Jamie Purcell selected to head FSU Office of National Fellowships
Published: | 12:00 am
Florida State University’s Office of National Fellowships, which played a critical role in preparing FSU student-athlete Garrett Johnson prior to […]
FSU will host biologists from around the world to create ‘new science’
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Genotypes and phenotypes aren’t exactly household words outside the realm of the life and biological sciences—yet—but Florida State University biologists […]
FSU researchers participate in Indonesian partnership
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Florida State University’s Learning Systems Institute and College of Education will receive a federal grant to help improve educational quality […]
FSU to mark Heritage Day with tribute to President Emeritus ‘Bernie’ Sliger
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Marking the 156th anniversary of its founding, Florida State University will celebrate its seventh annual Heritage Day on Feb. 3 […]
FSU anthropologist’s brain analysis confirms ancient ‘Hobbit’ a separate species
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After the skeletal remains of an 18,000-year-old, hobbit-sized human were discovered on the Indonesian island of Flores in 2003, some […]
FSU to study ‘hidden-hero’ microbes in soil, water to help clean toxic sites
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Buried under 243 acres in an East Tennessee valley adjacent to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Y-12 National Security Complex, […]
At FSU, a ‘revolutionary’ approach to science education
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In a basement on the Florida State University campus, one of the world’s foremost scientists is working to ignite a […]
FSU philosopher wins grant to study how brain initiates action
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Since the beginning of time, philosophers and scientists have tried to figure out exactly how the human brain propels people […]
The state of organized labor: ‘Joe Lunchbucket’ becomes ‘Chris Briefcase’
Published: | 12:00 am
Labor unions are down, but they’re not necessarily out. That’s the verdict of Jack Fiorito, a professor of management in […]
FSU alumna Julia Zimmerman to lead University Libraries
Published: | 12:00 am
Florida State University alumna Julia Zimmerman will return to her alma mater to serve as the director of University Libraries, […]
D’Alemberte to receive 2007 Tobias Simon Pro Bono Service Award
Published: | 12:00 am
Florida State University President Emeritus Talbot "Sandy" D’Alemberte has been selected as the recipient of the 2007 Tobias Simon Pro […]
FSU study: Can prunes reverse bone loss after menopause?
Published: | 12:00 am
Could a handful of nutrient-rich dried plums each day help keep the doctor away by actually reversing bone loss in […]