Disabilities: A Qualitative Meta-Synthesis” published in the journal, Healthcare.

Lenore McWey, Ph.D. (Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences), Melissa Radey, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) Kristine Posada, MSW (Florida Institute for Child Welfare) and doctoral student Carson Outler co-authored “Informal Support Networks of Parents Involved with the Child Welfare System: Needs and Mental Health Symptoms” published in the journal, Child Maltreatment.

Melissa Radey, Ph.D. and Dina Wilke, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) co-authored “Early Career Provider Stigma Trajectories Among Child Protective Services Workers” in the Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research.

Gashaye Tefera, Ph.D., Amy L. Ai, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) and Sabrina Dickey, Ph.D., RN (College of Nursing) co-authored the article, “Post-Traumatic Growth Following a Cateory-5 Hurricane: An Exploratory Study of Black Communities in Florida, United States” published in the journal, Applied Research in Quality of Life.

Kristy Anderson, Ph.D. and Melissa Radey, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) co-authored the article “Material Hardship and Sources of Support for Autistic Adolescents and their Families” in the journal, Autism.

Angelina Sutin, Ph.D., Selin Karakose, Ph.D., Antonio Terracciano, Ph.D., and Martina Luchetti, Ph.D. (College of Medicine) co-authored “Loneliness and cognition in older adults: A meta-analysis of harmonized studies from the United States, England, India, China, South Africa, Mexico and Chile” published in Psychological Medicine.

Yaacov Petscher, Ph.D. and Michael Killian, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) co-authored the article “Clarity is Charity in the Advances of Casual Inquiry” published in the journal, Research on Social Work Practice.

Tanya Renn, Ph.D. and Stephen Tripodi, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) co-authored the article “Intervention Development of the Resiliency in Stressful Events (RISE) Curriculum: A Trauma-Informed Reentry Approach for Men” published in the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.

Shamra Boel-Studt, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) and Jonathan Huefner, Ph.D. (Institute for Quality Children’s Services) co-authored “Validity of the Quality Standards Assessment for children’s residential care” published in the journal, Residential Treatment for Children and Youth.

Gashaye Tefera, Ph.D. (College of Social Work) co-authored the book chapters “Khat use and its Impacts on Quality of Life: A Theory Generating Qualitative Meta-Synthesis,” “A Scoping Review of Interventions Focusing on Improving the Quality of Life of Marginalized Women Who Use Substances During Their Pregnancy” and “Improving Quality of Life Among Substance Users in Nigeria: Implications for Evidence-Based Practice” in the Handbook of Addiction, Recovery, and Quality of Life.

Mollie Romano, Ph.D. (School of Communication Science and Disorders) co-authored “Getting to the Point: Examining Associations Between Adult Interactional Strategies and Infant Gestures” published in the journal, Infancy.

Victoria Bartel, Ph.D. (FSU Florence) published “Dressed to Kill: Arms, Armour and Protective Attire in Renaissance Men’s Middle- and Lower-Class Dress” in an edited volume entitled: Refashioning the Renaissance Everyday dress in Europe, 1500-1650 published by Manchester University Press.

Steven Pfeiffer, Ph.D. (Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences) professor emeritus, published a new book “Parenting from the Heart,” an interview regarding the publication appeared in the Journal of Gifted Education and Creativity.


Jacey Darrah (Division of Undergraduate Studies) presented “Amplifying Alumni Voices for Student Success” at the CASE District III Annual Conference.

Wayne Hochwarter, Ph.D. (College of Business) gave a colloquium presentation “Health Care Research: What I Learned and What Needs to be Learned” at the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Collat School of Business.

Jacey Darrah (Division of Undergraduate Studies) presented “Amplifying Alumni Voices for Student Success” at the CASE District III Annual Conference in Orlando, Fla.

Terry Londy, Ph.D. (Department of Interior Architecture & Design) presented “Enhancing Final Design Drawings: Leveraging Storytelling, Depth, and Materials for a Deeper Connection” at the 19th International Conference on Principles and Practices in Singapore.

Amber Ward, Ph.D. (Department of Art Education) presented “Craft as Creative Inquiry: Relational Encounters with Folk School Pedagogies” at the 4th Virtual Conference of the Possibility Studies Network.

Adam Jolles, Ph.D. (Department of Art History) presented “Identity and Self-Representation in the East Harlem Community Resource Center’s Photo Workshop” at the College Art Association Annual Conference in New York.

Kristin Dowell, Ph.D. (Department of Art History) presented the paper “Fite Fuaite (Interwoven): Relationality, Land, and Language within Irish Art” at the American Conference for Irish Studies in Savannah, Ga.

Laura McTighe, Ph.D. (Department of Religion) spoke at the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Africana Studies spring colloquium on modern day abolitionism in Philadelphia, Pa.

Flavia Ramos-Mattousi, Ed.D. (Learning Systems Institute) had the opportunity to present two papers at the 2024 International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation in Seville, Spain.

Paul Marty, Ph.D. (School of Information), Vanessa Dennen, Ph.D. (Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences), Darren Brooks, Ph.D. (College of Business) and Robert Fuselier (Office of Digital Learning) presented “How AI is Driving Innovation in Academia” at the AI2 Summit: Artificial Intelligence and Academic Innovation conference at the University of Florida.

Alice Maxwell, M.A. (Division of Student Affairs Marketing and Communications) presented at the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) ToGather online workshop for “Meet the Best of CASE District 3 Grand Gold Winners.” She shared FSU’s student success campaign “Hello FSU!”

Danielle Porter (Division of Undergraduate Studies) and Stephanie Tillman (University Housing) presented “Innovating First-Year Experience Courses Through Connection and Collaborative Partnerships” at the 44th Annual Conference on The First-Year Experience in New Orleans, LA.

Bay Bennett (Campus Recreation) presented to the Florida Leadership Outdoor Recreation Association on different rock-climbing, anchor-building methodologies covering correct materials to use and various terrains.

Justin Hultman, Ed.D. (Career Center) presented a workshop on the complexities of undergraduate career decision-making at the 2024 International Association for Educational and Vocational conference held in Finland.

Tingting Liu, Ph.D., RN, FAAN (College of Nursing) presented “The Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Cognitive Function in Middle-Aged and Older Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial” at the 2025 International BrainHealth Symposium, hosted by the AdventHealth Research Institute. This study was co-authored by Jie Chen, Ph.D., RN and Jing Wang, Ph.D., MPH, RN, FAAN (College of Nursing) and published in the Journal of Geriatric Nursing.

Mark Zeigler, M.S. (College of Business) conducted the webinar “Speaking with Influence: Effective Techniques for Communication in Public Governance” for the Florida Association of City Clerks. Zeigler also emceed the SEMINOLE 100 event for the 5th consecutive year, sponsored by FSU Alumni Association and the Jim Moran Institute.

Changhyun (Lyon) Nam, Ph.D. (Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship) presented four projects at the Annual USASBE conference in Las Vegas, Nev. The projects were “Sustainability-Focused Art and Product Development for Entrepreneurial Learning and Intentions in Higher Education: A Proposed Conceptual Framework,” “AI Image-Generation in Higher Education: Enhancing Creativity and Learning with Gemini and Copilot,” “Optimizing M-Commerce for Young Consumer Engagement with Second-Hand Luxury Goods Websites: Qualitative Approach” and “Bridging Sustainability and Entrepreneurship: From a Kombucha-Based Material to a Green World in Higher Education.”

Jessica Pryce, Ph.D. (Florida Institute for Child Welfare) presented “Shifting Child Welfare Culture to Inspire, Strengthen, and Fortify Families” as a part of the 2025 Arthur L. Beely Lecture presented by the University of Utah College of Social Work.

Catherine Johnson, Ph.D. (School of Communication Science and Disorders) was a featured speaker at the 26th annual Southeastern Regional Sertoma Conference emphasizing the connection between hearing, brain health and quality of life as we age.

Zilong Xie, Ph.D. (School of Communication Science and Disorders) presented at the ARO 48th Annual Midwinter Meeting in Orlando, Fla. His presentations included, “Neural Tracking of Hierarchical Linguistic Structures in Second Language Acquisition,” “Effects of Binaural Unmasking on Subcortical and Cortical Responses to Continuous Speech” and “Subcortical Responses to Continuous Speech under Crossmodal Divided Attention.”

Lauri Lee, Ed.D. and Kevin Smith, Ed.D. (Florida Center for Reading Research) presented “Shining Bright with Evidence-Based Literacy Practices in Content Area Instruction at the 60th Annual Florida Literacy Association Conference.

Kerwyn Flowers, D.O., and Nicole Bentze, D.O. (College of Medicine) presented “Reducing Bias in Assessment and Evaluation: Criterion‐Referenced Assessment in Competency‐Based Medical Education” at the 2025 Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Medical Student Education in San Antonio, Texas.

Nicole Bentze, D.O., FAAFP, FAMWA, Rodica Vasilescu, Ph.D. (College of Medicine) and Katie Nickel, Ed.D. (John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art) presented “Visual Arts & Medicine: Using a Museum/School/Hospital Model to Develop Professional Identity Among Medical Students” at the 2025 Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Medical Student Education in San Antonio, Texas.

Joanne Saxour, M.D. (College of Medicine) presented “Innovations in Promoting Family Medicine Across Diverse Academic Settings” and “Training for Success – How Four Different Schools Prepared Their Next Clerkship Director” at the 2025 Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Medical Student Education in San Antonio, Texas.

Sylvie Naar, Ph.D. (College of Medicine) presented “Tailored Motivational Interviewing: Results of a Type 3 Effectiveness Implementation Trial” at the HIV Implementation Science Symposium in Jacksonville.

Christina Carroll, Ed.D. (International Programs), Ignacio Messana, Ph.D. (FSU Valencia), Megan Griffin, M. Litt (FSU London), and Giacomo Sproccati, MA (FSU Florence) presented “From Instagram to BeReal: The Impacts of Social Media on Study Abroad” at The Forum on Education Abroad’s Europe, Middle East, and Africa Conference in Athens, Greece. 

Nicole Patton Terry, Ph.D. (Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences), Brooke Solz, Ph.D. and Julie Baisden, Ph.D. (Florida Center for Reading Research) presented “Tools for Effective Reading Instruction” at the 60th Annual Florida Literacy Association Conference.

Veronica Fleury, Ph.D. (College of Education) and doctoral student Peter Marti presented “Using Dialogic Reading to Build Emergent Literacy of Young Children with Disabilities” at the 60th Annual Florida Literacy Association Conference.

Coretta Doss, Ph.D. and Rhonda Raines, Ph.D. (Florida Center for Reading Research) presented “Unlocking Complex Texts: The Power of Morphology in Content Area Reading for Upper Elementary and Older Students” at the 60th Annual Florida Literacy Association Conference.

Brooke Solz, Ph.D. and Julie Baisden, Ph.D. (Florida Center for Reading Research) presented “School Literacy Leader’s Walkthrough Tool” at the 60th Annual Florida Literacy Association Conference.

Andrea Barton-Hulsey, Ph.D. (School of Communication Science and Disorders) and graduate student Brianna Coltellino presented “Play and Read with Me: Early Literacy Intervention for Young Children with Limited Speech” at the annual meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children and Division on Autism and other Developmental Disabilities.

Cameron C. Beatty, Ph.D. (Anne Spencer Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences) presented the Keynote Address “The Power of Belonging: Reimagining Equity and Leadership in Higher Education” for Luther College’s Black History Month events.


Kara Wilkes, MFA (School of Dance) premiered a new contemporary ballet piece for Ballet Idaho’s Trainee Program at Boise State University’s Special Events Center as part of a choreographic residency.

Pavel Protsyuk, MFA (College of Fine Arts) exhibited his series of oil paintings “99 Bottles” at The Req Room in Tallahassee.

Rachel S. Hunter, MFA (School of Dance) debuted a new choreographic work at the Atlanta Fringe Festival and new audio work in the Atlanta Audio Fringe.

Tim Glenn, MFA (School of Dance) produced staging notation for the NYC-based José Limón Dance Company, supporting a restaging of Limón’s 1954 work “The Traitor.”

Katie Kehoe, MFA (Department of Art) exhibited in the 2025 International Juried Exhibition at The Center for Contemporary Art in Bedminster, N.J.

Ilana Goldman, MFA (School of Dance) and Malia Bruker, MFA (College of Communication and Information) have collaborated on Goldman’s second 360-degree dance film “Lychgate.” The film includes performances by former School of Dance chairperson, Anjali Austin, MFA (School of Dance) and fourteen School of Dance students.


Motoko Akiba, Ph.D. (Anne Spence Daves College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences) was named editor for the American Educational Research Journal and published her introductory letter in the February issue.

Stephanie Walker (Childcare and Early Learning Program) serves as Chairperson of the Communication and Engagement Committee for the National Coalition for Campus Children’s Centers.

Yelena McLane, Ph.D. (Department of Interior Architecture & Design) was selected as a Project Lead for Design Resources for Homelessness, a non-profit organization that shares information about applied research and best practices in designing facilities for persons experiencing homelessness.

Kathleen Wilson, Ph.D., APRN, CPNP, FNP-BC, BC-ADM, FAANP, FNAP, DipACLM (College of Nursing) was invited to serve on the American College of Lifestyle Medicine Expert Consensus Statement Panel for major depressive disorder. Wilson is the APRN/Advanced Practice Provider representative invited to serve on this predominantly physician-led panel.

Wen Guo, Ph.D. (Department of Art Education) is a co-principal investigator for a research project in partnership with White Research & Development incorporated, funded by the Wallace Foundation.

Patrick Merle, Ph.D. (School of Communication and Information) organized a discussion with local communication agencies including Moore Agency, Sachs Media, RBOA, SalterMitchell PR, ESPMedia and BowStern to discuss current industry trends and workforce needs to better prepare students for careers in communication.

Selena Snowden, Ph.D. (School of Communication Science and Disorders) led 12 current students and two alumni on the annual Guatemala Hears Trip where they provided hearing health care to 214 patients and fitted 174 hearing aids.


Zhaohua Wu, Ph.D. (Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science) had his research paper “Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition: A Noise-Assisted Data Analysis Method” surpass 10,000 citations on Google Scholar. Wu’s research paper is now ranked in the top 1,000 most-cited Google Scholar papers across all fields since 1970.

Xin Henry Zhang, Ph.D. (Department of Statistics) was elected President of Florida’s chapter of the American Statistical Association (ASA) for a two-year term. The ASA is the world’s largest community of statisticians.

Sindy Chapa, Ph.D. (College of Communication and Information) served as moderator on the panel “Communications & Public Affairs Careers” at FSU Careers in Public Service Conference.

Hye Jin Park, Ph.D., RN (College of Nursing) is collaborating with Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare to expand existing TMH telehealth services. This initiative aims to provide targeted support and remote counseling for aging adults in Wakulla, Jefferson and Gadsden counties who may be at risk for substance use disorders.

Tim Glenn, MFA (School of Dance) joined the creative team of the Leon High School Color Guard as a consultant and designer, staging the group’s spring production “A Million Dreams from The Greatest Showman” and choreographing rifle, sabre and flag segments.

Carrie Meyers and Jim Reynolds (Learning Systems Institute) led a Career and Technical Education workshop at the Florida Center for Research in STEM alongside the CPALMS team.

Rabieh Razzouk, MBA, Gena St. John (Learning Systems Institute) and graduate student Bhushan Dahal welcomed Farwa Aamer, the director of South Asia Initiatives at the Asia Society Policy Institute, and Maher Nasser, director of the Outreach Division and Commissioner-General of the United Nations, to the LSI offices to discuss LSI’s impact on learning worldwide.

Robert Hanna, Carrie Meyers and Jim Reynolds (Learning Systems Institute) hosted a 20-hour virtual instruction course “Leveraging AI Prompt Engineering for Engineering Design Pedagogy” as part of FSU’s InSPIRE activity.

Please send items for Faculty and Staff Briefs to aprentiss@fsu.edu . We publish monthly.